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  1. Ironically enough, I've thought about this. If the BB live in the filter media, and you rinse everything out in tank water, why wouldn't you do the same for the filter floss? Lol. Another question I've had that I'm seeing a ton of contradicting information on is how long the bacteria lives outside of the filter. Example, if the sponge dried out, are they all dead? I've seen so many different answers to this question.
  2. I'll definitely look into doing that. It's hard only having two tanks. My 10g is a Peacock Gudgeon breeding tank, so I'm slightly nervous about disturbing them. Again, thank you so much for everything. You've been extremely helpful. Looks like you helped Reefhugger, too. 😊
  3. Aqua Clear 50 (200 GPH). My betta has become a much stronger swimmer being in with the Otos and the HSLs, but there are still many areas of calm in the water. I was looking into UV sterilizers last night after we spoke last.
  4. This is great. I've considered a canister filter, but I am not sure about it for my 20g just yet. I've looked into them for the surface area, the output hose (which might be too much for my long-fin betta), and because they're not inside the tank. I eventually want a 65g and I will likely get a canister then. For more surface area in a HOB, do you recommend getting a second HOB for the 20g? I know it might be overkill, but it would enable me to have more hidden places for various sponges. I'm one of those people that really likes to understand the details and how everything connects. You've been really helpful. ♥️
  5. This is super helpful, thank you. I will definitely Google "heterotrophic bacteria and crystal clear water". I have also wondered about the Biomax getting clogged. It would seem that it would, considering how the larger holes in sponges get clogged, too. Aside from the sponge filter in the 10g and not throwing out the poly-fil, do you have any recommendations for filter media to replace the Biomax for added surface area?
  6. Thanks! I use a generous bag of Fluval Biomax, Purigen, the Poly-fil, and two different sponges in the filter of the milky tank. I have quite a few less fish in the 10g (the newer, clear tank) than in the 20g (the milky tank), so I suspect there are less BB in there with a lighter bio-load. I can certainly try that, but I feel the issue isn't that the BB are too few in the 20g since all of my parameters are and remain perfect.
  7. I have had the tank up and running for 3 months. The last month the water has been milky white. I have tried cleaning the glass, to no avail. No green tinge. Like yours, it has tested fine every few days-no spikes at all. I do have a 10g and ironically I used water from the 20g + filter media to speed up the cycle on that one. However, the water in that tank is perfectly clear. The only thing that I can think of is that the fresh cucumbers caused the water in the 20g to turn cloudy. I have peacock gudgeons and a few Nerites in the 10g. But I don't feed them cucumbers. I haven't had any cucumbers in the 20g for ~4 days, but the issue persists and doesn't appear to be clearing up.
  8. Yeah, that's what the poly-fil is for. It's the same as filter floss, just a different name. 😕
  9. Hello! I need some help with a problem I've had for about a month now. As the title suggests, I've had milky water that I can't seem to get rid of. Before we go any further, here are my 20g tank parameters : Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate ~5ppm, PH ~7.5, GH ~60ppm, KH ~80ppm. I live in Colorado, so the tap water tends to be fairly hard. The tank is fully planted and has been up and running for 3 months. I have a betta, 6 otos, 2 adult HSLs and 1 juvenile. I also have 1 young rabbit snail and 3 nerite snails. Additionally, there is a healthy community of copepods and I'm sure some other microfauna. (I've read this is a sign of a healthy tank). Naturally, I assumed it was a bacterial bloom, so at first I did nothing and skipped water changes. Now, I've tried everything. I tried more water changes. I got a larger filter (new + existing media to keep BB alive) and put purigen and poly-fil (filter floss) in it. I've tried Fritz clarity a few times. I've even been feeding less, assuming it was the fresh cucumber that was causing the trouble. Nope. Fish and invertebrates are all happy, healthy, and appear to be thriving. Any advice on how to address the situation would be greatly appreciated. ❤️ More info: Filter is an Aqua Clear 50, Heater is a Fluval T Series, and I have an air stone for the Otos and HSLs on the back side of the tank. Image attached.
  10. Thank you! I'm going to try one of the other suggestions on this post, too. But it's been surprisingly difficult to find plain seltzer water at any of my local grocery stores! Until then, I'll just dunk them a few times a day to kill off the adults. You're right though, my Betta, Mr. Fields, LOVES to eat them. 😍
  11. Yeah! I got some of those 3D printed rings so he has a space to come up for air. 😍😁
  12. Thanks so much, @Chick-In-Of-TheSea! I'll definitely check these out. My Betta loves his floating plants and I really don't want to get rid of them. They're all in such good shape. I'll keep you posted and let you know how it goes. Rosi
  13. Hello Friends, I have two aquariums (20g and 10g) and recently thought I would put some floating plants in for my betta. I have Red Root Floaters (RRF) and recently added some Frogbit (FB) to both tanks. Last night while maintaining my 20g, I noticed little green flying bugs on my RRFs. I took tweezers and fed them to my Betta. I checked thoroughly for and an hour and didn't see anymore. This morning I checked again and am now seeing double what was there last night + tiny black bugs beginning to spread on my FB in my 10g Peacock Gudgeon tank. I saw a video from Flip Aquatics showing that he using CO2 to get rid of the infestation, but that's not an option for me right now. What can I do to get rid of these guys without CO2 that is also safe for my plants and fish. I've also seen folks suggesting that I dunk the plants in the tank to drown them, but these plants begin to rot once the leaves get wet which will undoubtedly make the bug problem worse since they eat the decaying leaves. Finally, I have seen that people use lady bugs to kill them, but I don't want to buy 100s of lady bugs and then have a lady bug problem. Thoughts? Both tanks are fully cycled. (0 A, 0 Ni, ~5 NA). Thanks!
  14. Thank you, T. I didn't actually go in and move anything around when I was looking for them. I figured if they are hiding or are mating, I don't want to disturb them. Additionally, the rocks in the tank are all fairly large, so I didn't want to accidentally crush anyone. My real concern was actually my cats going fishing, but even that doesn't seem plausible. The opening is for the filter and the current is strong enough there where I don't see the fish being able to swim up there for very long. Hence, the cats wouldn't be able to reach them. The third option is that they're hiding because they're afraid. We had some solar panels installed on the roof yesterday, which was quite loud. All of the other fish seem okay, though. Even Susan.
  15. Hello Friends, I have 3 Peacock Gudgeons that range in size. One female is fairly large and I believe she's close to sexual maturity. I have another female that is slightly smaller. The smallest is a male which I can tell by the way his head is shaped. However, he has not yet developed his nuchal hump. This morning I didn't see any of the fish in the tank. I busted out the flashlight and searched. Finally, I noticed my smaller female. Still no sign of the other two. I figured they were hiding. Later after work, I topped off the water and they still didn't emerge. I finally decided to bust out the blood worms because I know they can't resist. Still, no sign of the other two. Here's my question: could the male be old enough to breed even though he hasn't developed his nuchal hump? The tank is fully cycled (0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrite, 5ppm Nitrates). There is a space at the top that is about 2x4 inch for the HOB filter. No sign of them on the floor around the tank, no bodies on the substrate. My last concern is one of my cats when fishing through the filter hole. Not sure if there's somewhere they are hiding that I'm unaware of, but I'm really going to be sad if they're gone. Final photo is of Susan, the smaller female. She's acting like she owns the tank now. 😔
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