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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. What a sad turn of events. I am so sorry @jwcarlson. When you medicated did you add the extra airstone?
  2. I hope you feel better soon, and thanks for your help. I am not confident the fishy will eat the medicated food. She has negative buoyancy because her poor belly is so swollen. She either doesn’t notice, can’t get to easily, or has no interest in the flake food. I did get her to eat some frozen brine shrimp a day or so ago. I try not to feed her much (in quantity or frequency) as I don’t know how difficult it is for her to digest and defecate. I moved the other guy out because he became a little bit of a bully. ☹️
  3. I have both Maracyn and Maracyn 2 in my fishy medicine cabinet. @Odd Duck I thought I was supposed to combine them per quote #1? I just did a 50% wc yesterday to remove the Kanaplex, and I am running carbon. Just trying to figure out 1) how long of a rest period and 2) which meds.
  4. I wanted to see what the progress is like, so I dated the photos. 3rd dose of Kanaplex added this evening.
  5. Well 💩 How long should I rest the fish after Kanaplex before starting the next treatment? I plan to finish Kanaplex (one more dose left) due to red gill guy that is in with her. I have these foods
  6. My plants had hair algae/diatoms and clearish leaves so I decided to do reverse respiration. 12 hours in the dark, covered with a towel. May 17, Aponogeton before treatment May 18, Aponogeton after treatment. Algae turned red? Weird. Expected results: algae would die and plant would become green. Actual results: Leaves melted, so I just trimmed them off…BUT!! New growth! Even the dormant bulb popped out 2 leaves. June 1 Note: diatoms on left plant in last pic are on a plant that did not go through RR
  7. How are things going @nabokovfan87? Hopefully fish health pretty stable? What type of substrate is in the 75 now? Also how are the bulb plants? Mine were looking clearish and had some algae, so I RR them and now I have new growth. I trimmed the old stuff off. (things are stirred up by water change)
  8. 2nd dose of Kanaplex went in. The white dot you see there is a limpet on the glass.
  9. The carnivorous sundew plant has developed pigment in its flower buds. And the Walstad jar is still making flowers.
  10. Call the principal’s office and leave a message for her to call you. Hope you feel better soon!
  11. Is there any access at all to the school tank over the summer?
  12. @Tony s after that last post, I feel I owe it to you to post a happy one now. Here’s Geppetto getting live worms, featuring his wiggle dance. 🥰This video was taken this morning!! @Colu @Guppysnail @nabokovfan87 @Odd Duck @GoofyGarra
  13. Day by day instructions. Love it. Thanks! Yeah. Truth is, if I hadn’t done an evening feeding and found him stuck, he wouldn’t have survived. When I approach the tank he ALWAYS greets me and “dances”. That day he didn’t, and I had to investigate. I can’t begin to tell you how traumatic it is to break a decoration that a pet you love is trapped in. You don’t really know how the decoration is going to break and if it will be a good or bad decision. My husband had to break it by brute force, squeezing pliers as hard as possible on a spot right next to the fish, to get the ceramic to crack. It took several tries and the fish and decoration were above the surface of the water several times. I was freaking out. Prior to breaking the decor I tried to gently push him through forward, then push him through backwards, like, pressing on his nose. Used gentle pressure on his side with a Q-tip to “tuck in” his fin to see if that would make him skinny enough to go through. Let me tell you, there was not much leeway at all. Then I had to slowly turn him to see if he could fit through another way, because the holes in the ceramic are not perfectly round. All of this caused abrasions but I had no choice. Whatever I did I tried to be so gentle. But the fish was struggling and fighting and causing his own injuries too. Hes got a lot of fire in him, that one. Very very stressful for all involved, and I knew I was destroying his slime coat too with all the handling. That’s why salt went in the tank ASAP afterwards. Also the decoration had been in the tank for a year at least and he never even seemed to notice it? There were some shrimps in his tank. Maybe he saw one go in there this time and wanted to chase it. Truly shocked at how well he is doing now. I expected otherwise. Also he is a senior citizen. He’s at least 4 or 5 years old, but never acts like it. He gets around just fine.
  14. The instructions on kanaplex don’t mention changing water between doses. Should I be changing water before redosing or no?
  15. Alright, now that I’m home for the night and will be home for the next few days, I did a water change and brought the tank back to level ONE salt. I fished out every trumpet snail I could locate, then I dosed the tank with Kanaplex. Geppetto ate some pellets and seems to be taking the treatment well. I did give him “a hint” of extra air. At first I tried to go full throttle but with his long fins he really struggled against the increased flow then had to lie down on the sand.
  16. The fishy was just sitting there on the bottom, not moving much. I decided to try Kanaplex because of all the meds I have it is labeled for dropsy which is a type of bloating, and I don’t have the metroplex. Then I decided to move another fish in. Red gill fish that’s been in the other quarantine, because salt level 2 didn’t cure it. I normally don’t play musical quarantines but they both need the treatment. I wasn’t sure if there would be any bullying because of how lethargic the neon was acting, but upon release of the head-and-taillight tetra, she was immediately intrigued and upbeat and eager to follow him around! He doesn’t seem to mind, and I think they are friends? She seemed so depressed and now she’s done a 180 and is swimming all around with her buddy.
  17. That was the one that drew me in. But having a closer look, it didn’t have the definition that the white one does (ie: shading behind every scale and around the corals). That’s magical. I participated in beach cleanups and nest protection with the Loggerhead Marinelife Center. That was the type of shark that had the baby with her. Yeah. And Shark Week.. 😐 I’ve dove with shark many times, and it’s never been ANYTHING like any of those TV shows. Except one time when a diver shot a fish with a speargun. Then sharks were circling. The piercing blow released fish blood into the water, and that’s what the sharks wanted. The diver let the sharks have the fish. Always! Truth! 🤣 Thanks for taking the time to read! It was a long post!
  18. I was hoping you’d say Kanaplex. I didn’t want to obliterate my filter with Maracyn. I have to fish out my trumpet snails to treat his tank. QT tanks are in use.
  19. My brother is a song artist and has been dabbling in creation of music videos. Here’s a recent one. Maybe throw him a like? 👍 (if you want to)
  20. Today I observed redness at the gill. He just completed his 7th day at level 2 salt with water changes and catappa tea daily. I did drop him to a level 1 today to give him a bit of a break, and I observed this after making that change. The redness concerns me. I have both. Which is better?
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