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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. I don't run heaters in my tanks (thanks @Cory for your videos about that). My 2, 20 gallon tanks are in my kitchen, the heater that I keep on in the colder months is at 79 (I like the heat too), my tanks today were 76.2 (fish don't mind it, as evidenced by the breeding going on in one tank). Summer months I run my air at 75 and the tanks are in the 74 degree range (fish still don't mind, kitchen always warmest room in the house and has a stove that has an always on pilot light so it's probably more like 77 degrees in the kitchen during the summer). I don't have any trouble with evaporation, I have tight fitting glass Aqueon lids with airlines out the very back (but I also change water 1x a week).
  2. @Andy's Fish Den I've not had luck so far with my group of Otos feeding veggies, however when the babies move into the grow out tank I'll build, I will try again. They've all taken very well to algae wafers, which can be tricky too. So here's hoping.
  3. @Gideyon clever idea! And so inexpensive! I'm sure a lot of us have different ways we've found to handle test tubes- it'd be interesting if this became that kind of thread. I use 2 clear glass coffee cups- empties on one side, I take each and fill them all with water first. Then I take them one at a time as I test. The ones that have to be timed I put on the table in front of the bottle, but I can discard my PH, KH, GH, in the empty cup right away since there's no time on it. I haven't broken any yet. *fingers crossed* I've looked at a lot of holders but they never seem to have a place to put the caps....
  4. @Hobbit thanks for that. I think I might look for bowls or something for "human consumption" that sounds a little easier. @Fish Folk really that's my concern with Otos. A new grow out tank isn't going to have much for algae. Granted I am feeding the Hikari Algae Wafers and they seem to be doing fine, but for an example yesterday I changed out the breeder box to a bigger one- the small one has obvious growth on the sides since it's been in the tank for a month. I found one of my little ones deceased today though I placed some rocks covered in algae and some crushed wafer. This could have just been a natural casualty but it does make me wonder since the events were close together if they are related. I have my current quarantine tank that has a few items in it with growth, and of course I can switch out rocks from the tank they came from every day if I have to, and continue with Hikari- but since Otos are often seen grazing on the sides of tanks it makes me worry that I will have potentially significant losses.
  5. I think it looks great. Pea Puffer stinkin' cute too.
  6. @Isaac M I will keep that Oto thread open and updated, in case it helps others (it's helping me anyway, ha) and of course for entertainment purposes. @Daniel yay! Something new to get obsessed over! Thanks for the link.
  7. @Hobbit any tips you can give me for the grow out tank since you've raised fry? Any unforeseen things you wished you knew? I figure I'll pilfer a filter from the running tank (sponge). Get some basic lighting (what do you run on your 10?). Do you use the basic garden terracotta pots from a plant nursery? Do you plug the holes?
  8. Welcome fellow Phoenix, I too, like to give old things new life but I'm technologically challanged so I go with antiques instead. Takes all kinds in the world. Your Blue Ram is gorgeous!
  9. @Hobbit Exactly what I was thinking in terms of catching the Otos if I were to use my new tank. Would be difficult. I plan on keeping a few for the new tank, just not 30 (I want to try pygmy corys too this time). I guess if THOSE Otos also bred going with a 3rd grow out tank is likely for the best. It is looking like my 3 gallon hospital/quarantine tank will need to move forth from the world. My plan was exactly as you have yours on a 10, just go bare botttom as my 3 gallon is now with some shelter and live plants (now I'd have to add as it is I only have an old moss ball and Anubias Nana on wood). It is much easier for clean up when I do have something in there and I can move the plants in and out depending on what's going in the tank. I think it's time to go to pots like you, at least for this new tank. All the resident/breeding Otos are going to stay where they are plus a few of their babies, I'm going to keep that tank at 20 fish as it was it was already at 17 not including the snail inhabitants. I have a feeling there are more in there I just don't see them all at one time. Everybody is peeing in the pool, daily water changes have been a must but it's really not that bad. Bought the babies a bigger breeding box today, and had to make some floating airline bumpers because my fat snails kept giving me a heartattack trying to sink their ship. Honestly I'm surprised being almost a month in they don't grow faster. I'm guessing another 30? Maybe 60 days to young adult size? Not a clue. Not a Scooby Doo. Thanks for your comments about my new tank. I went with the glass (again, but this time more) because I'm using carpeting clover and I only wanted it on one side to create some contrast with the other plants coming in. Figured putting a symbolic river between them would help keep it on its side.
