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  1. Oh wow, I've bookmarked this site- thank you!
  2. Oh my goodness- My reds do that too! I usually just moved them over to the orange tank... never thought of starting my own though. That's brilliant. I, too, had a pea puffer in there who suddenly decided the snails weren't good enough for him, and after several years, started snacking on the wee shrimplets. He is now in a different tank, the wee murderer.
  3. Yesterday- Found a shed with eggs. Other than the few that look dark (fungus?) I'm curious if I can get the others to hatch. They have wee eyes now, so how long to hatch after you see eyes? Never done this before, so it's just an experiment. I tried (mostly unsuccessfully) to separate them from the moult, put them in a net, in front of a filter. Just not sure how long to wait before I call it.
  4. I've had the same problem with orange shrimp. My blues and reds are doing excellent. The oranges slowly die off over time. I suspect there's a genetic component. Other than lowering your pH like everyone else said (fluval stratum might help...) I don't think it's your fault. Try getting oranges from different sources... if that works, you'll have more idea if it's a genetics issue from the stock you've been buying from.
  5. Usually the pond waterfall does the trick but last week it froze the top 3 inches solid regardless and poured water out on top of the ice and eventually the porch. Took hours and a hammer, and lots of whisky to open a small hole for gas exchange. Looking at buying a pond or birdbath deicer for the next short deep freeze but most seem to have mixed reviews. From overheating the actual water instead of just a small ring, to electric shocks. My goldfish and i are both too old to deal with 3 inches of ice next time so I thought I'd ask you all. In the winter the goldies do their hibernation thing in a 45gallon tub on the patio- got tired of hungry critters eating them every winter- so once the water temperature is in the low 30's I move them to their winter tub. Still outside but protected on the porch from birds and raccoons. I keep the waterfall filter going but that wasn't enough this time. Thoughts?
  6. I suppose I could train my chickens to eat the snakes...🤔 there is no way that could possibly go wrong. I'll try the garlic first though... thanks!
  7. Anyone else have this issue? The net keeps out the birds but garter snakes keep getting in and eating my white cloud minnows. I pulled a 3 foot long one out of there last night and it was almost too full to move. I'm tired of feeding the local wildlife. Anyone have tips or suggestions to keep snakes out?
  8. That is a really good explanation of a very complicated situation, thank you, that makes a lot of sense.
  9. Oooh that sounds interesting... blue and green... huh. I guess I don't need any more arm twisting... time for another tank! LMAO 🤣 Oh! How have I not seen this graphic before?!? This is brilliant, thank you!!
  10. I've been told orange and yellow shrimp can't inter-breed, is this accurate? I currently have 1 blue dream tank, 1 red cherry tank, and a yellow tank. Would it be safe to add some of the gorgeous orange shrimp from ACoOp into the yellow tank without risking them mating and producing wild types? I've spent a long time culling and improving my colors so the last thing I need is some genetic roulette game screwing it up. I guess I could just get another tank for the oranges... 🤔
  11. Excellent! Are you local to the Snohomish area? Private message me the details ($$, location, etc) and we can set up a date and time for me to drop by, if so! I only need a few, around 4-5. Thank you!
  12. Thank you! Last I checked they only had orange, blue, and red. But it can't hurt to peek since it's been a month or so since I've been. Thanks!
  13. Hello, I'm looking to add some genetic diversity to my group of yellows but I'd like to find someone local to the Snohomish area who'd sell me 5 or 6. I've had so so luck in the past with shipping so if possible I'd prefer to buy local, but haven't found them anywhere. Any help appreciated.
  14. Well I'll be... huh. Learned something new today. That's really neat!
  15. Oh! I just put in a new light... I'll turn that down. Last thing I need is algae.
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