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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. @Biotope BiologistI absolutely didn't take it that way. 🙃 I can fit your car in my trunk.....
  2. Looks like it to me. When in doubt, pull him out (and wipe him down) 🙃 I'm sure he wouldn't mind a waxing! (no don't do that really, just wipe 'im off)
  3. Actually as a classic car enthusiast we do that because well, everything has its price- and there's always someone willing to pay it. Might take a while- but I've seen it happen. Had a friend that put a tiny custom made vinyl sticker on the driver's side windshield with a high but still fair price (for a 67 Chevelle Supersport). We all met at car shows for years when he finally did get what he asked for it. If you've ever watched American Pickers they have a saying, What's the not going to sell it price?
  4. First of all. Poor Dojo! 😔 It sounds like you've tried everything but Epsom salt soaks. I'm not even sure if that would work when Peas don't. Though if it's fluid build up it could have some effect- not sure. I can't imagine it's a bowel obstruction as one would think if that were the case he would haved passed away months ago. One thing you didn't mention, apparently he eats fine- do they also act normal? Is the bloat symetrical? I'm wondering if maybe the little one has a tumor or other growth inside. I apologize I've never had a Dojo so I'm not aware of anything Dojo specific but it really does sound to me you've thrown everything but the kitchen sink at this. Maybe others have thoughts.
  5. I would guess one of a couple of things: Both of the snails involved do not eat LIVE plants- so there is a possibility the plants are not quite as healthy as they might appear. Do you feed your mystery snail? They need supplemental foods. Maybe out of desperation they are eating your plants.
  6. @laritheloud Ha! Circe is sitting on my table patiently waiting in line for me to read it- recommended to me by a coworker. She liked it because Circe isn't a Greek Mythology character that gets as much notice as those like Achilles.
  7. Firstly, no shame in what you're feeling. From what I can see in your forum posts you are an excellent fish keeper and I hope you realiize that. Sometimes when we get to this level we have to examine what needs to change, could be us, could be what we are doing. This is why we have emotions- they are designed to tell us that something is either wrong or right. Generally speaking I'd have to say I've seen a lot of very enthusiastic keepers here some have been doing it for years but a lot very new to the hobby- they go very quickly from 1 tank to well too many. What is too many? Too many is when you feel overwhelmed and the hobby is no longer fun and/or stress reliever. Sometimes we have to consider downsizing or simplilfying what we do with our tanks everyday. I've gone from 1 tank to 6 tanks in under 2 years. I realize for ME this is pushing my limit but it is doable. So I have to stop. I've even got a back up plan to consolidate if I needed to do so and still keep my fish. I do a morning roll call. I count certain fish that are usually up front and center. Check. I look at the ones that usually hide but I can see (usually 3 of now 10 CPDs, 10-12 Oto Vittatus, 2-3 Oto Cocama). It's a QUICK visual inspection. Check. Every tank gets an eyeball on their filters to make sure they are functioning. Check. You'll catch anything that is SUPER obvious but otherwise that is all. I have other morning maintenance I do (mostly having to do with making sure old bottom feeder food is cleaned up and new food put in, and some small water changes). This takes me 30-45 minutes every day. But herein lies the difference- I really enjoy doing this. It creates no stress or anxiety for me- it actually helps me start my day a bit more confident that things are OK. I used to have NO motivation in the morning- now I have positive reasons to move. What's right for you? I don't know. But you do have to examine what will make things better for you and help bring the anxiety level down.
  8. Then @Colu our friend Lee here should be good using this!! I'm glad 🤞🤞
  9. @Colu must work similarly then to malachite green I'd suppose in having looked that (victoria green) up.
  10. Maybe someday. There are just a few tanks that I pretend are mine on the forum. Your Discus tanks are a couple of them.
  11. They just keep getting more and more beautiful. 😍 I love them.
  12. Love it. Fish keeping is great for those of us in or retired from high stress jobs! Welcome here!
  13. @Torrey can't I keep my imaginary friends? They're actually pretty cool. 🙃 IRL people you can touch/see in person are increasingly less fun! @Guppysnail not even a snail? Or 10? Or 100?
  14. 😄 Oh my gosh yes chaotic! I love it. What beautiful doggies!!!!! But yeah, Borders are notoriously energetic and kids well....yeah, you have your handsful already! They better get used to the environment that's for sure! I feel like of the Cichlids they are definitely different personality-wise. @Fish Folk's come out for him, so I'm sure yours will too!
  15. @Colu where in the world did you find that? I even checked the jungle site they are...evasive. Most manufacturers if it's not blatant at least usually has a safety sheet you dan download.
  16. This kind of thing is just a reminder to me of the tiny life that is all around us. I think of myself sometimes as a walking world. On and in me are small bits of life that are travelling the super highways all day interacting with each other with some level of "intelligence" as they all have and know their "jobs". At least I choose to look at it that way. It makes me appreciate things more than when I look at the bigger picture. It is indeed the little things that count in the end.
  17. Is this their permanent tank? You think some sort of cover would help them be less shy or is this just a Discus thing ya think? Or do they eventually know you and stop being so skeered?
  18. I occasionally buy tiny handmade pottery bowls from a specific seller on Etsy because they match my aesthetic a little more. Sauce plates definitely work but they have a tendency to stand out in natural settings hahah!
  19. Yes! Sauce plates!! Also the terracotta drip dishes you can get for flower pots (cheap!).
  20. I would try it. Amazon and other sites are saying use a half tab in a 10 gallon so it seems a quarter tab would be appropriate in your 5 Hopefully it has an ingredients list on the inside with an instructions packet. It would help to know what the active ingredients are in it.
  21. Yes you can float them and sometimes they do have enough to glue them to another piece of wood or decor. That's one of the neat things about Java!
  22. Hmm, well we use another of their products to help with other illnesses. Does the box list the ingredents by chance? I'm not able to locate any info on that online as far as ingredients. It does, however, have decent reviews on Amazon so that's a good sign.
  23. @MandoJr yes. A lot of sites say they need bigger tanks and at first I told my Mum, only one, but she didn't want it to be by itself so I thought OK we'll try this, if the tank stays stable and clean then we'll leave it as is. We'd kept them before (in an even smaller cube- which looking back was a terrible thing but it was a "trend" and that's how they were sold) ADF don't really move a whole lot. She has the albino and a grey (the grey one was under the bridge in that picture) as you can see the water is crystal, there is no algae thanks to the solo Nerite (pictured) and the plants (Anubias Nana, Guppy Grass, Duckweed) grow like gangbusters. The frogs need quick access to the surface for air- which they can easily get with a small cube. It's worked out rather well.
  24. Umm....aannnddddd...... ....I mean c'mon. That's just stupid cute.
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