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Everything posted by BETTA999

  1. as @Odd Ducksaid only bettas splendes so hope you luck bettas can be tricky
  2. just found this post because i love bettas ever tougth on gettin betta macrostoma 😏
  3. yes they will eat thing like bbs but primarily bloodworms and snail you should name him hummingbird because he swim he look like he floating in the air
  4. i would do some zebra danios or giant ones
  5. i wil give you an idea put in the jar some live plants like horn wort and it may sound weird but maintenance regularly the jar with water change why do you think snail grow so well in perfect planted tanks 😉
  6. i personally dont feed any thing with the name egg because even the shell rot horrible so yes try feeding algae wafer and i found out snail grow better when you dont want to
  7. yes i found crypts horn wort valsneria and amazon swords are the ones that grow m beatiful i have one stem plant that i dont now the name ( will post a picture) that grows me well but i have another one that goes well for a mont and then start producing horrible leaves ( will post a picture) this is the one that grows me well this is the one that doesent
  8. rip dad fish i had the same experience with my bettas the dad fish died but i have 22 little energetic bettas to keep and mom betta is hanging there with problems right now of what i think are anchor worms
  9. leave it for a couple of days more if it doesn't go down do a water change
  10. CREDITS TO @Swampbones JUST MADE ONE
  11. after blood sweat and tears for three months my tank finally established the snail population is up to five , eliminated naturally all the algae now i just need my plants to get pretty the thing is i buy new pla1nt they grow excellent for 1 month and then they start growin narrow and little leaves there is only left a ugly stem with 2 leaves
  12. BETTA999


    i am on the dean side i dont like at all rams horn mine are just ugly and get out of control but i have kept the population by feeding less and removing one each day
  13. I wanted to know what are your best : dry food live food frozen food
  14. welcome @Emīls keep updating for your tank
  15. @Zenzoyes they do i feed them omega color flakes and freeze dried tubifex from hikari
  16. yes it begginer friendlyand ints like horn wort it can be planted in any way
  17. my frustation are the snail having babies thanfully i scraped of the eggs before they hatched still battling the snails in the war for a planted tank
  18. cool proyect you have beautiful aquariums
  19. mmm get the fungused eggs out with a syringe and watch there egg yollk sacs when they disappear fed them thing like only the powder of rephashy and wathc this
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