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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. pretty good name. unfortunately you are a few weeks late. the snail has already been named.
  2. @nabokovfan87 cant wait! im hoping for some good tips here, that i missed on the previous page.
  3. im not sure i understand. Is this a question about cherry barb ratios, or about platy fry?
  4. i fixed one of the biggest flaws plant wise in my tank, and made it look horrible. to explain, it is suggested to have lots of gravel for plants, and a slope. I had a reverse slop in my tank. Meaning the java moss and 2-3inches of gravel in the front, and the amazon sword had 1 in the back. this was a big issue, as it meant root tabs (and the sword) kept getting uprooted when i tried to add root tabs to this plant. So i took some gravel from teh front, and moved it to the back, in the process sitrred out a bunch of debris, and the corydoras love it. But it looks horrible in the frong with the missing areas, but as time goes on, with WCs and corydoras, it should correct itself naturally. all the fish are busy feasting on root tab gel caps from uprooted root tabs. but now the amazon sword has like 2in of gravel, and i can safely put in root tabs, without uprooting everything. my filter will have to work hard to pull all this stuff out of the water though, its a mess.
  5. Good Morning! The fish are very active this morning, so its interesting to watch. Then again the lights JUST turned on, so... the water is pretty clear this morning. it doesnt look like anyone is eating the zucchini, ill leave it in for the snails though. i may do some rescaping later when i get home, so stay tuned for that. Im still accepting some ideas though. Batmobile saw me on the computer and wanted to be a camera star: Smaug is not as outgoing, though i really wish she would be. no eggs this morning. which is good because i was busy yesterday, so by the time i got home, the LFS was closed, so i didnt have a chance to call them and ask them about taking mystery snails from me, John is investigating the Zucchini ( @Chick-In-Of-TheSeakind of like Snoopy)
  6. i do agree with this. i get tons of color,personality,and activity out of my platy colony, besides for males chasing each other around, no aggression there.
  7. ive been wanting to get some silicone for a while for various DIY purposes. next time i have aquarium budget ill try to get it.
  8. many options work, i like this article. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/dither-fish?_pos=1&_sid=127153899&_ss=r personally i am a fan of platies, for their fun behaviors and colors.
  9. i have a bunch of Brazilian Pennywort i could use. i could move the java fern over, but i would then need to hide the pot... the sword has some submerged leaves and is still growing its submersed ones. lighting isnt the issue, i use the ACO light, and i dont have budget for a new light.
  10. @Rewcolee1 what light are you running, and for how many hours?
  11. I have not noticed this before because i had a breeder box in the way, but the righ side of my 20high is rather bare. The amazon sword is growing slowly, and so are the crypts. I like the coconut hut, but its height does not match that area of the tank. And rescape ideas? i like the jungle style side on the left, but not the bare opening on the right.
  12. the Aquarium coop Nano that @Guppysnailis referring to is a sponge filter.
  13. i added some blanched zuccini, and it looks like the snails like it. (the mystery snails were breeding again). it is not well documented in the picture, but there are 2bite marks indicated by the circles: turns out, Garra Guy likes the zucchini,so the bite marks might be his, and as omnivores, the platies are eating it too. I have a problem with my tank. After moving out the breeder box, im not pleased with it. ive realized how bare one side is. I want to leave the left side, (with the wood covered in anubias) but rescape the right side (which at the moment is rather bare), any ideas?
  14. ive kept mini ramshorns in my infusoria setups (they came in on dead leaves), those things will survive just fine.
  15. size and color, they are bigger and more colorful. also getting fish big takes time, which is part of the cost.
  16. i understand that. ill keep this message, and send it to him if i end up doing the snail breeding.
  17. @Guppysnail how about something like: Mystery snails are a very fun species! However in term of diet they are more like herbivores fish, then snails, and should be target fed foods with vegetable content. for more information, here is a great care guide from a trustworthy source with lots of experience on this species: https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/files/file/43-mystery-snail-care-sheet/ "
  18. ill keep that in mind, no eggs yet. I finally got both my mystery snails out at the same time! i find it funny that the dull one is outgoing, and the colorful one is shy, but it may just be a time thing. i think they are reminding me to go prepare some zucchini for them.(i removed the cucumber). also no more breeder box, the inhabitants were moved out, and i didnt like the look. planted display+breeder box=UGLY. so i took it out.
  19. theoretically in a 29 you could do 5females, but a dither fish, in a jungle setup with LOTS of sight breaks. but getting this to work well is very difficult.
  20. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea Snoopy is grateful to the snails, because they mean you spend more time at the tank, so she gets fed more.
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