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What did you get done today?


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Started going through ALL of my aquarium stuff with Jimmy for the big move from PA/Ohio to Washington! ... Yes I am bringing boxes of sticks, rocks and soil all the way across the country... No, I am not a crazy person-- just an aquascaper 😜

Boxes to keep and boxes to donate, gotta keep it balanced haha


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It was a cleaning day after I got home from work. Took off the over the tank filter ( which pulls water up through a under gravel filter), took sponge filter, and some decorations out and gave them all a cleaning. I am fighting BBA and after doing some research decided to try using hydrogen peroxide on the decorations and a couple of plants. Also took some algae off my front an back glass with an algae scrubber I picked up from Aquarium co-op. Great scrubber! Also tested water and made a CO2 dispenser the old school way. ( saw the 100% REAL Natural Aquarium Store [Tour] https://youtu.be/VfAJ3ITS3Nw  so did it that way. ) Hoping the CO2 will help with the getting rid of the BBA, by getting a better balance in the tank.  Tomorrow water change and test water.

OH and I found my Amano Shrimp, they are doing fine.


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I got my new 75 gallon set up in the living room. Spent all day setting up the scape and planting my aquarium co-op plants. Thinking about a community tank with sterbai corys, rummny nose tetras, and either German blue rams or Bolivian rams. Also considering smaller pleco such as a clown pleco.


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11 minutes ago, Mario V. said:

I got my new 75 gallon set up in the living room. Spent all day setting up the scape and planting my aquarium co-op plants. Thinking about a community tank with sterbai corys, rummny nose tetras, and either German blue rams or Bolivian rams. Also considering smaller pleco such as a clown pleco.


Nice, let that micro sword grow in before the sterbai go in, as they'll be rooting around for snacks 😛

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Cleaned and did water change on my 93 gallon display tank, cleaned filter sponge media in sump, discovered my male albino bristlenose had babies in his cave, was able to get a bunch out to a grow out tank, but a few had already left the cave and I couldn't get them. Bagged up some plants to give to a new hobbyist. 

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Added a piece of Malaysian driftwood and some Süsswassertang to my dumbofin mosaic / cherry shrimp / mystery snail project. (You guessed it, I did watch that video)

Might have to add broadleaf water Sprite to the list of plants I can kill too. Looks so bad on the left, the octo looks so good on the right. Maybe going to replace it with guppy grass. Even I can't kill that stuff. 


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I love the jungl

44 minutes ago, TheDukeAnumber1 said:

Was a bit overdue on the water change and trim but I got it done today. Before/After pics




I love the jungle look.

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Finished with the plants for now. I will probably raid the small tanks for some more christmas moss to put on the driftwood, and hydrocotyle tripartita japan, but I don't know where exactly to put that yet...I hope my vals get happy enough to fill across the whole back!


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Did a 50% water change on the 10G quarantine tank which is holding 12 rummy nosed tetras, and a 20% water change on the 30G (cories and dwarf gourami hiding behind the driftwood, bristlenose pleco peeking out bottom right).



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