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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. as predicted i came home today and found signs of eaten eggs, they laid 1batch before i left, and most have laid more when i was away. signs of eaten eggs (what i call "egg spots" which im aware means something different in African Cichlids) its sad i couldnt get them, but as @nabokovfan87pointed out, i already have fry so its not like im missing my chance to have fry. Fry update: I saw one moving around today with a pink belly, they are still very small, i have 6minutes left on my timer before they get some BBS. ive realized the stupid things i do, for example. Say this box is my tank: using this model as an example, yes i may have just made the french flag. So the red sign faces my bed, i like this side to be clear for better observation purpouses, the blue side does not face my bed, and i dont care if its cloudy with algae, but i always put breeder boxes on the side closer to my bed, even though it makes that side REALLY hard to algae scrape. I dont feel like changing it, i just feel like pointing it out. ill post later, ive got to go harvest BBS!
  2. @nabokovfan87 i need to go harvest BBS, but it will be fun for me once i can get the cories to a larger size and can keep them in the main tank with the rest of the cories, just having a large shoal sounds fun. (i might need to rehome platies to avoid overstocking, but ive been needing to trim down on my colony for a while), however i dont think i will keep most of the fry once they grow up.
  3. I agree with @Lennie it looks like an aspidoras.
  4. @Milburn95what concentration are you dosing?
  5. congo puffers grow too larger for these tank sizes, they get around 10in.
  6. @The endler guy i know what you are talking about...
  7. @The endler guy its just me having fun with this project, it will also give me some more platies, which is good because i have a high demand for my platies.
  8. @Colu looks like a fungul infection.
  9. @The endler guy the project has fallen apart, i no longer know what im trying to acheive. Its now become "What interesting colors will i get" mostly i trying to add some red to a orange tuxedo platy, i am paying no attention to genetics at this stage.
  10. 1. What is the largest tank you've ever cared for? my current tank, 20gallons 2. What is the most amount of tanks you've kept? Why? 4, its the most i can get away with. 3. What is the next plant you wish to have in your tank? Floating Plants, but my HOB splashes on them and kills them 4. What is the biggest challenge you face with maintenance? Not spilling water on the floor 5. How often do you test your tank? around weekly, but i have no patern 6. Do you have aquarium salt on hand and what was the last time you used it? yes! I bought the 14pound BBS salt from ACO, i still have like 13 pounds of it left, i just use that instead of aquarium salt, i used it yesterday to hatch BBS 7. Have you ever kept a tank with a planted substrate, what did you like or dislike? No. 8. What is your favorite thingamajig that you have for your tank? (something you use) Filter Floss, i can buy it in bulk for cheap, its very customizable, and do es a great job keeping my water clear. 9. What is your favorite color and do you have any fish in that color? I like shiny blue/green in fish, i have a few platies with some blue on it, and my cories have a emerald sheen to them. 10. Choose 2: Seiryu stone, Ohko stone, Red Lava Rock, Mopani wood, Manzanita wood. None of the Above, I would just fill the tank with plants
  11. @The endler guyim sorry for your loss, ive heard GBRs can be very personable pets.
  12. Update: Corydora fry are eating!!!!! 😄 . I saw two in the breeder box this morning and their bellies were pinkish orangish, BBS color! Other update, they oe result from my previous successful corydora breeding adventure, is mature, i saw it trying to "t" with the bigger corydoras this morning. my tank looks so good, because the water is clear! breeding behaviour from cories but so far they've laid no eggs. here is a picture of Garra Guy: as well as a general photo of my tank: to re to revise my statement my corydoras just layed eggs, but i couldnt get them because i misplaced my catch cup. but ill be ready next time!
  13. @Fish Folk by this chart it looks like im in 6or7 Can i just get Water Lettuce from my LFS? @Fish Folk by this chart it looks like im in 6or7
  14. @Fish Folk i have been looking to get that book. I want to start planning to tub some platies, but dont know what im doing.
  15. I have 1zebra nerite snail. She leaves eggs all over the tank and is nocturnal. She is a very good algae eater, and i can see her marks on the algae where she eats it. Ive seen her on my tank rim, and in my HOB, but shes never escaped.
  16. @Cinnebunswhat are your lighting hours? ive had brown algae bursts because someone left the light on, on a tank overnight.
  17. Ive been hearing the term "Nerm" come up a lot on this forum, it seems to mean fishnerd, but how did that become Nerm. Somebody please explain this term to me, i am SO confused
  18. @Cklinethis is such a cool tank! how big is the turtle?
  19. Yeah, ive been learning from my mistakes. For example, i was very strict on egg sepertation this time, because in past experiences doing nothing, killed all the eggs. I am hoping to grow these out successfully and not have air pump issues like my last batch, i think i will have good succcess if i can get the fry eating BBS and powder food this week. (They seemed curious by the BBS today, but they might not be at a stage where they can eat it). Breeding fish is fun for sure, but it can be SO frustrating. I have a friend interested in some of the fish i breed, and also someone was told about me who also wants platies from me. It would be nice if i could add corydoras to my list of things i breed. (Many fish would go to the LFS though)I think my issue is im lazy with separating eggs, and dont do it correctly, but if i do it right, i can have lots of success breeding this fish.
  20. Id check out KeepingFishSimple's video on this. He goes into detail breeding his bettas. But its probably around a week for hatching and 2-3 days for free swimming, but you'll be able to tell once they are free swimming.
  21. In all reality im not watching the game this year. Ill just be on this forum, and watching my platy swarm, and cory fry when i can see them.
  22. There was a cory fry right up at the wall, i wanted to photograph it so bad, i went to get my camera, and it had moved. Cory fry are doing well, definetly bigger then they were yesterday. Ive got BBS in the hatcher, it should be ready tommorow afternoon for some BBS feeding to the fry and the "big" fish. (Big fish is a term i use for non fry fish). I plan on feeding the fry 2 times a day, once in the morning, once in the evening, but i might be able to do 3 times. For dry foods i have Easy Fry food, mixed with Hikari First Bites, and in the evening i will be feeding live BBS. here is a picture of the breeder box (Cory Fry is circled):
  23. I am the blue person in this case, i do both of those things:
  24. You should be fine with the 207, my suggestion is to get some plants growing, if its legal in your location things like Hornwort or Anarchis are good options as they are fast growing and cold water tolerant.
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