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Stealth Aquatics

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Everything posted by Stealth Aquatics

  1. The hard part that I don’t understand is that my tds meter reads greater than 300. I just need to test the water more.
  2. That’s what I’m hoping. I hope to just keep them super hot and they will do okay. I’ll test my tap water more, but I’m just concerned with the hardness of my water. I think rams are beautiful, I just want to do them if it’s okay if that makes sense. If not I’ll go back to more live bearers 😔
  3. I’m sure it’s from that plant. It has a map and everything and I can see the results as well as my house within the area it serves.
  4. See I’m just having conflicting results. Because my tds meter says it’s over 300 from tap. Columbus water says the plant is 120. I’m so conflicted.
  5. Hello, quick question, have any of you had any luck breeding rams in hard water. My water out of the tap is 7.4 ph with a gh of 8-10 per the api test. Edit: the Columbus 2020 water report states a ppm of 120 which lines up with the api test. Is this too hard for rams if I keep the water clean and temps high? dean talks about high temps, but doesn’t mention soft water. I know he has soft water, but I also know he lived in Ohio for a little. I wonder if dean had any luck breeding them in Ohio. I’m very interested in this fish, but idk if they will fall apart in my water. Thanks!
  6. I only have 2 display tanks, so this one is my favorite. It’s a 56 gallon. I currently have it stocked with: 10 rummy nose tetras 20 cardinal tetras 1 apisto macmasteri pair 3 sterbai cory 4 amano shrimp red cherry shrimp ( they are getting massacred by the Macmasteri) plants: java fern java fern sunrise anubias nana Anubias nana petit trident fern fissidens Moss java moss bucephalandra green wavy and red mini flame sword bacopa caroliniana Crypt lucens one other can’t remember the name haha its a high tech setup that has plagued me with BBA the whole time. Can’t get it under control but it’s my first tank larger than 5 gallons
  7. I’m just selling online. It’s a lot of work though haha. I’m going to try to get into a local store here once I get another strain of shrimp or something. I’m currently doing market research. I just don’t want to show up with just cherry shrimp to sell.
  8. That looks great! My wife basically said I had to find a way to find the fish hobby a little. So I’m selling shrimp and maybe will be breeding corys. This small operation so far is bringing in about 300-400 a month. I would say it is working pretty well
  9. My favorite so far is between my 56 gallon or 50 gallon from aquarium masters. It’s on a 40 breeder footprint, but a few inches taller. Allows me to grow more plants in the background taller. I really would like a 75 gallon though. I just don’t have the space for it upstairs and I like to interact and watch my fish several times a day.
  10. Thank you so much! This hobby has stretched me a little because I am not the handy man. My brain just doesn’t see how things work sometimes. My wife thinks it’s hilarious. I will most likely be building these thanks! This community is incredible!
  11. I’m looking to get a sieve for the brine shrimp I’m going to start hatching, as I don’t want the salt in the water for me. I know dean and Cory do it differently. what size micron sieve do I need to keep the BBS? Thanks!
  12. New product. Not game changer but I can’t find any, tank lids that open the width of the tank and not length. That is all
  13. Man that really is a downer. Cory! You guys need to make this and sell it.
  14. Hello, im trying to find a glass lid top that will fit a 10 gallon when it’s turned longways down you can have several on a shelf, but all of the lids I can see open the length of the tanks and not the width of the tank if that makes sense. I need lids that open like deans fish room. Does anyone know where to buy them? Thanks!
  15. Hello! This is an updated picture of my fish room dedicated to shrimp for profit. I’m moving only as fast as cash will allow me. I know I could have done more 10s or some 20s, but I wanted my premium RCS in the 20L so that way I can monitor and cull easier. I might add another 10 gallon or a 20. Maybe down the road build another stand for below and put some more tanks on it. Nothing fancy, this is all I can afford currently. No fancy auto water changes or drains (though my washer and dryer are right by it and I could use that drain (TBD)). I have a stingray light coming as well as an Amazon basics long power strip for behind the tanks to clean things up. Just wanted to share what I’m up to. I’m really enjoying this and I love seeing the messages from people saying how they love my shrimp. you can clearly see aquarium coops influence on me. Seen are their sponge filters, I’m getting the finnex light, the Ned trio is sitting there ect. Haha.
  16. Okay so I watched her flex and bend and show belly. She is a yellow hue, not as yellow as the cacatouides I saw at the LFS that spawned there, but is more yellow than I got her. She is staying in the cave, but will briefly venture out to look around say 6inch radius before she goes back to the cave. I guess I’ll wait until I see her take her fry out.
  17. Hello, first time apisto owner. I have apisto macmasteri and I have been noticing breeding behavior. Lots of flaring, she is more yellow and showing the tank boss her belly. She is staying more in the location of the cave, but do they come out of the cave if they have eggs they are tending to, or are they like male plecos that stay with them. I don’t want to disturb her aquarium coop hut haha. pictured is my male thanks!
  18. Use a pond pump to pump water from your sink to your tanks. I put a 2.5 gallon bucket in the sink and get it to temp and then sit back while it pumps the water for me. No more 5 gallon buckets.
  19. This is why fishkeeping is so much harder than other hobbies or pet keeping. You don’t have to think about the weight of your dog or how hot or cold the air is in the house of your dog, or if his cage will be too heavy for the floor, or worry about anything really haha. This hobby has taught me wayyy more than just fishkeeping. You are like a carpenter, plumber, chemist, and biologist all in one haha.
  20. It will only be 50-100$ more and won’t include the heater though. ☹️
  21. I have a pair of apisto macmasteri in my 56 gallon (40 breeder but taller). I have cardinal tetras and rummy nose above them. I have 3 sterbai corys, and wanted to expand their numbers but decided not to since I have the apistos. I’m just now getting breeding action from my apistos and everything seems to be working okay. It’s my first time keeping apistos as well. I always wanted to keep them but as a newer aquarist I was nervous.
  22. I have a medium sponge in my 20L, but it’s my cherry shrimp for profit tank and the shrimp go nuts on the filter, so I figured a medium was fine. Doesn’t generate too much flow for it.
  23. I have had shrimp with honey gouramis and I never saw them hunt them down. They primarily study near the top. guppies will prey on the babies a little, but I have a S Repens carpet so the shrimp just stay in there for a while til they are big enough.
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