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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. Oh yeah our snail friends are derpy and I love them, they just go with the flow. 🐌 Shrimp are more sensitive and yes need hiding places. I've never been able to keep any shrimp alive so I give you kudos for the Bamboo Shrimp, that's a pretty incredible shrimp.
  2. If the parameters in the other tanks are as good or better than what they came from I wouldn't have any issues putting them in there as long as the tankmates are compatible. 🙂
  3. You're welcome @Danabana. Hope he gets better. Update if you can 🙂
  4. Your invertebrates will still benefit from the plastic plants or other decor if you have to stick them in a new QT as they have the biofilm and bacteria from the tank they came from.
  5. You didn't necessarily DO anything wrong. As fish keepers we have to run through our minds what if anything has changed in the tank that could have caused it. Maybe it's something you have to search for in the tank, for example with a spike sometimes you have to check for say, dead snails or fish that could cause it. Maybe there's some rotten food. You could be overfeeding. Maybe it needed a water change sooner. It's just something we adapt/adjust to and learn from. 🙂 If you're going to treat the whole tank remove your invertebrates they typicaly do NOT get the same kinds of illness as our fish friends can and treatment can hurt or kill them. Personally whenever I treat a whole tank I take my invertebrates out even when they say invertebrate safe on medication, that's just MY preference. I would remove a piece of driftwood and some precious plants and put them in the QT with them while you treat.
  6. Well it's hard to say EXACTLY what he might have at this point but I suspect it's bacterial as bloat is often a sign of a bacterial infection. Sometimes bloat can also be constipation. When it's symetrical it's usually not something like a tumor so we can likely rule that out. So in the case of bloat or a bacterial infection salt will be a good treatment because it can treat both. If you want to treat your main tank out of an abundance of caution that is a judgement call you can absolutely make. The reason I lean towards bacterial right is because of your nitrite spike. If your water conditions were perfect I'd lean towards constipation or similar. SALT covers you either way especially in cases where there are no other medications on hand. Make sense?
  7. Ok, after much research because of the Nitrite spike I suspect you have a bacterial infection going in little guy. So, without further meds and AQUARIUM salt on hand you have a choice. Treat the tank OR put HIM in QT and treat him (with the aquarium salt). If nobody is showing signs of infection physically or visually this is a choice you can make. Keeping in mind salt can damage plants and hurt some invertebrates if you have them in the main tank. Check your tank parameters again and make sure nitrite is back at zero (well of course ammonia too). Check for issues that might cause spikes, remove any dead or dying plant matter (clean but don't over-clean IME it can sometimes do more damage than good), do a water change if needed. If you need help with dosing Aquarium salt: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/aquarium-salt-for-sick-fish **The Epsom salt soaks for 15-20 minutes should help unless it stresses him out too much you can do this daily or every other day for a week, maybe less.
  8. The Epsom is good to have on hand (even for more than fishy) and thankfully it's pretty cheap. I think you'll need to prepare a QT once we figure out whether he NEEDS medication. I totally understand wanting to get him helped. As long as he's not showing signs of something that might spread to others I would keep him in his regular tank to keep his stress low. To me it's only necessary to move him when you have hashed out a treatment plan. @Colu may be able to pipe in to give an opinion. I'll do what I can to try and help you figure it out, what species is mr fishy?
  9. @Jawjagrrl thanks for reading friend. I don't see a lot of Oto posts here and though I keep plenty of other fish I thought I'd wave the Oto flag (REALLY HARD). 🙃 My spider plant has babies on babies on babies and I feel bad when a living one falls off so I had put this one in a jar to start roots and decided after that to put in on the back of my tank. Seems to grow a little slower than when in dirt after this time but it's doing well and looking healthy. I keep meaning to post an update about my Nitrate Experiment plants in the Accidental Oto Tank but keep forgetting!
  10. One thing about accidents like this you will NEVER do it again. Tough lesson, because it's stressful and it sucks but if you monitor and change water if needed you'll be ok. 🙃
  11. As @MickS77 said that should work if you've got something, also things like Polyfilter and/or Purigen can help I believe. Don't beat yourself up, it's an accident, this happens in the hobby and no losses so far right? 🙂 Water changes should be enough to help them.
