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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Hahaha right? I heard they are like bunnies. If you want them just get males only.
  2. Powdered food is a first stage food, and they will graduate to veggies. They are about the size of sesame seeds when they are born.
  3. Mystery snails really like soilent green too. I add calcium carbonate powder to it for their shell health.
  4. That's been working well for me for snail sales. (Hey that rhymes)
  5. @Brandon p would it be better to take the photos while they are in the water? Doesn't it stress/harm them to have them out in the air?
  6. I think you're right. The video is the best thing; I really can't see with the naked eye. He doesn't seem to get over peppercorn size despite all the food being offered. I suppose I could take him out and use magnifying glass if I get super curious. He seems happy in there though. Is there a snail that tends to stay peppercorn size? He also doesn't sniff out the food like the mysteries do. He's usually off doing his own thing, but there have been some occasions where he joins them at mealtime. I haven't really paid attention to what [provided] food he likes, besides that cuttlebone. And biofilm.
  7. Your husband called. He's trying to butter a piece of toast and can't seem to find a utensil?
  8. Oh noes... the plastic got too weak in that area, you think?
  9. What I did is I gave egg yolk and then some other food that sinks (ie: algae wafers, crab cuisine, calcium). When they were first starting out, they would only eat on the walls. Once they started eating things from the bottom, I discontinued the egg yolk. What I think helped encourage them to go to the bottom was adding a little java moss to the breeder box. That's a food source for them too, and they would seek that out and attach to it. That's why some of the snail breeders suggest a breeder box. It's a small area for them to travel to find something to eat. Plus it is a smaller thing for us humans to clean as well.
  10. If you haven't already reviewed the product in the shop, I bet these pics would be great to put on a review!
  11. I just want to see the quarantine fishies’ symptoms. I can’t do that in the tote. It’s not fair to be netting them every time. This is purely for scientific observation.
  12. You’ll want to reduce the time that your light stays on as well. There is a technique on this video for removing algae such as yours.
  13. Could they be hitchhiking snails? If so, you can either keep them or soak the plant in seltzer water overnight in a dark area, uncovered, but weighted down with something (ie: a spoon) to ensure it stays submerged. The carbon dioxide benefits the plant but will kill any creatures coming in on the plant.
  14. Cryptocorne and pogostemon require root tabs, as nutrients in the water column are not enough to feed them. Iron is also required. These plants can be found on the ACO online store and if you click on directions within the listing for the plant, it breaks down what nutrients it requires. The water spangles may have died due to moisture from the lid. The tops of floaters generally need to remain dry or they will rot.
  15. Marineland makes other filters such as the Penguin biowheel. I wonder if those impellers could fit your magnum? @nabokovfan87
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