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Everything posted by GameCzar

  1. Just a fair warning music loving NERMs. I'm a sucker for Christmas music.
  2. Just found out that the singer/instrumentalist for one of my favorite bands passed unexpectedly in a tragic accident. I'm heartbroken. RIP David Longdon
  3. Need: A few more nano pumps and battery backups for power outages. Want: To breed pure strains of guppies sometime soon. Wish: More room! A fish room would be great, for guppy breeding.
  4. Welcome! Now we have to know what the stripey fish are. Maybe Zebras? 😉
  5. I'm pretty sure Midnight Pearl is what we have, and its really nice!
  6. There's a brand we got on Amazon called Pisces Aquarium Gravel, they show pics of them both wet and dry. It was super helpful, and its great stuff.
  7. Most colony breeders I see use guppy grass, hornwort, or some other dense floating plants. Of course, guppy fry are tender and delicious so Angels will find a way. We've been splitting up the males and females as soon as possible so we can control breeding a bit.
  8. Nice! Hard earned Im sure, but it has to feel good that your fish will be making folks happy.
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue-eyed_plec
  10. ❤️ the ol common pleco. Of course as kids everyone I knew that had a tank had a common pleco. We knew nothing about how big they could get. My pleco was the last fish standing from my childhood aquarium.
  11. Floaters do a great job too, and propagate quickly.
  12. That's a great choice! I'm also a fan of the Aqueon Frameless tanks! The Aqueons are on sale at Petco at a great price right now!
  13. Nerites are awesome! They are like little scrubbing bubbles in your tank 🙂 We have a Mystery, 2 Nerites, a Ramshorn, a big family of Assassins, and Bladders so its safe to say we love our snails.
  14. Are you overstocking your tank? A little, but with your good water change habits it shouldn't be an issue. I know a lot of people have a single honey for a centerpiece fish, and that tends to keep them a little less aggressive, so adding chilis and leaving it alone should be fine. I love chilis and they have a minimal bioload. Good luck!
  15. So I watched a great documentary about Beverly Glenn-Copeland called "Keyboard Fantasies", so I've been on a kick lately.
  16. Mystery Snails do have a male and female, so its possible you got all of one sex.
  17. Those kids are SUPER lucky! How cool is that?
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