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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. Wow, why you gotta be dissin' on all my plain fish!? 😄
  2. @Lester aww, there is no such thing here as "just a", all our fish are important to us. 🙂 Glad it's gotten better!
  3. 4.12 gallon Aquatop on my kitchen counter. No heater, no ferts, nothing but snails, plants and apparently fishy lovin....9 adult CPDs and......one......tiny......fry! (short Google vid so you an actually SEE it. sorry, I don't post vids on youtube) https://photos.app.goo.gl/8YVwBqYNjHcVBtR46
  4. @BAT mine that do it I haven't even bothered trying to fix yet and they seem to work just fine. 🙃 Maybe not optimal but I've seen zero detrimental effects.
  5. 🎉🎉🎉🥇 FANTASTIC!!
  6. YouTube search African Dwarf Frog singing. There are videos!!
  7. Bonus, if there is a boy you can hear them sing
  8. Freeze dried and frozen totally work. There are other foods on the market for them but mum's frogs have rejected most
  9. My mum's has 2 with 1 nerite and there were bladder snails but we're thinking either they committed suicide or maybe the frogs??? This is the tank more recently. there have been no parameter issues. I had her start with target feeding tubifex and bloodworms and she never stopped they come to the front of the tank for it, it's adorable. They're so goofy. Zero parameter issues, bioload seems perfect. People usually suggest bigger on some sites but they don't seem to move A LOT just periodically.
  10. AFRICAN DWARF FROGS!!!!!!! I gave my mum a 3 gallon tank for mother's day a year ago now because she wanted to keep them again. They are adorbs.
  11. Fluctuations are not abnormal during this time. If you have fish that NEED a certain ph or don't tolerate acidic waters well- get yourself some crushed coral and put it in the tank. It won't raise it instantly but it's a better way generally, and it will eventually help with the kh. Just keep doing what you are doing.
  12. Yep!! Good luck! Toss the carbon filter after, no good!
  13. Yep as long as you buy the tube plants- I've never had a pest. I've also not gotten any so far with the betta buddies
  14. @Dallasp HOB = hang on back filter. Or canister. A lot of us here have sponge filters so no carbon option. Once you run the carbon for an hour or 2, pull the carbon out and dose the IchX I would still recommend doing at least a partial water change.
  15. The plants they sell in the tubes are excellent but you will be limited- they usually have species of Anubias and Java Fern which I highly recommend- you wouldn't plant either of those plants you glue them to your mopani wood or another decoration. Some species are very tall some grow shorter which will help you decide where to put them (if you look on the tube make sure it says AQUATIC PLANT NOT SEMI-AQUATIC and it should ID species and approximate height). The roots usually find their way to the substrate but the rhizone of the plant should not be buried. They also sell compact Amazon Swords that make good middle or background plants. Also for a betta tank they have a selection of "betta buddies" Species of plant I've already mentioned glued to rocks for you. They're not inexpensive however I've gotten some pretty cool combos. They also sell Aponogeton bulbs and sometimes ones that have already started growing- they get really big and are fun. The bonus is the majority of what they sell are easy care. - I don't use fertilizers and they all do awesome. **as @Patrick_G says check the tube plants for rotten leaves and see if you can see nice clean roots. I've had a couple that looked really good with only 1 or 2 deceased leaves and I've cut them off and those did well anyway. I've also gotten several "bonus plants" as often they tie some together with thread which you can cut off. Most of my tanks are exclusively plants like this.
  16. @Dallasp I'm so sorry. Do you have activated carbon in an HOB that you can run to take the metro out or do a good sized water change and dose the Ich x!
  17. I think @Colu means herbal remedies *aren't* effective. Return or trash that (Imagitarium remedy). If no access to Ich X, I've successfully used API Super Ick which can be a more common remedy in box stores - it will stain decorations, silicone on the tank etc but it will cure the fish.. Just pull any pet snails or shrimp (you didn't mention so should be good)***just don't let box stores also talk you into mela fix or pima fix- still herbal- doesn't work. (the box store that sells imagitarium may also sell Fritz, I see Coppersafe on their site that is supposed to fight Ich though I cannot speak to it's effectiveness, maybe someone else can)
  18. Definition @Dark River Aquatics : Out of Reactions for the Day we are limited on the number of hearts, laughs, thanks and etc on posts for the forum. I'm not even sure of the exact number! Otherwise known as a chronic condition most often suffered by members @Odd Duck, @Guppysnail and @Torrey and often spreading to others. Using aquarium salt for the condtion is not recommended as it would just be rubbing salt in the wound. 🙃
  19. I'm going to make a special trip to shop for fish at @Fish Folk's house
  20. Wonderful story Dawn! It's funny how the fish you see so commonly in stores and some consider "starter" fish are often the best fish. I didn't expect to fully fall in love with Otos (I knew I'd like them but not to the levels I've gotten), or Hillstreams, or Harlequins or even Guppies. But even though they come cheap their little lives are priceless finprints in our hearts. 🥰
  21. I LOVE snails. I keep Nerites and Mystery Snails In my experience: Nerites are better algae cleaners than any of them and don't reproduce. Yes as others have mentioned if you get a FEMALE Nerite (which you never know until, you know) they are the ones that lay and I've never had an issue with the eggs myself. They disappear over time and it's all tank glitter to me. The only ones I care to remove are on my viewing glass which are easily scraped off with a razor or other aquarium gadget as such. They do NOT take well to commercial foods so an established tank with plenty of algae is a must! Because of this I also don't recommend putting too many so they don't run out of food. They work well in tanks that have semi aggressive fish (like a betta) because they are pretty well protected by their shell, they've got tiny tentacles that most fish don't bother with. They come in a lot of colors and varieties- weirdly in my experience some seem to gravitate to certain areas of the tank. My Zebras like to patrol the glass more than anything. My Olive has been seen on glass and plants. My Horned since they are small are on EVERYTHING. The tank I have only 3 Horned Nerites and just a few bladders is totally clear of algae (and it's a 20 tall) they are smaller than a dime but always at work: I love Mystery snails but I cannot agree they are great algae eaters. Sure they may eat a little (honestly I think most of it is their foot clearing the glass as they troll along if that) and they'll nom on left over food but you HAVE to have supplemental food for them that will have the minerals and calcium they need and feed them veggies as well in order to keep them healthy. You may even need to treat your water to assist, like adding a Wonder Shell. It's not that Nerites don't needd good/similar parameters but though some of my Mystery snails in the past have had issues my Nerites seem to have perfect shells. They are clowns and you'll not miss them in the tank because they get huge. They have great personalities. They can be an issue in tanks with fish that like worms because well, their long beautiful tentacles look like them- and they can be hurt and permanently damaged by these fish.
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