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Everything posted by BETTA999

  1. yes pea puffers could kill the shrimp until extintion it had to be 1 pea and 35 adult shrimp and it had to be well panted
  2. guppy fry growed really fast to me adults in 1 month but i live in a tropical climate and they ate mosquito larvae and daphnia in the pond they where
  3. 1 in my opinion the tank is good and be caerful online migth trow false facts like you can keep three goldfish in a 1 galllon bowl "" now the food maybe its the case that hes getting familiar to the place but try giving him natural alge or give hi a very yumy food like blood worms to get him eating or boiled peas remove the shell to get that pea paste
  4. i would recomend catching him and pulling it out with twezzers
  6. well so then the hope for the best on the bucket method
  7. yes so exept the wood but how do you now its a chemical that is killing your fish and not another thing so if thats the case put it in a bucket and let it realese everything thats harmful and change the buckets water
  8. ohh ok i hadent undertand clearly so you have some option put it in a bucket and wait till the thing dilutes changing its water every 3 days or bleaching every thing
  9. sorry the thing is that rescaping your tank migth caused troubel in the co sistem and the nuke thing i meant was that i didnt read it well and i tougth of "nuking the tank " that mean ripping every thing apart and starting from 0
  10. gold fish will always beg for food check there round if you se them well then there is no problem
  11. hi so i was tired of buting dried bloodworms so i decided to culture bloodworms i now a lot of people will be interested ok lets start : so its a 1 gallon tank the thing is that i siphoned some muck with bloodworms and they whre like 15 fortunatly they survived so i put them 3/4 of water an put a plastic bag with holes as lid today the BW{blood worms } started to hatch into midge fly and the fly started to reproduce now there like a weird spiral raft full of eggs the adults dont eat but drink a little water so humidity is recommended the culture is doing well they are the future food of my juvenile bettas
  12. i have fry so i water change every week it depends of size number of fish and plants
  13. ok up date on the bettas i had have agression problems with to baby males {i think } i had to divide them in one 1 gallon tank it is only temporaly the plants are doing awesome the cory have grown and i have a little crypt bush
  14. @KaitieG and @Grizzly try to find what does easy green pumps and use a syringe to put the amount
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