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Everything posted by FishObsessed

  1. Aquahuna, GloFish and tetras Also considering basic fantail goldfish
  2. I'm new to angelfish and purchased 3 baby ones a couple weeks ago. A few days ago I noticed ones dorsal top tall fin is starting to curl over instead of coming to a point. What does this mean or is it normal for some?
  3. @Fishminder I have read that fast moving fish can stress slower fish, as well as an overcrowded tank can stress fish. Maybe if your tetras are zipping around or if your tank was overcrowded it is causing your angel to hide and your rainbow shark to act out. But it's hard to say for sure. I would keep the angel if you like it and re-home whichever ones you'd prefer. This video that aquarium co-op did mentions different tank sizes for angels: Right now I have a 38 gallon with 3 angelfish (juvenile), 3 albino corys, and 2 male fancy guppies. I recommend getting your water tested/testing it yourself and picking fish that go well with your water type. Or adjusting your water to match the fish you want to keep. You might want to do some research and see what goes well together. From what I've read most tetras should do ok with angelfish. There also may be people that have been successful in keeping an angel and rainbow shark together. So it's more what you like in your tank so long as the fish won't be making each other miserable 🙂 and sometimes it might be kinda risk taking like "I'm gonna try this and hope it works!" But best wishes about getting it sorted! I know it can be frustrating to not be able to enjoy because you feel like you need to fix it. Let us know what you decide to do, I'm curious 🙂
  4. @Carolina Guy I hear you. I'm not actually adding one. I thought about it but had kept reading they need 55 gal min. But now I have corys in there. A rainbow shark I would maybe consider but only if they wouldn't harm the corys. And I agree, between the two understocked might be better.
  5. I really like the advice of @Carolina Guy....if you like the fish, dont stress and keep them. I agree that you did need to remove one of the rainbow sharks. But if there's any that aren't doing well or that you aren't enjoying, feel free to take them to the nearest LFS that will accept em. I literally just did that with an entire tank of fish...I had 16 tiger barbs, som male platies, and a couple snails. For whatever reason the tiger barbs would not thrive in my tank and I wasn enjoying them. I took ALL of the creatures to me LFS and started over. Like you it was a new tank and I wished I had picked different fish. Ideally maybe you wouldn't have to take any back but at the same time maybe it's part of the learning process. I love the story of the packed 29 gallon that @Carolina Guy shared tho! Maybe I will go ahead and add that red tailed shark to my 38 gallon...... But yeah great advice to not feel like you HAVE to adhere to all these rules, and if your fish seem fine and are staying alive then something's working for them 🙂
  6. Personally, I would add bacteria, which you said you did, then go ahead and add a few hardier fish that you want to have in there...or start with the betta, then add more after about a week
  7. @RovingGinger I keep thinking about guppies....I think I might try that before going with corys. Do you think just adding Wonder Shell is enough for virtually zero hardness? Thanks for the suggestion! I haven't had guppies since I was a kid but I love how they look.
  8. I don't know about the nitrites, but have you tested your water source to see if it has ammonia in it already? If you use tap water, it could possibly have ammonia in it. If it does, you could check out adding zeolite into your filter, or an additive to get rid of ammonia(seachem prime or something else)
  9. @RovingGinger i love the look of male guppies. I'm on the opposite end of the water spectrum tho....the most I'd want to do is add crushed coral to my hob. Not sure if that would be enough hardness for them.
  10. I started over on my 38 gallon. I have a great LFS that let me re-home my fish and sold me 3 juvenile angelfish. That's all I have in there right now. It's my first time keeping angels and I'm noticing that they let a lot of food land in the gravel that they don't go back and eat. Any recommendations as to what I can add that will eat the food from the gravel? I just had tiger barbs and even though they're not listed as "bottom feeders", they did a good job scavenging the gravel. So I was thinking what fish are out there like that? I know of the obvious bristlenose pleco, corys, etc. But I was looking for fish that maybe aren't known as "bottom feeders" but will consistently pick through the gravel. Not necessarily looking for schooling fish either though I can do that if need be. A few key points: I don't have live plants, my tank has just 3 plastic plants so any fish that needs a ton of cover or live plants to munch on isn't what I'm going for. I have soft, acidic water and so I'd need fish that can do ok in that. Lastly, the tank is 36 long, 12 wide, and 20 tall. Thank you so much for any suggestions!
