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Everything posted by Keeg

  1. I was browsing the forum, saw the guidelines and two of the bullets said "We don't discuss other aquarium related companies both positively or negatively", "links to competitors are prohibited...". Now in my mind I interpret this as, don't talk about any other store besides ours here. But I could also see it as, you can talk about them as in regards to products and location but you can't talk them up or down. I get that the co-op isnt a big brand compared to chain stores, but also because of this, the co-op can't supply everybody's necessities and this guideline feels like it can deny somebody's opportunity to get a solution to their problem. I get that the co-op doesn't want to lose parts of the market, but in places where the co-op might not be able to help should be able to talk freely about their local stores. Don't get me wrong, I love the co-op, absolute favorite store. Can somebody explain this rule to me? Also which way or how to interpret it.
  2. You could try to reach out to aquarium companies with ideas and get an estimate. Or even buy second hand off of places like eBay or thrift stores, which is good for the environment and your wallet. I know that some big chain stores that end in -tco or -smart will give it's employees big discounts and they can pass it onto you if you know them.
  3. There's tons of pleco species, some get massive while others stay pretty small. In my smack desk tank I have brown cherry shrimp and a couple rams horn snails. I think shrimp do a better job for my hair algae. I don't care if they breed out of control because I will feed them to my puffer. That seems weird about the endlers, mine peck at surfaces all day long.
  4. The only way I've managed to get algae under control is a clean up crew. In my 40g I have guppies and a place that keep it spotless. In my desk tank I have a ton of shrimps, a snail, and a few guppies. By far way easier to manage it in my opinion, nature vs nature.
  5. Well it appears that the cyanobacteria is situated on surfaces that you can easily clean by hand. Do this before dosing alcohol.
  6. Yeah I would give it a good clean. Is your tank cycled? Also, your Anubias looks like the whole rhizome is buried under the gravel, just bury the roots. (rhizome is the thick horizontal "trunk" of the plant)
  7. For the angles, make a low stress environment, reduce the movement around the aquarium and provide hearty foods. You could also remove the eggs and hatch them artificially.
  8. I think a good cleaning of the decoration is the best choice. With that size of tank, a snail would not be a huge benefit but you could definitely add one if you wanted to. Did you cycle this tank at all? Also as a side note, he is a very beautiful betta
  9. Have you taken any other measures before going down this route? If the patch of cyanobacteria is small enough, you can physically remove it. If I was in a situation of a whole tank being covered, I would just sterilize everything and start from the beginning. If possible, please attach more photos and tank details. If you're going to do this no matter what, 24 drops of 80 proof (40 percent alcohol) per 100 gallons. Every day for 3 days, then stop for a week and test levels. I don't know if this is for fresh water though, I've only heard about it for reef tanks.
  10. Do you have a snail? Is the lair meant for aquariums or is it some kind of repurposed toy? It looks like it could be fungus similar to when it grows on uneaten food or on newly placed driftwood. You could always take it out of the tank and throughout clean it using hydrogen peroxide and a brush. Since this isnt a definite answer, best course of action would be to clean it and sterilize it to be safe. Usually moldy fish food can cause bacterial growth and fungus that can cause a bad stomach ache.
  11. I like spotted Raphaels catfish. My dad had one it lasted well over a decade. If there's any fish that would survive the apocalypse it would be them. Yes they hide a lot, but they're so cool when they come out.
  12. Correct me if im wrong, but don't they get like 8 inches in shell length? A 40 breeder sounds like it would work but might be a little small long term assuming he grows. Also if you decide to move him, do you think you'd use the sump as a fish farm to feed the turtle? Im curious
  13. Oh for sure, he's such a show boat lol
  14. He's a spotted congo puffer, completely fresh water
  15. So I'm going to assume that everyone knows that you shouldn't have your fish tank placed next to a window because of algae and such. We've all heard it from one place or another. And all I want to say is that it is such a shame that this is said about tanks. Generally this would be a good thought for people just getting into the hobby but like have you ever seen your tank lit up by actual sunshine? If you haven't, let me explain it. Your little ecosystem that you made is perfected for 1 hour of the day and nothing you can add to the tank can ever make it feel that complete again.
  16. I clicked on one of the green circles on the forum home page to see what would happen. Well it says "make forum as read" as a statement to when you click it, when I did the circle got lighter and since one circle being different bothered me, I clicked all of them lol. But now I want the green circles back. Nothing happens when I click on them again. Please help, thank you!
  17. Hello everybody I have this red plakat betta that has been the absolute best breeder, father, and colorful. After having many many successful batches of fry from this one fish and many other females, I've been thinking about a retirement tank for him as he deserves something great because he's given me so much joy. I would love to hear y'alls thoughts on what I should add to this blank slate. And what you wouldn't recommend (like how floating mirrors are terrible. Thank you! PS. I never named him, so if you have suggestions, drop them below. He is aggressive but won't hurt a female betta for breeding
  18. Keeg


    I used to think the same thing whenever I saw a strange action. I would rush to medications before even thinking about other possibilities. But 1/30 times, it is an actual problem, the rest of the time its just someone wanting to get that scratch they can't reach
  19. Welcome! @RV TanksAlso your name is just captivating me and I have to know, are you keeping this tank in an RV like a portable fish tank? That sounds like a perfect RV in my opinion
  20. "Duckweed can't be that bad"/ "My tank will be different" PS: I love it, but I didn't expect it to go ZOOOOM
  21. I tried my best
  22. When you click on the co-op's page do you see this?
  23. I don't have one anymore, but mine lovvvveeeedddd wood, broad leaves and grass leaves like pearl weed, and little green hair algae to pick at. A tip, make sure your water is hard and tank "seasoned"/ established before adding it.
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