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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. I will have to throw my hat in the ring here and say Harlequin Rasboras. They can be in your pH level. They are beautifully colored when they are happy and well cared for (mine are red/orange/silver/black and sparkly, school very tightly, get pretty big (not as big as honey gourami but they are nothin to sneeze at) and will add very nice contrasting colors to your tank!
  2. Perfect!!! With sponges I always have a back up on hand. Running 2 in a tank like I do is nice, for a QT all I have to do is pilfer 1 out of the tank and then plug in my back up sponge. Easy peasy!
  3. That totally makes sense (I just liked a similar comment) gravel allows stuff to fall between it (breathing makes even more sense). My Parent tank only has gravel at the front and some caribsea eco complete under it (gravel) at the back (where I planted when I first set up the tank). Though not totally ideal I actually feel like the gravel in the tank is easy to spot clean in front for aesthetics sake (read: for ME) but I know it's got all sorts of mulmy goodness trapped at the back of the tank which credit must be given for my GIANT Amazon Sword. Tank parameters are steady and great so mulmy-ness is not a bad thing!
  4. Sweet @Streetwise cause I don't have no sand! 😄 I do, however have gravel!!! I'm going to stalk you for a bit 😳🧐
  5. I have to get some dirt for my container garden anyway so I may be doing a mini me of @Streetwise's set ups we shall see!
  6. Just be prepared and have space for it, it's big 😉
  7. Hi there! Welcome to the forum and the awesome world of sponge filters. I think you'd be just fine running a medium as long as your bioload doesn't get too out of control (which would only mean you squeeze it out more often). I actually run 2 sponges in my 20 gallon tall tanks but one is run by a lithium backed air pump so if the power goes out one pump still runs. It's a bit of an over filtration I suppose because the filters are both rated for "up to 20 gallons". The Co-op sponges are VERY BIG, which is great but I think it makes for you to be able to size down just a little.
  8. I was glad to see the star is still included in the new scape 🙃
  9. @Jawjagrrl oh I agree, but sadly have nothing larger than a very small mason jar. Besides that there are only containers I USE and not willing to give up to snails 😄 I'm asking co-workers if they have anything they want to discard.
  10. lol @Jawjagrrl might be hard for me, I have a bigger budget and an aesthetic standard- not saying the dollar store is bad just don't think there'd be a container there I'd want....I will stick with the rest of the rules and just work with things I have on hand! 🙃 What I think I can stick to is a container not (originally) meant for aquatic animals.
  11. I was wondering what I should do with my QT tank that got infested with bladder snails....maybe I neeeeeed a snail vase. Does it count if I go out and buy a container?! Cause I don't have any! 😄 Do they need air/filtration? I have a sponge filter in with them but *shrug*
  12. Hi @MattHasMTS, welcome to the forum. The only place that will encourage our apparent addiction not discourage!
  13. Hi, Especially if it's the only other bottom feeder/algae eater you can. I have 1 in my Flex9 and is one of the joys of that tank.
  14. (When I first posted this: It was my sense of humor coming out in using "addition" as opposed to "edition" as the squirrel was trying to add something non-natural/urban to it's life, but now it doesn't even make sense to me! 😄 I need sleep! So I changed it to the more appropo Edition) At my workplace I walk the parking lot during breaks. As you might imagine I find random things people drop. A few days before this picture I found a winter hat abandoned in the lot. In order to try and find its owner I placed it at a corner along a wall that also serves as a barrier along our walkway. This little guy was caught in the act trying to drag the hat off to its nest I'm sure and was a good 12 feet from the corner where I placed it. Unfortunately I scared him off enough that he didn't return for it. At least at that time.
  15. OTOCINCLUS VITTATUS: The Parent Tank I just want to express my undying affection for my little Otos: Every. Stinkin. One. Of. Them. Not the least of which is Momma Oto. She is the one Oto I can identify without a doubt and I can always find her if I want to. She is brave (all the others scatter when I'm hands in she does not) and in the Parent Tank she is the only one I usually see besides one or 2 others- eventhough there are at least 14 in there. She is my little fishy love 🥰
  16. I'm sorry about your male guppies. That's so sad. When I give up some of my baby Otos I just have to be absent from the LFS for a while. When I worked in an animal shelter and fostered kittens I did NOT want to know what happened to them once they left- in my mind they lived happily ever after. Same with allll the surrendered animals I had to check in. It's just too much for an animal person to deal with. Sometimes it's best not to know because it can be totally crushing- so I get how you feel. 😔
  17. Oh I see what we're doing with those now empty tanks...... 🙃
  18. It's very likely biofilm. Can be aloe vera if the stress formula has it that's not uncommon.
  19. I love me a Loach. They're not ALWAYS visible (mine lives in my Fluval flex9) but every time I see them I'm very happy.
  20. All your tanks look great! Working on a small scale is fun I think you'll enjoy it.
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