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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I know that's the case for rabbit snails too. Didn't realize they were doing it to our little nerite friends too! That's awful!
  2. Temperature and calcium intake play roles in the shell thickness at the edge, where new growth occurs in mystery snails.
  3. If the damage is in the center of the whorl it is an indicator of poor nutrition early on. This could be due to the babies being in with the adults, and the adults are outcompeting them for food. An interesting thing about nerites is they reproduce only in brackish water. Sometimes they are sold at my LFS with living barnacles on them. Pretty cool, actually! Fun to watch. But the barnacles don't tend to live that long in freshwater. @Guppysnail has so. many. nerites! So I'm tagging her in case she has anything to add.
  4. Eh idk. You have good tank husbandry. Just check your bucket when doing water changes in case any shrimps took the water slide ride. Do you ever think Epic has RBF... just a bit? 😅
  5. Can't please everyone lol You never know! It could work this time! But they are sneaky ninjas and will hide and you'll think you lost them and you'll find them 2 weeks later just shrimping about and cleaning things.
  6. I only know this because recently i wanted to put wondershell in with my shrimp - seemed to make sense to me! LOL
  7. Guppysnail told me Wondershell is not so good for the little guys. She had losses with wondershell but they did fine without. Maybe skip the wondershell?
  8. When I first was getting started w/ shrimp I had some losses. I noticed I tended to have losses after water changes, but then I went to a drip for water changes (full speed through an airline) and that resolved it for me. Calcium in their food helps them to molt also.
  9. If it is neocaridina, looks like some type of rili shrimp! Very cool @xXInkedPhoenixX!
  10. What size and temperature is this tank? The rasbora issue could have been caused by stress from being trapped. What meds are you using and what are you treating for at this time? Is the issue in the top photo like a dent in the cory's head? Can't tell for sure; it's a little bit blurry. Also for each sick fish, are they acting lethargic or hiding? Or are they rapid swimming/darting/rubbing their bodies against surfaces (rocks, gravel, objects, etc)? Do you have a whole tank photo so we can see filtration (the return area you mentioned)?
  11. Yep. I have a little gray cat with white socks who likes to pace in front of my monitor. But if I kind of block her with my arm, eventually she will lay down under the desk lamp because she likes the warmth.
  12. Seems my husband always has a scalp problem - it's the FL heat. I will have him try this. Thanks!
  13. Here's a good video; you can use the styrofoam or not - I have found it doesn't matter if it's used. Do not wet the clutch. The clutch should be on the dry paper towel which sits on top of the damp one. The damp one, just dunk it in the tank, then wring it out and place it on the bottom. Feel how damp it is. Then feel it the next day to see if it's the same dampness. Rewet it if it's not, you just don't want that bottom one to be dry. I can't say how often to rewet it; I always just touch it. Some people swap the wet towel out every couple days. I don't really think it's an exact science tbh. One thing that may not have been mentioned is you'll want to wipe the condensation off the lid daily; you don't want that dripping on the clutch. Think about how the snail lays the clutch in the tank; it goes out of the water to do that. We want to mimic the same. The clutch is out of the water, but has humidity surrounding it.
  14. Very well! I found out he loves Repashy. He dives down to the bottom for it. I love that because it keeps him occupied for awhile and gets him to utilize the bottom level of the tank for a bit. I believe the Repashy is actually making his color more vivid. Also there are 2 shrimp juveniles that hitchhiked their way into his tank on a sponge filter, and he has left them alone, which surprised me! I also think he likes his tank being up higher where he can see into the other tanks. He had a tank close to the floor before, and it was half the size of his current tank. He has a leaf hammock and a pipe near the top in this tank that he loves to use. A number of things have improved for him behaviorally since these changes were made.
  15. Ok, excellent. Co op does a lot of product testing before selling.
  16. @Streetwise the forum is throwing (traffic & config) errors and some stuff is intermittently failing to load (ie: notifications) And the link to add files disappeared. Took a few refreshes to get it back. Update: diff error now.
  17. Oh ok, the one I looked at was Bug Burger.
  18. @Guppysnail I finally caught the tiny terrorist that’s been leaving me molts in the 29g. Who knew he’d be some HANDSOME! 😍 A very dashing red gentleman! He didn’t realize I had a half day today and would check the tank at lunchtime, and there he was on the Aponogeton! Few degrees difference so I’m doing a simple bag float for him to acclimate to wild tank. I hope he finds a girlfriend in there! ORD!
  19. I've heard that brine shrimp water can contain a fair amount of ammonia, which is why most people rinse their brine shrimp before giving to the tank.
  20. Look at my handsome fellow. He enjoys his tank upgrade and seems very content. I actually think his color is becoming more vivid with the addition of Repashy Community Plus to his diet. Seems it’s only for reptiles
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