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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Might be possible to zoom on the last 16 sec (?). I took that bit in landscape orientation.
  2. A Sunday funny for you @The endler guy
  3. Not sure. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ve always used tap.
  4. Corydoras could be an option if compatible with the species you are keeping @Shadow
  5. Parameters are great. I don’t understand the mold thing; that’s a concern. Perhaps a 30% water change, and then if feeding in the morning remove & replace the uneaten food in evening instead of next day. I would stick to the powdered foods since they are not eating the blocks, and remove what you can with a turkey baster or use an airline as a siphon to vacuum up the powder that sits on the bottom. I know it’s tedious, but that is how I did it. I was doing it in a breeder box at the time. See if their activity improves after the water change @StefIt could just be a matter of too much powder in the water column.
  6. I fed once a day and I also cleaned the breeder box with a turkey baster once a day. And I checked everyone’s well being; made sure they were moving around. I would stick with the first bites or @Guppysnail uses sera micron, I believe. I also use Repashy Soilent green (just the powder) and bacter ae. Of course, you don’t need to buy all those things, but if you have some of those on hand you can rotate the foods. They like to attach to Java moss or catappa leaf if those are available; not necessary but just a nice touch for them. Eventually they will go to boiled veggies and should have a food containing calcium/veg/protein such as crab cuisine or a snail/shrimp food like Kat’s aquatics or crayfish empire. But they won’t eat that yet; they will just be wall cleaners for awhile. When I started raising snails I began making my own “Snello” just for the fun of it.
  7. Oh boy! The Etsy order came with some shrimp goodies. 1 ordered 1 big lotus pod, they gave me 2. Ordered 5 mini ones, got 6. The extra was smooshed looking but that’s ok. And I ordered 5 banana leaves. They also gave a free catappa leaf. Nice touch by the seller! Oh and they also gave me this but idk what it is. I supposed I can look it up in their Etsy shop. (Update: Etsy shop doesn’t have these listed for sale) Then I tried to buy plants at LFS but theirs were melted, so I went to big box. Bought this misc crypt. But it was really 4 crypts. Also got this one. Which was also 4. These plants are for Geppetto’s tank which has algae. After toying with lights and waiting for results, none came, so I chalked it up to not enough plants in the tank. Oh and this moss ball that floats on fishing line. The moss looks very healthy submerged. It looks to me like Christmas moss or some other not-Java moss, idk. Included the rock weight. I will give it to the shrimps! And my order included a bladder snail for my Walstad jar and some trumpet snails for my trumpet snail “tank” ☺️ I found about 3 more after this, and they all are in their homes. I macro lensed the water that I rinsed them with and saw some kind of worm thing I didn’t like. It moved crazy like the mosquito larva. Lastly, I have 3 pillbug-lookin things in a condiment cup. Idk what they are or if I will keep or RR them. They are tan with black stripes, kind of reminds me of a bumblebee. They skitter. VERY fast! They don’t like light and were trying to hide in gravel. They are too small/quick for a photo. Here is the total for my 9 plants. Seems they may have forgotten to ring up one pot also?
  8. Since the LFS plants were melted, I went to see plants at big box and I saw these fish that LOOK like Bolivian rams but, body shape was more slender. I asked the guy and he said they are flagfish. Don’t they look like Snoopy!
  9. Went to LFS for plants. Looked for rams while I was there. They have Bolivians. Aaaannnd the tank has ich. D@mn. The owner spoke to me on the way out, “Lookin for your rams?” And I was like “yeah, but…” He gave me a knowingly look. “…the tank has ich. I guess that’s why you didn’t call me.” And he said yeah. I respect and appreciate that. If they know a tank is sick, they put an x on it and don’t sell from it.
  10. @9:30 is the method I used for the temp change. All was well. Use a separate thermometer to check temp level, do not rely on the heater dial or heater display. They are not always accurate.
  11. Excess surface bubbles can be caused by the dechlorinators that help slime coat or contain aloe, such as Stress Coat. For those dechlorinators, only the replacement water should be dosed, not the full tank volume. Not sure this applies to your situation or not, @AllFishNoBrakes.
  12. Yeah. I hate dealing with ich. It can wipe out a tank quickly. I (gradually) bump the temp to 86 when ich is present. It doesn’t do well with the heat. The fish will be fine at 86 but will eat more food because the higher temp quickens their metabolism.
  13. I wouldn’t count on alder cones creating that many tannins. Try the rooibos tea. It has health benefits just like the catappa tea does but gives a more obvious blackwater effect that may provide comfort to the swordtails. Get Sera alder cones (for the shrimps). They are a very nice size.
  14. I think Snoopy would color up some if she had a buddy. I know the light substrate is part of the problem making her look washed out.
  15. What are you using for your calcium source? What do your other water tests look like? And temp? ammonia, nitrite, nitrate
  16. The LFS put me on a list to get a call when Bolivian rams come in. I think it would be interesting so see how Snoopy reacts with a few friends. Bolivians are not popular and it could be a bit of a wait, but we will see what happens.
  17. First, super cute fish. I usually see the red swordtails around here. What variety are these? Their green scales on yours look sparkly like emeralds. Have you tried line of sight breaks (tall plants/forest)? If you don’t have the plants for this you can go to plastic or silk just to get things under control. You can also cut leafy pieces of pothos vine and fully submerge them. They really change the atmosphere and create obstacles in the tank. Have you considered a tank divider (in a smaller tank, not the Grace tank)? Is there food competition also? Try some catappa tea or leaves to help them out.
  18. A new crepe myrtle bare root tree that I planted in winter has recently come down with 2 diseases. I resolved the one (powdery mildew) with baking soda spray, and while I did that it dropped some leaves like the Charlie Brown Christmas tree. 😭 But I returned a week later to do the next treatment for cercospora with neem oil, and look what I found! 2 new sets of leaves! And when I sprayed it, it held onto all its leaves! The little guy is getting stronger! So this is how I’ve been Enjoying Nature Daily this week, by nurturing this little tree. How dormant bare root trees arrive from the Arbor Day Foundation. The bag contains 10 or 12 bare root trees. I kept 2 and gave the rest to neighbors. Tree ill. Before treatment. After: And the tree’s counterpart which was planted a few meters away:
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