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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. @nabokovfan87 ohhh yeahh I almost forgot about the toxin thing. How many cories per bag did you ship? And what kind of fish did you receive?
  2. Well, I do that. I keep my waterline dropped so they can slide up there and lay the eggs. York (the gold one) has been helpful, she would lay eggs on the front glass. I have the baffle because with the waterline dropped the outflow was noisy.
  3. I’ve not dealt with this issue personally, but from what I’ve read, keeping good water quality helps. You’ll want to test the big 3: ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate and change water according to your test results. @Colu@Odd Duck
  4. You can. A new, clean toothbrush works well for the task. Diatoms are good for tank cycling. Seeing them means you’re making progress.
  5. This looks to be an anal protrusion a.k.a. anal prolapse.
  6. This is called brown diatoms. It is algae but you’ll want to leave it there. It means your tank is alive and healthy. It will go away after a week or two as the plants develop more roots and take over. Algae ID guide
  7. If I recall correctly @Mmiller2001 won best scape of 2022 nerm week yes?
  8. We divers have a motto. If you see a shark, you don’t have to swim faster than the shark, you just have to swim faster than your buddy. 😉
  9. I can say I’ve been in the water with both (not at the same time). Sharks too. The snakes stay on the surface. In all my dives I’ve only ever seen a water snake once. The gators don’t understand the bubbles so they don’t bother us. Nothing else under the water makes bubbles. In all my dives I’ve only ever seen 1 gator. I have 123 dives to date, fresh and salt. I see plenty of sharks though.
  10. In middle school there was a kid that, no lie, looked like Pig Pen from Charlie Brown. His hygiene was “questionable” at best. On top of that, he was a mega jerk always mouthing off to me. School year after school year with the insults. Then, I sat behind him in one class and I tried to sprinkle a pinch of itching powder on the back of his neck but not realizing itching powder is so lightweight, I accidentally dumped the whole package on his neck. And it worked and he was itching the whole class. And he never knew why.
  11. Got a night dive booked for end of month. Woohoo! Usually I do saltwater night dives but this is a freshwater one. This one is closer to home which works better for my schedule right now. Still, should be epic. Night dives always are. 🙂 There are a lot of creatures that are out and about at night that nobody sees during the day. It’s fun to jump into pitch black water with nothing but a dive light. and a glow stick tied to the tank valve. Shooting for some saltwater boat dives for Nov & Dec.
  12. I don't know. I don't have any Xtreme pellets, only flakes. No, but I watched Thai Cave Rescue. True story. A young boys' soccer team get stranded inside what was supposed to be an open air cave, but while they were in there a monsoon came and they got trapped. Give it a watch sometime; it's incredible. The compartment of the cave they were stranded in, it took 8 hours to get to by dive. And so what they had to do was sedate each child and then dive them out so that there was no panic underwater. Divers didn't know how to give shots, but there were several tranq shots they had to give along the way, so they had to learn. There was tons of current and it was very difficult. Divers got exhausted, new divers were called in. Hard to find divers that qualified. Navy Seal divers couldn't do it; it was beyond their training. So they called in cave divers from England (??) I think to perform the rescue. Then they set up stations where there was a different diver in each part of the cave, and it was like a bucket brigade sort of thing where the child would be passed to the next diver and so on until they reached the exit. I think there were 12 or 13 team members, that includes the coach.
  13. Hmm.. never tried those but I bet he’d like them. It’s the same brand.
  14. The easiest thing to feed to him is Hikari cichlid gold sinking. I have the mini pellets but they are too big for him (video wayyy earlier in this journal) so I crush them with the bottom of a glass. I believe there is also micro pellet size but it’s harder to find. He likes frozen bloodworms and frozen brine shrimp. I’ve also given him live brine shrimp. It’s hard to give him flakes. He’s not a big fan of going to the top, but he will watch to see if any float down (Xtreme Krill). He usually doesn’t get any with the frenzy and whatnot - I think this is how this thread started. And it was originally named “The tetras are jerks” LOL. The solution was to get him used to going to one area, in my case I trained him to go to the mouth of his tunnel, and there he always has a food stash at feeding time - if I see that he misses out on something else. He knows to go there and check. The tetras do not like going underneath things for some reason, so most of the time it works well, but occasionally there is one tetra that gets curious and tries to steal a bite. But Snoopy just runs him off. And he was easy to train because he’s “snoopy” about whatever I do in the tank. I’ve been saying quite a bit that he bottom feeds. That’s his preference. But he has adapted to his tank mates and has begun to feed midlevel too as you can see in the last bloodworm video. When I first got Snoopy he was a lot more shy (toward other fish and food competition). Now he holds his own much better.
  15. Lemony Snicketts is so cute. He looks little. How long is he, would you say? Sailor is cute too. His foot is lighter color than my zebra nerite’s foot. Neat. Did your daughter name him? Nerites have a way of disappearing and reappearing. Sometimes I can’t locate Hampshire even when he’s right in front of me on the driftwood or something because he blends in so well and moves slowly. Do you make a full batch of Repashy to make the lollies or do you make just a tiny bit? I’m glad they like it.
  16. Plants are looking nice! Check out the Aponogeton Crispus! Also here’s a shot at sundown. Everybody seems to have formed a school at midlevel and they are just hovering there, getting ready for bed.
  17. I have no problem grabbing my coffee cup with my fish tank hand and taking a swig. 🤣 Gotta wait for the water to drain anyway so may as well do something else I enjoy too. And I think someone said in this thread or another they like fish tank maintenance. I do too. I’m proud to provide a good quality of living to my gang.
  18. This betta system is impressive. Every tank has filtration and is plumbed for simple & regular water changes and the tanks are a lot bigger than the plastic cups! She also takes extreme care in packaging for shipment as well and works hard on educating the public about betta care.
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