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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. @TheSwissAquaristim just going to remind you this is a FISH forum... 😆 LOL, you probably have more dog pictures than fish pictures on this journal.
  2. yes, they dont have a Blocklist: you cant keep species x,y,z. They have a passlist: You can keep only x,y,z its very strict, but my source was from 3years ago, so it might have changed..
  3. Its approved by my betta, and the various platies that like to explore in it.
  4. i know maine has a lot of things illegal, you cant get snails there, and like barely any shrimp
  5. Ive been thinking about purchasing a Python system to make water changes easier (and less water on the floor) for me, for a while. However the only issue is they cost like $60. Does anyone use a DIY system?, i was thinking about doing one, but wanted to see what others were doing first. Please post pictures. I saw @AllFishNoBrakes has an interesting one.
  6. @knee Those tanks look amazing! my first guess would be C02, than i realize you're probably someone like MDfishtanks, that does low tech setups, but still amazing plant growth.
  7. dont they provide things like disection specimens for labs?
  8. This is just me sharing my DIY betta tunnel for anyone that wants to use the idea, its VERY simple though. The idea started with me and @xXInkedPhoenixX chatting about betta tunnels, who recommended i try a tunnel for my betta. Now aquariumcoop does sell one. Ill put that out there, this is their forum: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/betta-floating-log?_pos=3&_sid=f229dd788&_ss=r Now to me $12 wasnt worth it for something i could DIY, im kind of on a DIY/making things happen with what i have kick right now, as appose to just buying,buying,buying. So what i did was very simple, i took a root tab container, took the top off and cut a bunch of holes in it. Attached are pictures of it, and what i started with, and the end result. (a note, when i was making this i didn't take any pictures, the root tab container, is a different container, same product though).
  9. hey im Newt to making fish memes, i guess you could say im a Cichkid at this. Im trying not to roast anyone, but if they get Fryed, im sorry. I wasnt BorneoLoach making these. Some people have good senses of humor, the rest just think these jokes are Fishy.
  10. ive had a glowlight tetra, all her friends died. She was hanging out with platies, and i had a male platy try to impregnate her, it was so weird, but she really was acting like a platy.
  11. 1. I had a betta in a 2gallon tank, no filer, no heater, weekly water changed, betta was sick from the cool water, and commited suicide between the heater suction cups and the glass 2.My 20high community tank, its my only "display" tank, though i use it for small projects anyway 3.I think i saw the link on the aquariumcoop website and was curious 4.Good question... 5.Hatching Corydora Eggs (Well...technically im just lazy on this one) 6.The only fish ive had, that i dont have now is 4glowlight tetras, i dont miss those, they were just sick and hid in the corner of my tank 7. weekly 8.rack of 20s. With one big tank, you could do a huge community tank. But with multiple 20s. ones a platy breeding tank, ones a pygmy cory breeding tank, ones a Apisto breeding tank,ones a kuhli loach breeding tank, and so on, if you get my point 9.easy, last saturday. the tank is right next to my bed, when i dont need to get up quickly, i will lie there are just watch it as i wake up 10. either FD tubifex worms,Xtreme 1.5pellets
  12. Im on a roll making memes:
  13. sounds nice. i will say Aqadvisor does not calculate in plants
  14. Im still working on this meme thing: This one isnt too good:
  15. i wouldnt reccomend it. I beleive this is just a color variety of the GBR.
  16. its football season. I have that burger king add stuck in my head.
  17. Im aware the season is completely wrong, But i want to start planning now to set up a outdoor tub when the weather warms up. My only worry is my fish would get eaten by racoon, how do you keep racoons from getting into these tubs? My concern is that racoons are rather intelligent, and they could get around any lid i put on it.
  18. @Phirefaseso the question is dimensions?
  19. i beleive @BettaFishCO is also breeding bettas.
  20. Hmmm... this gets hard, ive heard variatus males can be very agressive, but IDK, i just have standard mutt platies, where the extent of the agression is males chasing each other around. Might be best just to have 1 platy than have a few males killing each other. But @TeeJay dont do just 1more male platy, that makes agression real bad, if you are getting more, get 2+ more so if there is agression, it will be better spread out.
  21. thanks for educating me on this fish in particular. I'll redefine what i said. You can keep 1platy. Plenty of people do it, it doesn't kill the fish. However, they are happier in even small groups, and you can see their fun behaviors better if they have friends.
  22. i dont reccomend this. Platies are very social fish. They can clearly get lonely alone. Ive seen this, and had to fix it. If you are adding a pair or trio it would be fine, but dont do just 1
  23. again on my note that this is normal. I see darker platy fry show up in light batches, ill just have one or two, i think its the same idea for these endlers.
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