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Aquatic Coder

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  1. I actually keep both of these species together. These are the best pictures I have of both of them together that I could find. I've had the Clowns for about 2 years now and the Parrots for about a year.
  2. For me it was Goldfish. I never had an interest in them and pretty much just skipped by the section in stores. My girlfriend loved the look of Oranda's with their giant head. One day we got lucky and found a large one for a great price right after upgrading a tank (still had the old one set up). I fell in love with the chunky face and silly personality. Now looking at the Fancy Goldfish section is one of the parts I most look forward to at stores and see myself keeping Fancies for the long term.
  3. Thanks I appreciate that! And yes that's how it went. The 10g is empty to be used for quarantine if needed so three running. There is definitely the craving for more but three seems to be a good balance to have time to keep them maintained well so the plan is to keep with that number.
  4. Hi everyone, my name is Connor. I'm currently living outside of Philadelphia, PA. I kept fish for several years as a child and then returned to the hobby a little over 2 years ago after having a 10g tank available for free. I always knew I wanted a tank again one day and I figured why not. I ended up finding out I loved learning about aquariums, especially community tanks and what fish go well with others. I am also an app developer and have always been making fun little apps for whatever hobby I'm most into. Having several ideas for aquarium based ones led me to nerd out even more about fish. Anyway, I had been wanting to explore fish keeping communities for a bit now to further my learning and hopefully contribute based on my experiences so far. I am currently keeping three tank. A 65g with Parrot Cichlids and Clown Loaches, a 55g with a large Oranda Goldfish, and a 36g community tank. I moved pretty recently and have re-done my tanks. Here are pictures of the 65g and 55g. I am planning do scape the 36g in a few weeks.
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