  12. lol @Torrey @Guppysnailtry being in a rental house that was built in the late 1940s by your landlord's late relatives. Besides there being very few outlets. I have exactly 4 plugs in the whole house that are 3 prong (belonging to the refrigerator and coffee maker in one room, the tv and admittedly a power strip running oh, well, lots of things 😬). All of my tank stuff is run by prong adapters and power strips and I have to remember not to use certain appliances at the same time so I don't trip my breaker (none of the fish tank stuff but if it trips the breaker my lights have to be reprogrammed 😑) I DO love my late 40's Wedgewood stove however, so there are benefits to living in an old place...
  13. Aww. You've already done what I would do, I would put some Prime in (if you have any). Monitor your fish and watch for any signs. If you used it for a long time before noticing or you're really nervous you could do another water change but if I were in your shoes I wouldn't do it right away (unless fish are showing signs of stress). Maybe in a couple/few hours while watching the fish.
  14. Ah gotcha. I think if you get a handle on your lighting it will still be the #1 source of all your problems.
  15. Same wise man in the co-op video said rhizone plants need 4 hours of light, stem plants 6. I run my lights for 8 but I dim them back a lot more than they are capable. So I have to deal with the algae consequences (which if you fiddle with your light you can get it to where there isn't much if any algae)
  16. All great suggestions, I run 2 filters in all of my tanks 1 of which has a lithium backed battery air pump (like the portable phone charger batteries mentioned above but they are inside the air pump not just a battery)- if the power goes out it seamlessly goes to battery power and at least 1 filter in all of my tanks remains running - and the beauty of it- I don't have to be there to do anything. Most of them also have an "intermittent" function you can switch to- that saves battery power if the outage will be longer than the battery life. They can also be charged/run by portable phone chargers! I have several but I have 2 of these and are my favorite of them, has two airline outlets, is quiet, and the lights on it aren't annoying (some of them can be bright but I put tape over them) Check this out at Amazon.com AquaMiracle Lithium Battery... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08P1938MG?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
  17. Just to pipe in here, I have some pretty intense lights on a couple of my aquariums and despite dimmer switches and being on a timer if my plants get tall enough I tend to see plenty of hair algae, they like it. The lower down the plant the less light/less algae. Flow in this case doesn't really matter- though a wise man in an Aquarium Co-op video said "the more flow, the more algae" so he didn't do flow (also doesn't have to change water and has an amazing shop). IMO it's your lighting that's doing it.
  18. Good, I'm glad you didn't take it wrong, I just like to remind others that might read I don't want them to go through what you are- I know how stressful it is. I'd get a container (I have small fish so I use my ziplock containers) mix up some Epsom and let little guy soak. While he's chillin in the bath do a water change to get rid of that 1ppm nitrite ASAP. If you have Prime use that. 🙂 I would continue with daily soaks unless and until 1) it doesn't help 2) a better solution is offered or 3) your meds show up and there is a need to use them. Salt will be your friend in the meantime. If you don't have Epsom it is readily available at most stores in the pharmacy section, just make sure it's PLAIN epsom with no scents or other additives.
  19. Have you done anything different to the tank? Fed him different foods? Is the bloat on both sides and symetrical or is it just 1 side and/or asymetrical? What are your water parameters. Does he usually hang out by the heater? My first thought is since you don't have meds on hand and waiting on further responses or ideas is trying plain Epsom salt soaks to help with the bloat. If it's constipation or something similarly "benign" it may help. 1 tablespoon per gallon dissolved in a QT or container 15-20 minute soak. I'm not criticizing you at all so please don't take it that way, but I cannot stress enough how important it is to have a few basic medications on hand as a "fish first aid" kit. It takes a LOT of stress off of you and treating fish sooner rather than later they have a better chance of recovery.
  20. IME too I've seen it more often on coarse sponges than the finer ones that I run.
  21. Mine are in unheated tank but it runs 77-80 all on her own.
  22. Oh Don, I like my ONE remaining HOB (mine thankfully doesn't have to be primed) and they are great filters but you are going to LOOOVVVEEE sponges. They're a game changer, really. There's nothing on them to break, other than not squeezing them out when they should be they are bullet proof. The only concern is air pumps not working (I've got back ups to those too), which is why I started running 1 sponge in each tank with traditional airpump (I have small tanks and run Tetra Whispers) and 1 in each tank with an airpump that is battery backed. No worries for me in power outages. Anyhow, sponges, they are the bees knees.
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