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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. @CT_ yes, that's not uncommon either. From a lot of what I researched when I first got Otos many sites and people said that if you get them past the first couple of months you have some fish! Unfortunately by the time we get them they are already on the decline so loss is usually expected- this time was just stumping me. I'd rather deal with Ich to be honest. Ugh.
  2. Oh bummer @Odd Duck yeah, Otos are hard to get over the hump I just hate to see them pass. Thanks for the 2nd back up opinion. I will treat them this evening hopefully they'll respond to it.
  3. @Colu I will dose some Expel when I get home tonight and 🤞
  4. Thankfully guppies are small! 😄 we are all just enablers here....
  5. Ok @Mmiller2001 when you pull that Rotalla after loving it for a minute you can ship it to me 😄
  6. @JNorjack I just want to pipe in and say that there are a lot of excellent fish keepers on this forum that have a hard time keeping Bettas. As Colu said they are heavily inbred and also my suspicion is that the industry is so focused on "building" bettas with longer and longer fins or this or that feature that it is detrimental for the fish. If you search the forum for sick or dying betta unfortunately you will see it is far and away the fish most people seek help for. I'm also finding they need much warmer temps and humidity to survive for longer periods of time which is not always something that's easy to do for a lot of us (the temp easy enough the humidity can be tricky). I say this because I understand why people get attached to them- they are amazing little personalities. I've had a handful in my lifetime but have not been successful with them so I won't be keeping them anymore, and I think there are others here that feel the same way but I can only speak for myself. They break your heart. So I understand what you are going through- I hope you are successful in your treatment but if you are not, know that you are indeed doing everything you possibly can. I cross my fingers for you.
  7. Keep us updated friend! I'd like to see you get them!
  8. OTOCINCLUS VITTATUS: The 2 Gallon QT. ***Deceased fish pictures attached to this post**** So I'm suffering from several defeats lately. I got 6 Vittatus from the LFS after my poor patient died. I figured I'd lose at least 1 or 2 but I'm now down to 3 as of this morning I watched one pass. I got them on the 9th and they seemed rather red around the gills. The 10th everyone was there and looked better and ate. The 11th one had passed and not being able to tell what they passed of as they were not red and no other physical signs I started a round of Kanaplex to cover potential Bacterial or Fungal infection. The 12th I found another one deceased, very similar to the last. Yesterday the 13th everyone was ok and I thought ok, we might be over the hump- I did a water change and dosed Kanaplex as directed. And today, I literally watched one pass. This one is rather inflamed not just in the gill area and has a very distended belly- never seen this before and the others did NOT display this. I did a Tetra strip test and everything is in the safe zone (not able to test specifically for Ammonia this morning as I don't have strips). I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas what might be going on here: I expect to lose Otos in QT unfortunately. I've managed only 1x to get all the Otos I bought through QT. I'd rather not lose anymore of course- the largest of the group- a good looking female I'd REALLY like to see make it. 😔 Calling all cars on this one, Help!!
  9. @Colu can you not make a special trip to get some? Or would it be a problem bringing them back?
  10. I'm thinking that's a good idea (airstone). Yes do be careful with that heater in such a small tank, I'm glad you are testing it. I've sadly cooked QT fish with one like that. I'd almost rather them be reasonably cold than deal with that again- plus again, bacterial infection is what we want to avoid, warmer water grows bacteria better. If you have any floating plants or plants that have new growth you can trim and put that in there with her too to help with the BB. Or a piece of wood or decor.
  11. Is it one of those things that you know "when you know"? Or can you tell what your other discus are? Discs are so funny, I love how they move. They're one of the few cichlids I'd ever consider keeping. They look a LOT less shy than they were! The Discus Whisperer you are.
  12. Oooo I like this trick, I'll have to try it with my Hikari First Bites!
  13. Aww I love how Auburn was totally getting at it and going sideways to get the good bits. How do you sex Discus, do you know what they are? (eats like me 😄 )
  14. @Greg Stewart you're not the only one to jump the gun. @Guppysnail may have even beaten you. ....I on the other hand....am not close.....
  15. I'd feel safe boiling them and air drying in the sun. Sponge filters ARE cheap though. 🙃 It's just my preference but I stay away from things like bleach. The only other method that could work (and I would consider) is a hydrogen peroxide mix/dip and rinse/dry- but I've never used this method for anything myself.
  16. I've not yet tried that because I'm not sure how well they are attached to the plants. There seems to be very little known about Oto breeding. I've seen others here mention they have but I've not seen posts about it or their methods. I seem to be the only one documenting experience. It's not an easy thing- and was supposedly "impossible" or "intermediate" to breed and raise Otos which is why I picked them originally in the first place. So I'm just a casual observer and not a serious breeder.
  17. You have anything else in the tank they will likely eat the babies. they end up usually at the top of my tank along the waterline and look like: The really young ones are translucent. Anyway, I document most of how I raise them on my journal.
  18. Hi @JoeQ. As @Odd Duck said I'm an Accidental breeder of sorts. I've not witnessed the "fat egg belly" in my tanks, my Otos are just fat. Now, if the chasing game you are describing is them going up and down the tank walls and "dancing" around the surfaces (I usually see 1-3 doing it) then yeah that's the mating dance as far as I can tell because usually shortly after I witness this I can check the undersides of the leaves of my Amazon Swords and typically find eggs. Your fatty is hanging out near plants, if that's the area she hangs most keep checking (visually) under the leaves- especially if she seems to lose the "weight". They look like: I cannot tell from side pics but I can usually tell female and male apart because the girls are longer bodied and usually a decent sum bigger than the boys. I got about 60 babies last year and gave away some but kept most, so I have about 40 in one tank kinda waiting if I can make more. The only batch I've gotten since was a batch of ultimately 8.
  19. That should work. I've done that with mine changing water over a few weeks and replanting them in a tank and never had an issue. Sometimes, if they had film or algae I'd lightly scrub it off with a toothbrush.
  20. Aww, congrats on your shrim- lets hehehe 🙃
  21. Tupperware would work, as long as she can't jump out of it. You could use the lid and make sure it stays cracked with the airlines. You had said the other fish were picking at it- I'd be wary of that as they could make it worse. I would isolate and monitor if I were in similar shoes. I would consider adding salt to stave off bacterial and help healing. HOWEVER if you think the temp would be bad for them you could just monitor the situation- really only you know what your tank/fish is telling you so go with your gut. I can say when you get a chance pick up a floating breeder box- they come in handy- in this case you could isolate this little one but they'd be in the tank.
  22. I have a feeling they hid from the previous owner! 😄
  23. Ooo good question, I'm betting no, just a bit at a time. I'm interested in the answer though. @Colu?
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