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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Hi! Got mystery snails? Those look like mystery snail eggs! Mystery snails climb out of the water to lay their eggs. Generally they lay their eggs overnight or very early morning before the sun comes up. If you agree and you don’t want hundreds of snails, you should remove them (use a test kit card for easy removal) and freeze them in a ziplock. Once frozen, hammer to crush and dispose. Most humane way. You also want to drop your water level 1” so the snail lays eggs on the wall and not on your light.
  2. @Katherine what color is Blue Soul’s foot? I guess you can’t really see the blue shell in the photos. Dodger has some algae and some surface lines. With a good diet, I think he will really become a beautiful snail. Even though I think he’s beautiful already..
  3. I was in the big box store today because I ran out of ammonia test kit solution, and wouldn’t you know, I had to see what was in the tanks. Well, at the bottom of a swordtail tank is this snail with a pretty powder blue shell. But the snail had no friends, and every time he went to come out of his shell, a swordtail would go after him, nipping him again and again. 😢 I saw it happen multiple times; the poor snail couldn’t travel anywhere without harm. So I adopted him. After he was bagged, I talked to the sales associate (who is a very avid hobbyist who works at big box to try to improve their processes for the sake of the aquatic life, NOT the bottom line. ) He refers customers to the mom & pop shops all the time, if they are looking for something specific. He even gave me some bags so I can take my snails to the fish club meeting soon. While I was talking to him, the little snail was traveling around the bag peacefully, without any attacks, and I was happy. For lack of a better name, I have been calling him Dodger. I brought him home and went against my principles of quarantining. My quarantine tank is fully dosed right now and has 2 fishies with columnaris. So he got a 45 minute drip acc, and then I discarded that water. From there he went into a “cleaning station” where I gently rubbed debris from his shell in my own tank water. Now he is in a breeder box with a green bean and a piece of calcium chip. He ate some of the green bean right away. He can leave whenever he wants. There is no lid on it.
  4. Just based on what I’ve seen on the forums, I believe they will seek food floating in the water column. I don’t know that they’d know to go for anything that sinks. Not sure about adding the Repashy powder. Why not try it out and see if they will? It seems pretty small. Every aquarium is an experiment. Also some fry will eat hard boiled egg yolk. It’s a great source of protein. But it can foul the water quickly. You can moisten the end of a bamboo skewer and dip it in the hard boiled egg yolk and a tiny amount will stick to it. That’s all you need to feed to start out. Observe them and increase amount when needed.
  5. She found a little spot to defend by a swim through pot. But the tetras were relentless, returning again and again to take her food. I fed them multiple times at the surface to keep them away but it didn’t work. She spent like 30 minutes chasing everybody out of her spot. Her charges are getting faster and more aggressive. She is losing her patience. She’s going to go out to the 10 gal once I can get the snails moved out. Right now they are producing quite the bioload and I’m already water changing twice a day. Aquarium club auction occurs in 3 weeks, and I plan to take the snails to that for sale. I wonder if she’d do ok with a few threadfins? I really would like a few for the 10 gal. They are very interesting fish.
  6. I want to get the dosage to a morning schedule. My first dose was last night around 7pm. Then I gave half dose of JF this morning and will do the other half at lunchtime. Then AM only from then on because I work weekdays and like to do my tank maintenance in the morning before I head out. Fishies seem to be doing OK. No signs of stress that I can see. I always get a bummed out feeling when I dose meds. I don’t like doing it. It’s not natural for them. And I especially hate the ones that discolor the water. The smell of Maracyn was very anticeptic too which bothered me. The fishies don’t have any choice. People just dump stuff in their water, and the only thing they can do is live in it. But then what’s the alternative? Let the whole tank get columnaris? I did a little reading up on columnaris and it looks like it could be awful if it advances. It can eat a hole in a fish? So we stay the course. It’s tough love, I guess. 😞
  7. Snello time! I cleaned the glass because the snails sure weren’t doing it. But now the limpets (all over the place now) have moved onto the snail shells and the tank decor. I hope they don’t cause any problems for the shells. 🧐 Also learned from Father Fish that the limpets didn’t come from mystery snail eggs. It was just a coincidence that they were the first things in the breeder box when snail eggs were hatching. Limpets come from other limpets. Most likely came into the aquarium on a plant. I’m not overly concerned with them other than they are cluttering all the glass and photobombing.
  8. Oh how cool is that? Look at that little guy. Congratulations!
  9. I just worry she’s not getting all the nutrients she might need. But she looks really healthy. I have hard water so I believe we are good in the calcium department. I keep cuttlebone in there too, and if they don’t eat it, the calcium slowly releases into the water. One time she was sifting through sand. It was incredibly weird, but the forum members said she was getting food out of it. I thought she was dying. But nope, she went right back to cleaning everything afterwards. I think she can pull nutrients she needs out of the driftwood too?
  10. I really wish mine would eat what I offer but she just wants to clean stuff.
  11. Ok @Colu I finished the rest of the water changes this morning 20% and this evening 20%. Then I began the kanaplex/Jungle Fungus fizz tabs. The fishies are sticking together. I circled them in the photo.
  12. Congrats @nabokovfan87! Well deserved! I remember you helped me fix my filter and saved me $60! You pulled diagrams and drew indicators on them to help me with disassembly & reassembly.
  13. Same thing happened to me @Katherine. I believe it is the norm for a clutch.
  14. Cuttlebone - just leave it in there. They will graze on or it will slowly dissolve and release calcium. Banquet food blocks Calcium chips (lifewithpetsgci.com) Hikari crab cuisine
  15. Today is the day! It’s here! It’s here! 🎉🎁🥰 @Zenzo @Cory
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