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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. The next thing I need is a light, but I don’t want to overpower the little tank. Might just get another Hygger. I dig the 24/7 cycle that simulates sunrise, daylight, and moonlight. Anybody have any nano tank lights they would suggest?
  2. I got my 5.5 gallon polycarbonate lid today. I gotta say, I’m impressed. The packaging was great with several layers of bubble wrap, the fit is perfect, and the precut holes are nice, neat, and convenient. The lid is clear but there is a protective film on it. I am going to leave it there until I start the tank. The lid has a feeding hole but I bought the optional plug to keep any nerites in, or in case a fish jumps.
  3. Congrats @Fish Folk on rainbow shiner fry! Boo has the cutest froggy face. And you have the best tank maintenance supervisor. Does he help out with anything ? So he stays adorable. What’s wrong with that?
  4. In case you’re wondering what Snoopy is up to, he’s swiping snail food, as usual. 🙂🐌🤷🏻‍♀️
  5. So I have a snail… that fell asleep on a snail. And he’s been asleep for quite some time now. 🙄🤣 I did my first water change since getting the shrimp. Only 10% as someone suggested. I usually do 25 and vac more, but this is fine. They did just fine, and I was careful with temperature. I was worried about sponge filter maintenance too but they were on plants today, so I got both filters cleaned. Here’s 2 after the water change. I adore their deep blue coloration. Kept today’s meal nice & simple with some algae wafers. They don’t seem to come to the dish. I think there’s lots of yummy stuff on the plants and even in the sand. The snails are happy to clean the dish for me though.
  6. You can supplement with calcium to help its shell. Crab cuisine or banquet blocks are food sources with calcium. Or you could put a chunk of cuttlebone or wondershell in the tank. Congrats!! A very active little one too! You can always move the eggs to a breeder box with a turkey baster. Use one with a lid so the snails don’t get in.
  7. Hi @BAT - how's the snail kingdom?
  8. Who else has pipsqueaks? @Fish Folk has got to have some. He always has breeding projects goin on.
  9. I did one of those Which Famous Person Do You Look Like things on the web one time, where you upload your photo and it compares it with a database of celeb photos, and it said my celebrity twin is Scully from X Files. 😆 I wasn't mad.
  10. I happened upon this. A treatment for swim bladder for bettas - if the bettas is floating or if it has sunk to the bottom. The treatment is to fast the fish for a day or two, that's it. Resource here Question in general about bettas. Are tropical fish meds in general safe for betta fish or only some of those meds can be used to heal bettas?
  11. I'd think something like this would help him find comfort. (Don't get the floating one though - this one here is ceramic and will sit on the substrate).
  12. I've been watching a series called Rust Valley Restorers. Got into some old school horror movies also this week - Vampyr, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Eyes without a Face, Don't Look Now. And threw in two horror B-movies also: Eraserhead and House. My favorite movie of all time is Big Trouble in Little China. My favorite horror movie is Creepshow. (In 2nd place, The Shining) And I love all the LOTR and Hobbit movies. Since it's Halloween time, I'm thinking I might rewatch a few of the Poltergeist movies.
  13. As an experiment, try turning the filter off. Maybe like 20 minutes. See if they start to come out. If they do, you'll know the issue is that the current in the tank was too strong for them.
  14. Got an ammonia reading of .25 this morning on the QT tank. Expected. It's the salt. When adding a bunch of salt at once, it slows the bacteria, but the bacteria will spring back. To combat this, I added Prime. This method is controversial. Some would say do water changes. But then you blow through a bunch of product that way. The bacteria will spring back. It just takes a couple of days. I will test daily and treat daily if test results warrant. Little fellow is doing well. Symptoms are still there but they have improved. The guy in the recovery unit looks good, symptom wise, but he also looks a bit scrawny. He too eats well. I'm just not confident enough to put him back in the display tank just yet. Knowing my gang, they bully weak ones. So we shall stay the course. He has some more friends now (shrimp) and I think the little increase in activity helps his boredom.
  15. @Odd Duck they are so silly. And it’s about time I got shrimp! Something I’ve been thinking about for a long time, but I was scared because they look so little and fragile. But so far so good. They’ve all found little jobs to do in the tank, and they love the plants and the snail food too.
  16. What I do is isolate the affected fish in a separate tank so that the medications don’t affect my biological bacteria or my other fish & plants in the main tank, but other aquarists may do it differently.
  17. Fingers crossed it goes through for you. I am so glad they survived. How horrible that must have been to endure on a boat. I’ve been on a boat in rough seas before and it was unpleasant. I can’t imagine what it would be like during a hurricane. Dangerous and nauseating.
  18. Here’s a different thread for anyone who is researching columnaris. The thread I’m linking is for newly bought fish, not a relapse case.
  19. There was one rebound case where a little one went through treatment and looked good but when I put him back in the tank everyone bullied him. He relapsed due to the stress of the attacks. No one else in the tank was affected and I always moved the sick fish out to my quarantine tote immediately. my most recent case occurred in a new fish I bought. He’s in the quarantine tote and finished 2 courses and now he’s getting level 2 salt treatment. Columnaris is very stubborn. Yes. Inverts do not tend to do well with meds in general. Shredder is EPIC!
  20. So sorry you are going through that @Mahi27. I’ve had good luck with the JF/Kanaplex treatment for columnaris on more than one occasion. Do you have the option to move your invertebrates out of medicated tanks? Shredder is an epic name for the crayfish. Do be careful not to use nets or other equipment/ gravel vacs between tanks and wash your hands before touching the next tank, etc
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