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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. A snaily snack: (cucumber). though Garra Guy is interested. wow... Garra Guy looks AWESOME in that picture. ill keep it in mind that zuccini is better for the snails., as the fish like cucumber. I hope i dont come on in an hour to find someone like "TAKE THAT OUT OF YOUR TANK, ITS POISON!" though apparently cucumber isnt really that nutritious, but i couldnt find zucchini, and I was eating cucumber anyway, and besides, Garra Guy likes it. @Chick-In-Of-TheSeais this okay for my snails? the platies and Garra Guy are fans, but both of them are omnivores, so its no surprise.
  2. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/hillstream-loaches?_pos=1&_sid=90cfaddf3&_ss=r though you have probably seen this article before. im following, considering this is a fish im interested in.
  3. With me wanting to breed mystery snails, i am reaching out first to try and make sure the snailets will have a home. i contacted a friend and asked if he wanted 1 or 2, and he responded "I could probably take 1. I don't think I have enough algae right now for more than that." what's the best way to respond to this? these snails CANNOT just live on algae, but im bad at phrasing these things.
  4. this is why before my snails are breeding, im reaching out to local hobbyists and the LFS to see if i will have a home for the snabies as you call them.
  5. you ship internationally? thats pretty cool.
  6. not really... i grow mostly anubias, and while the rhizomes grow fast, i dont trim the leaves. my amazon sword is still small, though i probably have some dying java fern leaves i could throw in there.
  7. yeah, but plecos and cories look kinda similar. plecos and plecos look VERY similar.
  8. ive cleaned my HOB into there, to give it some mulm, and a leave from a crypt. i guess its good and bad that i dont have dead leaves from my plants. id add leaves from other things (like trees), but im worried about tannins.
  9. yeah well... i like these guys because they are little things i can observe moving, and its free.
  10. Took out some converted moss from my jar: and moved it to my 2gallon tank. got a WC done:
  11. that would be useful to know. i know that mini ramshorn snails dont care. I have given my 5gallon/mini ramshorn snail colony, a overdose of BBS, like a lot of saltwater in the tank, and they DID NOT CARE at all.
  12. oh, ive been unsure the whole time. just remember ive had it for 2weeks so probably no major changes yet, it may be black, it may be purple. also this is EXACTLY why i want to breed these snails. GENETICS!
  13. My moss experiments are working! already (its been like 3days) i have some converted, if i can find some super glue, ill add it to my tank, otherwise i will have to see... ive been discussing this topic with @rockfisherand @Expectorating_Aubergine(anyone want to join our study group?). The converted moss i had so far, has had HIGH light, and high nutrients, it will take longer in lower light and lower nutrients. I have not done exact testing on this yet, but when doing to previously it was slow in low light. here is a few clumps of the converted moss (it is being moved out to allow more light for the rest of the moss). converted moss in my 2gallon with medium light, and medium/low nutrients: the moss is the bright green stuff. ill see how it grows from there, and also in the converting jar.
  14. would there then be a suffocation risk? and wont it be diluted with the tank water?
  15. thanks, im not trying to be rude here, but my aquarium budget is like 0 right now, so i want to find out if i can keep hatching BBS.
  16. I have a small dilema here. when i feed BBS i dont strain it, i have no good way how. (though i could simply use some coffee paper, but i dont have any). And according to the internet, a grain of salt, will kill mystery snails. So should i be concerned here? Itll be a 1/4gallon salt water to 20gallons freshwater ratio, it should just be diluted right? or do i have a issue here? @Guppysnailyou feed BBS, does this affect your Mystery Snails? or do you strain yours?
  17. @Stef looks like there are plenty of hidng spots in the tank, they should be fine.
  18. yeah, they cant go to 100F, and will like normal tropical ranges better (72-78f). Clown pleco maybe? ive heard mixed acounts on their algae eating skills though.
  19. @PineSong here is the strain my platies made on their own, that i probably will work with. the male isnt the best for this project, but close enough: though ill admit that chances are these females are tuxedos and i just havent realized it yet, but right now they are not, so right now they are unique. and besides, this will be a longer project, not just i get rid of the entire first generation of fry. part of my head was like "rehome all other platies" but ill probably change my mind on this subject more years then ive actually had my mind, so yeah... i think this is my 4th idea on this project so far, i need to choose something and stick with it, but there are SO MANY OPTIONS, and i cant do all of them, because tank limit. 😞. though... 🤔, i can setup a pair in the 5, move the males out, move the female to a breeder box, move the next pair in...that plan is far too complicated but it might work. actually best plan yet: clear you the 2gallon (all the fish ARE healthy), setup a pair in there, after a week or two, move the male out and the female into the 5gallon (setup with lots of hidng spots for fry), then repeat this a few times... i may be on to something here. Ive raised the lighting in my tank, from a level 3 to a level 4. now if your question is "Are you trying to outbreak hair algae again!?" the answer is "yes". why? I want to outbreak it, then remove it and add it to my breeding tank. though in my opinion, anything higher then a 3on the ACO light is VERY bright, so i may undo this, for my eyes' sake
  20. the idea isi the copepods in a designated culture, not in the main tank. Hydra will just be another fun thing for me to watch in there.
  21. what types of algae? I happen to have a hair algae outbreak, and... i cleaned my HOB into the culture today for some mulm.
  22. Todays post was sponsored by Hair Algae, with the motto "When you think about it, im just free moss" (which @Guppysnailwould agree with). which i am using it as in my breeding tank. Algaecide the nocturnal nerite: (tank lights still arent on yet). looking around, and no mystery snail eggs today. @Miskai regret to inform you that the cory eggs went bad. (i did say im still working on the whole cory breeding thing), ill post more once the lights turn on in 3minutes. woo hoo! tank lights are on! I have a lot of work to do today: 1.I have removed hair algae, i also found the BEST tool for this job: why is my hand the best tool? 1.Its easier to control force, so im noto oupdrotting plants. 2.I had an area here: that i cant reach with tweezers, and cant see well. I dont need to see it if i use my hand, it has nerves for a reason. also my hand, is more flexible then tweezers. I need to move some stuff around as my WC bucket is a storage mess at the moment: then ill do a WC, move dirty water to A.Copepod Culture B.A bottle for my mom's plants and C. My neighbors plants. then clean the filter media in the copepod culture (to get lots of stuff in there), then refill the tank. but enough posting, i should get working here. also snails: Batmobile and Algaecide, the BSFF (best snail friends forever) though i think Smaug is feeling left out 😞 also i just want to add, with the stocking of this tank, put it in a doctor's office, with someone that knows what they are doing (not me), and kids would have a BLAST with the platies and cories.
  23. check youtube. I know many good channels that have made videos on this ACO,KGtropicals, im sure there are more.
  24. To start, i understand this is a strange question, and not many people probably have expertise on it. But i have an odd fascination with the freshwater crustaceans Copepods (as well as MANY other things). They ended up in my infusoria culture, and i just love to watch them move around. but whenever i look, there are like 1 or 2 i can see, not a large colony. (more is better). I am blaming this on food, so what do they eat? I know they are purposely added to the NYC water supply, so they eat some sort of waste? Or are they like dafnia and eat green water?
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