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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. For sure! There was a lot of testing done on Reverse Respiration, confirming death of the baddies with a microscope. @Guppysnail posted something above, look at her signature line for the link to Reverse Respiration.
  2. I can’t use anything with weight. It needs to sit on top of plants. I may cut the lip. The small bladder snails are under it and I think I have to get them out with a paintbrush.
  3. You should check out the Reverse Respiration thread. 12 hr seltzer soak in the dark for plants, it kills all the things and the plants like the CO2 from the seltzer. Then they are good to go for your tank. tag @dasaltemelosguyif you want to add anything further (quick tips)
  4. Yeah mine got mad when there were rocks and driftwood in the tank! He only likes plants but I have those swim-through fake rocks in there also which he uses. He just doesn’t like thing that block his path.
  5. Interesting! They usually do that when they are DOWNgraded!
  6. This used to be a succulent planter (that I made years ago- it’s called hypertufa- looks like cement but lighter than cement) but everything got way overgrown. However these 2 cacti are happy and easy going. But idk what to do with it. IT’S TOO CRAZY! Pencil cactus and devil’s backbone. So I asked my gardening-addict neighbor if he wanted it. He said of course and then he said , wait wait, and runs over to his house. And returns and gives me this! Someone got a RAW DEAL! But omg how sweet 😍He also said it’s low maintenance and grows well in our area. This is what I did with the hypertufa planter. Another friend gave me this plant which had a few babies. Idk what the plant is. Neither does she
  7. Hmm.. I have yarn but I also have butcher’s twine, I think that could be more waterproof. Oh and I can also put the date on the note 🙂 One time my cat ate a 2 ft piece of butcher’s twine that fell off the counter… that was a big fiasco… she got sick because it didn’t go all the way down, the end of it was stuck in her throat and tickling the gag reflex all night long, then an emergency vet visit the next morning.. on a weekend of course. The solution? High fiber food. And me with gloves on doing forensics in the litter box. I expected to find a long string/strings. Instead, when I broke apart the poop, it was like tearing a cotton ball…. Took her a few poops to pass these cotton ball things. Omg
  8. Just not to @nabokovfan87 😂 This is him: Oh also, now that I actually read stuff 🙄, where I agreed with making sure it was actually detritus worms - I said that because I thought you were looking for tank cleaners/scavengers. But I agree with @Guppysnail on the other worms for the fish food aspect. P.S. My betta Geppetto likes detritus worms. If he sees one, it’s game over (for the worm).
  9. Feeding dish version 2, since the ceramic one crushes plants. A little gravel makes it sink. I thought this was a good way to deter bladder snails from the commercial foods, but some figured it out. I want them to focus on the algae. I also found this makes a good shrimp trap, and I used it to easily move 12 to the 29g, with no netting and very little stress.
  10. Haha, nah, it looked more like the photo @Guppysnail posted (Rafael cat). Or from one store to another. These products are more likely to be found at mom & pop shops. I got photos of that cool wild shrimp in the community tank. Check him out.
  11. It is possible to make them as well if you roll them around in Repashy paste. My shrimps clean the stick spotless.
  12. This 👆 Detritus worms are a beneficial part of a healthy ecosystem. 👆yep
  13. Yesterday I got all the shiitake logs innoculated - 2+ hrs to do it (excluding the drilling which was done the day before)! 1) I had shiitake sawdust spawn, which had to be packed into each hole, pinch by pinch. If I ever do this again I would get plug spawn, which is compacted and just gets hammered in like pegs. But I got this spawn for free. 2) I didn’t have a proper innoculation tool, so I used the flat end of a bamboo skewer, pushing little bits in at a time, which was not efficient. Also I was trying to get the shavings from drilling out of each hole to allow for more mushroom spawn to enter. 3) No good way to keep the beeswax warm. Some people use a little crockpot on an extension cord and take that outside. I just made a double boiler type setup on the stove and took that outside when I was ready to use the wax. The instructions say to wax as you go along so nothing you’ve placed falls out. Also I didn’t want to be working with fungus/potential spores indoors. So I had to go back inside twice to remelt wax. I used wax to seal some parts of the log where the bark had worn off as well. I did that to help those logs retain moisture. It’s fine to leave the ends of the logs unsealed though. The mushrooms do need to take up moisture. It feels satisfying to see the completed logs though. Not an impressive photo to show here. Just looks like some logs… I should mark them so the landscaper doesn’t think they are debris. Any ideas? (Not paint - because toxins. This is food…) We made some backyard friends. They come when called now. They are smart and remember people’s features and whether they like those people or not. My husband was making a pss-pss-pss-kiss-kiss-kiss noise the last few feedings. I did that this morning, and a crow flew right over and landed on the branch above me and watched as I sprinkled the seed, cashews, and peanuts in the shell. The squirrels come and eat too. The crows seem to prefer the nuts, and they know how to open the peanuts.
  14. If you’re looking for something specific I can see if they have it. It suuuper close to my house. They have such a random selection and the store is somewhat disorganized (like a thrift store). There’s a little old guy that works in there. Barely gets around with his little cane and I have to speak loudly because he’s hard of hearing. Makes bad jokes and introduced himself as Captain Nemo, which is what I call him every time I go in there. He always helps me with plants but he doesn’t know the name of any of the plants, so I just say “that one”, and he gets it, then confirms with the teenage guy about price. 🤣It’s cute and amusing. Also when I got home with the water sprite I noticed I had 2 free plant weights. 🙂 Awesome, because mine always disappear. Mainly because I tame grass runners with them. The store is in an odd location too- an office park, set back from the main road. Also they have fun filters. Like this one. I love that it’s called a reactor. I saw them, they are sold in a box like the alder cones. I tried to get a picture of the catfish for @Guppysnail but then they started a water change and he got spooked. A black catfish with long whiskers with a white horizontal stripe. Anyway, I got these poor quality photos of the cichlid. Looks like a saltwater fish. Here’s the label. Tropheus duboisi
  15. Got some water sprite at the LFS, along with some alder cones. I saw a clear shrimp with black or brown spots in the 29g today. Neat pattern. I promptly lost him again. Easy to do with a clear shrimp. The water sprite is in dechlorinated water and in a few hours I will start the RR, to be completed overnight. Here are some other funky things I found in the filtration aisle.
  16. I noticed the reddit people's shrimp go nuts over watermelon. I have never fed it, myself. subreddit name: r/shrimptank Here are some of the shrimp lollies that are sold by HarryShrimpStore (etsy). This can give you an idea of what foods are OK for shrimp. MoringaSpinachAlgaeWalnutArtemiaBee PollenSpirulinaPumpkinNettleMulberryPaprikaCinnamonBeetrootCucumber
  17. The algae is not too bad, really. The tank looks beautiful. Is this a softer water tank due to the cories? Do the amanos require soft water?
  18. My shrimp love spinach and zucchini. My mystery snails like cabbage, zucchini, carrots, green beans, sweet potato, broccoli, bell peppers, cauliflower, the list goes on... if you click Snello2 in the signature line below, it shows a photo of a bunch of the veggies I feed them. I did find out that spinach is not the best for snails because it inhibits their calcium uptake.
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