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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Here are some pictures of Geppetto. I shined the flashlight on him. The dots on him seem consistent with the photos from above. Also there are round “bleach” marks on his lower fin, just a loss of pigment in a circle shape (?) He is acting normally. Very social with me.
  2. I feel like we needed to see a snail eating a green bean today! Am I right? Hampshire the zebra nerite went dormant for almost a week on the driftwood. I was concerned and even tried jostle him a bit to check for wellbeing but he was firmly suctioned. Now he’s back to cruising with his frequent Uber passenger, Button. I put some Repashy powder in to coat the things.
  3. Here’s a Snoopy pout! The tank is shady now with all the plant growth. Large leaves are growing across the top of the water, so algae isn’t an issue. My favorite is this sword (sorry for glare)
  4. Oh shoot @Colu The flake foods I have are metronidazole, fenbendazole, praziquantel, and levamisole. None of these apply, right? (Metro, maybe?) I do have garlic guard already. Would need to buy focus if I need to make food. Also have an empty qt tank but it’s a 5g. He doesn’t do well in a 5g. He bites his tail off in a 5 because he feels claustrophobic.
  5. One of my white worm cultures has been crashing pretty hard. About 2 weeks ago I split it off and the new one is chugging along ok, but I hadn’t done anything with the old one except stir it and feed it. The soil was very compacted and water logged, and the worms have been sluggish. Today was the day. It smelled like eggs.. very sulfury, and the top looked almost like it had a film on it, despite the stirring I had been doing. It was attracting fruit flies as well. I took it outside and spread it on wax paper and section by section harvested as many worms as I could, dunking them into a condiment cup of dechlorinated water. My husband came outside, curious as to what I was doing. I explained, not knowing how to dispose of the rest of the soil, as I am not wanting to have too many cultures- I decided 4 is my limit. His eyes lit up at how rich the soil has become, and he said a plant would love it. He grew up on a farm. I don’t have a compost pile or anything, so why not? I do feel bad for any baby worms left in it but I tried very hard to find everybody that I could. So the rich, stinky soil went into the pot-up of this mini gardenia which has been desperate for soil amendment. It’s under shelter on the porch but will get some morning sun. At first I began to pot it into terra cotta, but I thought about the possibility of any remaining worms I couldn’t see and I thought that would be cruel because terra cotta dries out quickly. So plastic it is to help retain moisture. Maybe some of these buds will bloom soon. The worms I saved went into the other container with the culture that I had split off. @Guppysnail what do you do with the old soil from your cultures? Just curious. Thanks @Colu! @Guppysnail sent me a bunch of medicated flakes and they also contain garlic for palatability. I will try those out.
  6. Never heard of that one. Thanks @Colu. I will increase water changes and see how we do and I will see if he will eat Kanaplex food I have.
  7. Yeah, she said she had to sacrifice a fish and send it to a fish scientist or doctor, and they did a necropsy to find the issue which is otherwise undiagnosable. But she knew it was genetic and she had been breeding those fish, so she just took care to not sell the offspring. Instead she kept them. We feed birds in the yard which has lots of trees. We also have a bird bath and a squirrel corn cob feeder. It’s cute to see the squirrel tails hanging down from the bird bath when they are getting a drink. Just recently we were able to attract 2 different species of woodpeckers with suet. Also I started putting the hummingbird feeder out. They should be returning from Honduras around this time of year. I have videos on my channel of some of our birds. The crows are regulars and even brought a gift. They recognize faces and remember who is kind to them. Link below. Bird videos are mixed in with the aquarium ones. 🙂
  8. The spots are gone, they were raised and white and there were only 2. Sunken areas “maybe”. He has a very dark head and the tannins make it tricky to tell. This is what the dot on his head looked like before:
  9. Folks, I’m confuzzled. Geppetto had a spot on his head. I cured it with ich x. I waited a few days before changing the water to let him soak in the medicine (similar to med trio instructions). It was ok for a week but then the spot came back. And a second one. So I retreated him. Spots gone. But now it looks like 2 of his scales have lost pigment and/or maybe are sticking out, but not in pineconing style. It’s kinda like they are elongated/pulling out? Not sure. It is very difficult to spot and he has to turn juuuuuust right for me to see it. Hence no photos. I did a 30% water change to begin to dilute the ich x, and he has catappa leaves in there, but I don’t know what to make of this or what to even treat for. He’s in good spirits: does the wiggle butt dance when I approach; even made a small bubble nest. Ideally I’d like to feed a medicated food, as I have several varieties in stock. @Colu Also to my surprise there is a shrimp still in there! A juvenile. Probably grew up inside the heater or the cholla. I still have a few shrimp huts in there too. Lots of places for it to have taken shelter. This shrimp has been through 2 rounds of ich x and salt and doesn’t seem affected. I’ve been posting less because I have a new job with a longer commute, and I’ve also been working at home some days and evenings. Family came in from out of state and whatnot too. I’ve been keeping up with tank maintenance but I haven’t been able to really sit in front of the tanks much which is a bummer. What I can tell you is Flint the bristlenose pleco is such a handsome guy, and is often right out in the open. He catches my eye quite a bit! When he flares his fins look so majestic, and his whiskers are starting to get longer too. He is well aware of where the food dish is and can often be found chilling in there, even when it’s not mealtime. The other fish do tend to outcompete him for food, so I like to offer veggies as well as drop Repashy in after lights out. He goes around and cleans the walls after dark, I noticed, and there is no food left in the morning, so I know he and the snails have been getting their fair share while the other fish sleep.
  10. I don’t siphon or clean my filter, or do water changes in the shrimp tank very often. I test but find water changes aren’t warranted based on the readings. Sometimes I see one worm. Not sure why the worms gravitate toward your tanks so much @nabokovfan87
  11. Cycling a new tank and you don’t have any used media for it.
  12. Let us know how you do! Also make sure there is always a clear space at the top for your betta friend to take a breath!
  13. One thought I have is to use reverse respiration on the plants. This is where you would float the plants in seltzer water (NOT sparkling water) for a few hours and the carbon dioxide may drive the bugs away. You can read more about reverse respiration here Another thought would be to hang the yellow sticky whitefly traps around the tank. The traps contain a bug attractant and could help with the situation. https://a.co/d/fDsCSBL https://a.co/d/0MFYtMw
  14. I love creativity posts like this. Very well done! Feel free to throw a post in here as well if you like!
  15. Hmm, seems I have had those before. Mine were scuds. 🙂 They didn’t really swim, they just ran around.
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