  11. @DaveSamsellvery true. I moved to NC a couple years ago from KY, and my tap is drastically different here. I've only had my tank since May so I'm still trying to figure out what even works for me lol
  12. @Pekitiveyi blv the reason she uses a Brita is bc one time after a water change she woke up to her fish having popeye and now she uses a dose of Pimafix everytime she adds water to the tank. As far as ph, the tap water here has virtually nothing in it.....my kh might even be zero. I have maaaybe some gh and low ph. When I mentioned the tap water, that's when she mentioned the baking soda. I prefer crushed coral in the substrate and have a WonderShell but it has made such a difference in my parameters that might not be totally necessary. I might just switch to adding the coral into my hob and leaving it out of the substrate. Although I honestly would prefer to have fish that can adjust, or like, my tap water and just add dechlorinator. But how many fish out there don't need any hardness in their water ya know? I have only a 38 gallon. I keep thinking angelfish. Anyway, that's some of my deductions as to why she does it that way. The last non-chain fish store I went to had crushed coral in the substrate of many of their tanks, so I know this region is lacking in water parameters. His discus, gold balloon ram, and rummy nose tetra tank didn't however. I'm originally from KY and our water there water pretty optimal, mid-range in ph and somewhat hard. When I got my tank in May I added platies and emerald green corys, and then later tiger barbs. All my Cory's died after I got the tiger barbs. And all my fish since then at one point or another have acted off (flashing etc). In KY it seemed almost anything I tried would thrive. But here they seem finicky. So I want to get either really hardy fish or fish that can adapt to my tap like you said. I know that's a long response! It's just been frustrating to me to not have them THRIVE no matter what I do and to feel like I picked the wrong fish lol
  13. A one-size-fits-all medication for any fish ailment that doesn't harm any living tank creatures or plants, and can be used with carbon.
  14. @Carolina Guy fellow Carolinian, what fish and plants do you find to be a breeze here?
  15. Ok...I'm trying to mentally sort out the advice I received from PetSmart today so I thought I'd run it by you guys and see....this worker there seems very experienced, multiple tanks,showed me a picture of her planted tank and it look amazing...bright green,practically fake looking. I asked her what she "fed" her plants and she literally does nothing for them. She said they're just in gravel or sitting there with plant weights. No liquid fert, no root tabs. She may or may not have a good light for them. Is this possible???? She also told me when she does a water change (a minimal % of time due to plants and snails) she uses a brita filter (scratching my head) and always puts in a full tank dose of both API Stress Zyme and API Pimafix. Claims there may be diseases in the water that fish can catch. She also only feeds frozen food. And she uses baking soda in her tank water. I'm so confused after talking to her bc her planted tank that she showed me a pic of looks great and she literally adds nothing to the water for the plants Should I take her advice since we are near, or share, the same water source or does this sound as off as it did to me? Maybe I just have a lot to learn.
  16. Welcome! Metro Charlotte area here but originally from KY. I'm big time trying to adjust to this soft north carolina water. Your tank looks good!
  17. @Ben Ellison ok...so I put my snails in a bucket, hopefully they'll be fine. Dosed the tank, hope it works! 👍
  18. @Ben Ellisongood idea! i think I would try that but I have 2 mystery snails 😩
  19. Water param: nitrites and nitrates are 0ish, ph 7.0, kh 40-80ppm, Gh 60-90ppm I have tiger barbs that do not act right no matter what I do. They don't always act lethargic, but these are what I notice when they're "off"....symptoms: nervous acting, pale, flicking fins while staying still for long periods of time, darting to the top for air, red slightly open gills, flashing, scraping, not as eager to eat but they will. I've adjusted the water to raise the ph and harden it(my tap is soft and acidic), I treated with api general cure a month ago...which states it treats gill flukes, which I why I think it might be gill MITES. Is that even treatable? And if so, what's the best med? oh...I currently have a mixture of carbon and zeolite in my hob in case my ammonia was high. I just did a water change on Saturday. They get fed well.
  20. Just curious..... What fish out there (not just goldfish) dont need plants or caves to feel comfortable...that would essentially be comfortable in a bare tank with minimal decor?
  21. Welcome to the forum! Out of curiosity, which "hardy" fish did you end up going with? I too, have thought about picking hardy ones 🙂
  22. @DaveSamselli have an Aqueon HOB.... do you know how to add media to it without "cramming" it behind the cartridge? Currently I have the Aqueon quiet flow 30 and am using the regular cartridge in the blue plastic biogrid. I tried adding a media bag yesterday and it's such a tight fit it makes me wonder if the water is even flowing through it. Anyone have experience with Aqueon? I may post start another topic but I wondered if you had done this @DaveSamsell
  23. Angelfish for sure. Perhaps a bloodred parrot cichlid. A peacock cichlid or 2 might work well. Firemouth cichlid. Discus, one alone might work but again,might be a stretch. Definitely not an oscar unless you want to move it when it gets bigger. Also fantail/fancy goldfish would be an option. These are all things (minus the discus and the oscar) that I would consider, with appropriate water parameters, in my own 38 gallon tank
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