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What did you get done today?


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21 hours ago, Pete said:

Came in from doing yard work to find my 10 gallon leaking from the side seam so my mandatory furlough "vacation" day off turned in to a clean-up and fish rescue operation. Thanks to the Dollar Per Gallon sale, I was able to quickly replace the 10 with a 20. I'm actually kinda glad this happened because when I started to pull out my java fern and vallisneria, I realized I have waaaaay more red wag platy fry that I suspected. The extra room in the tank will be nice as they grow.


Hey Pete,

Sorry to hear about the leaky tank... That stinks.

I try to stay away from the silicone seams when cleaning.  When I use the magnetic cleaners, I put a piece of fine poly foam pad on the magnet that goes into the inside of the tank.  That way, it holds the magnet out and away from the silicone seals a bit.

We have a ton of Red Wag Platies in my 55 gallon.  I know what you mean about the new fish fry.  😊

All the best....

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I put in an order for the following:


I'm going to look at adding these to the basic hood that came with the 29 gallon tank I just set up.  The basic white led strip chain that came with it had reviews that the light was ineffective for plant growth.  I figure that if I can experiment with placement, dimming, and timing of these full spectrum LED's then I might be more successful in growing in more plants (than just moss I've currently started it out with).  I also ordered 4 more Assassin Snails for my 20 gallon to help the initial 2 I have to deal with the current bladder snail infestation (I have no problem with snails but I obviously do not have the means to control their rate of population growth).

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I actually do this six days of the week, not just today, but figured the pics might be amusing.


This is the 'otto buffet'  - I keep a small tub out side with a few inches of rainwater and dirty tank change water in it, and I throw these rocks in there to sit out in the sun and grow algae. I then pull two or three rocks a day and put them in this tank for the ottos to have fresh algae since they've done a fine job cleaning up the rest of the tank.

These rocks will be cleaned in a couple hours. I will swap them back out to the outside tub tomorrow and bring fresh algae covered rocks in for them.


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Buckle down everyone this is gonna be a long one. So 2 days ago I got my first red cherry shrimp. I was keeping them in my marineland 5 gallon portrait tank. For those of you who have this tank you know that its pump and filtration is built into the back of the tank. (I believe Cory has done a review of this tank a couple years ago.) Well I came home last night excited to show my gf the new shrimp. However to my disappointment when I looked in the tank I found none of the cherry shrimp. I looked for nearly 15 minutes before I finally thought to myself, theres no way they climbed thru the intake and are in the back.. I took of the lid and began pulling put the sponges I had back there for filtration. And surprise surprise all of them had swam thru the intake and were eating off the sponges in the back. Now I had the issue of the fact i had no way to get into the compartment to get them out. I was worried that if I just left them they wouldn't find their way back out. My only choice (at least in my mind) was I would have to cut the silicone bead on the divider and simple tear out the divider and redo the tank. So after 2 hours. My 5 gallon has been rescaped and my trouble maker cherrys are living happily in their slighlty redone tank lol. Needless to say last night i got alot done. Just not anything I actually planned to do.


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2 hours ago, ToScapeOrNotToScape said:

 So 2 days ago I got my first red cherry shrimp. I was keeping them in my marineland 5 gallon portrait tank. Well I came home last night excited to show my gf the new shrimp. However to my disappointment when I looked in the tank I found none of the cherry shrimp. I looked for nearly 15 minutes before I finally thought to myself, theres no way they climbed thru the intake and are in the back.. I took of the lid and began pulling put the sponges I had back there for filtration. And surprise surprise all of them had swam thru the intake and were eating off the sponges in the back. 

I have that tank...with shrimp, and a betta. My first act was to cut filter floss to block all the intakes. I thought I might be paranoid...glad to hear it was worth the knuckle scrapes!

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Ugh...I had this tank too! Definitely not for shrimp or babies. I covered all the openings with pieces of sponge,  but still had shrimp climbing UP & over the edge. It drove me nuts. LoL! I had a small round shrimp net that I'd ordered from Amazon. I turned on the flashlight app on my phone & sat it against the outside bottom of the back of the tank. That have me just enough ambient light that didn't glare so I could dip them out. Needless to say,  that tank is sitting empty outside on my porch. Too much work for me! 😆

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1 hour ago, Brandy said:

I have that tank...with shrimp, and a betta. My first act was to cut filter floss to block all the intakes. I thought I might be paranoid...glad to hear it was worth the knuckle scrapes!

Ya if i ever get another one of these i will cut out the divider before i even set it up lol

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Added those cichlid stones that Tazawa tanks and Ben O'Chart did videos on recently. I had to leave for a couple hours and thought that they had killed my fish somehow when I got home because I didn't see any of them as I came in the room. 

They must really like them, there wasn't an empty cave. As soon as I was visible to the fish, they all came shooting out of the caves to beg for food. 


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At some point on Th-Fr, we lost the fish book. You know, the one with all the past tank parameter tests & all the measurements for the water treatments...that fish book. 

Since we were changing water, I had to redo some of that math & decided to go ahead & start a new book. 

We eventually found the old one,  but I spent an hour or so this morning moving everything into the new one. 

I have an app. I don't like it.  I like pen & paper. And as it so happens,  or new fish book looks great with our first Aquarium Co-op sticker! Win- win! 


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Finished the final coat of paint on the stand of my new (old from Craigslist) 110 gallon acrylic tank.  Painted the worn black to a fresh almond!  Can't wait to bring it in the house and start giving my community fish an upgrade...love all my fish.  


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On 8/20/2020 at 6:02 PM, Cory said:

Tested the latest versions of my favorite WiFi timers. Order will be submitted so we can carry them. Had high hopes, but only one could win. 


omg!  Can't wait for these to be available at the COOP!  

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Yesterday I took my first batch of platy fry to my local fish store. It was my first time ever selling and I was super nervous. Would they like them? Would I "do it right"? Would the fish transport nicely and show well once we got there?  The store asked that I bag the fish in a gallon ziploc, and just for fun I used my USB nano air pump to throw an air stone in the bag for the 30 minute ride to the store. I think it helped make a positive impression when I delivered.

It was a great experience. The store owner LOVED all 10 fish and offered cash or store credit right out of the gate. I told her I'd happily take the store credit and would follow up soon to see how the fish did for her. She said she expects them to do great and hopes that I bring lots more, and said any other livebearers I wanted to breed would have a buyer waiting. I'm so encouraged. 

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