  10. So I just got back from my lfs to talk to them about my Oto baby explosion and thought I'd do research for my 2nd tank that's running. I had these in mind, wanted to see them in person as they are always better that way. I am in LOVE with these lil fish!! If they fit my parameters I'll totally be getting a group. They move fast so....
  11. Ok fishy friends, I just got back from the LFS about my explosion of Otos. Funny the gentleman behind the counter reacted with quite a bit of shock *he'd* never heard of them breeding "in captivity". Even still they will do a trade of 30% on the price they sell them for which is for me a bit over a dollar a piece at their prices. I have to get them to young adults first though so here's my next question: I have space for maybe only 1 more 10 gallon aquarium, I could set that up with a sponge filter from one of my running tanks and I'd likely do a bare bottom at least for some time until I figure out how much/often my catfish will be breeding (do they do this ALL the time? -caught another one yesterday- I nave no clue, which could be an argument for just going all out with the tank). I'd have to be extra dilligent about water changes and possibly put a couple of filters on it since there's 30 and counting.... __OR__ I have my 2nd 20 gallon up and running. It's still fairly immature but it started with the sponge filter from the tank my Otos were born in, and I got a good algae crop going, plants are doing good. I suppose I could put them in there and let them grow out as well- though I'd like to have something other than just Otos in there at some point. Either way they're all being raised on algae wafer so there won't be any shortage of food since they're pretty much trained to eat it. Any opinions? I've attached a pic of my newer tank just for reference.
  12. Oh I totally get that paranoia especially when you battle something ugly. I've battled Ich twice.
  13. My question is if you put pleco in a separate tank and watch for in or outward signs of illness and they have none, why treat? Just a consideration, little one has already had a kitchen sink full of treatment. 😁 I will say though, if you still want to I've had particular good luck with quarantining using Paraguard. Used it on some Otos which are particularly sensitive in the 1st 30 days (they had Ich) and they endured all.
  14. @Isaac M just what their parents have been eating, but crushed, Hikari Algae wafers. The oldest are now 25 days old. I continue to find more in different stages of life. If you look close you can see a couple that elude me in the tank (bottom right, side left).
  15. @Isaac M hi! I'm sorry I don't have an answer there but it looks like you have a super happy plant! Good pic too
  16. @JettsPapa oh I agree, I see a whole lot of color in the pics I found on the net BUT they are dark colors. Not as flashy as a brightly colored fish. I feel like those kinds of fish get more attention in the aquarium trade at times.
  17. xXInkedPhoenixX


    @Nancy I'm sorry, I have nothing helpful to say here, but I had to make a comment- MUCH sympathy to you and the loss of you fish friends. I'm sure all of us understand and it's definitely NOT silly, they really are finned family.
  18. Wow! So pretty, never even heard of them. I used to work in an animal shelter. Black cats and dogs were always the last to be adopted because they're common and didn't stand out. I feel like fish are similar, these seem to have a lot of silver- which I love. They're not flashy like Bettas for example- but I bet they are killer in a group.
  19. @Krakens_tanks aww what's making you nervous? I'd be more impatient hehe. (that's why I use fake plants for a while, I want to see it filled in)
  20. Personally I think it's going to look great when those plants grow in.
  21. @beaka quick internet searches confirm it is safe for snails (mystery snails specifically as well). I tend to pull my snails to quarantine tanks anyway just in case.
  22. @Daniel I love that analogy! (nowadays the louder and more tactile my keys the better, I type for a living). This is exactly why I'm glad I never got that Rhinopias- more advanced and harder to feed. I could NEVER go on vacation. Though that whole "Otocinclus is an intermediate breeder..." thing really threw my easy level tank plans to the wayside....
  23. @Theameturefishtankkeeper I also have to say while I'm assuming the Betta is the one to watch out for you also have to consider whether or not you have any fin nippers. I have Harlequins and I have not known them to be as such, and I don't think guppies are (never kept them but they've got longer fins so if they do ok without being nipped your Betta could be ok) I'd keep an eye out for it.
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