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What do you like to do other than fish


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2 minutes ago, Jungle Fan said:

Cool, I took some of that for my B.S.N. in Nursing, if only I could've combined it with my graduate degrees in Mass Communication, emphasis on Photography, and American Studies, all of that would have really added up to something.

The only reason mine added up to anything is because the institution I got my degree from liked me enough to hire me to teach. Otherwise I might be back as a Grubhub delivery driver. Are you communicating about nursing to America?

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59 minutes ago, Jungle Fan said:

Nope, after I got out of nursing for health reasons, I went back to photography, did some teaching as a language instructor, and medical technical translations.

And now working on building yourself a fish store.

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  • 3 months later...

I read and read and read. I have loved reading since I learned how. My Christmas lists used to be books as a kid. I will read anything I can get my hands on. Kindle has made life amazing. I no longer have to haul a bag load of books every week home but I do miss sipping coffee in a bookstore.  I am so nerdy I have even read how to books on things I would never do but thought were interesting (love the how it’s made show) I even do audio books during my other hobbies. 
I garden both ornamental and most of the vegetables I eat as well as hydroponic gardening over the winter to supply my veggies. Cooking is always fun  

bearded dragon frog and cats all rescues consume enjoyable time 😍

Until this past couple years and health issues limiting how much I can do I walked 5 miles a day and spent a lot of physical activity to remain healthy 

hiking in nature but it’s limited now

sewing making clothing crochet diy home improvement 

I enjoy mostly active hobbies vs. passive other than reading. I’m slowly learning to do interesting things that do not require physical things but it is hard. Learning the internet is not very fun sometimes but I am trying 🤣

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On 8/4/2021 at 3:52 PM, Guppysnail said:

I read and read and read. I have loved reading since I learned how. My Christmas lists used to be books as a kid. I will read anything I can get my hands on. Kindle has made life amazing. I no longer have to haul a bag load of books every week home but I do miss sipping coffee in a bookstore.  I am so nerdy I have even read how to books on things I would never do but thought were interesting (love the how it’s made show) I even do audio books during my other hobbies. 
I garden both ornamental and most of the vegetables I eat as well as hydroponic gardening over the winter to supply my veggies. Cooking is always fun  

bearded dragon frog and cats all rescues consume enjoyable time 😍

Until this past couple years and health issues limiting how much I can do I walked 5 miles a day and spent a lot of physical activity to remain healthy 

hiking in nature but it’s limited now

sewing making clothing crochet diy home improvement 

I enjoy mostly active hobbies vs. passive other than reading. I’m slowly learning to do interesting things that do not require physical things but it is hard. Learning the internet is not very fun sometimes but I am trying 🤣

i also do a lot of reading.  good hobby, keeps the mind active.

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On 8/4/2021 at 4:11 PM, lefty o said:

i also do a lot of reading.  good hobby, keeps the mind active.

I try to read as best I can. People make fun of me though because I don't like fiction,  so I will whip out an 800 page book on fire ants and kill the mood for everyone else.


Walter Tschinkel by the way is an ant genius

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On 8/7/2021 at 12:42 PM, Biotope Biologist said:

People make fun of me though because I don't like fiction

Same here.  Non-fiction all the way.  That can be topics written for public consumption, but still, not a story.  (Historical writing like the Odyssey or Icelandic Sagas are exceptions.) 

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My day job is beekeeping. I don't make honey but instead I sell bees to other beekeepers. Every summer I add some outside genetics to keep my honeybee gene pool high quality and diverse. This year's addition just came FedEx on Thursday. She is artificially inseminated and is part of a pure bred line of honeybees from the Caucasus Mountains in the Republic of Georgia. I got her from a entomology professor at Washington State University who has a permit to bring in genetic material from outside the US. This is pretty special because there has been a ban in place since 1923 on importing honeybees.

Introducing a new queen is a delicate business and has significant failure rate, usually resulting in the death of the new queen. Currently she is under a protective cage in order for the bees in her new hive to get used to her odor and begin to accept her as their new queen.

My goal is to release her tomorrow, but I am nervous about losing a $1000 queen if it fails. Here she is in her cage. She is the one marked with red 26 disk. The other bees are her attendants.


I am totally on pins and needles until this is resolved.

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I read tons, a mix of fiction and non-fiction.  My hubby and I ride jet skis (stand ups) and attempt stupid human tricks.  He can do barrel rolls and back flips, I’m lucky if I can pull off a 180 nose stab.

We also ride 4 wheelers (he also rides motorcycles but I don’t do so well with twist throttles).  We play a lot of paintball, too, when weather isn’t too extreme.

Right now the fish and reading are taking up most of my free time.

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On 8/9/2021 at 7:17 PM, Torrey said:

@Daniel that's pretty impressive!

My best friend through school, her dad was a beekeeper and the risks with new queens is real.

How long do you give the hive to get used to her smell / let her begin to smell like the hive?

Generally 4 days which is today. But given the tricky situation I am gong to give it one more day.

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My hobbies outside of fish:


Before covid & my TIA I studied languages, read books, taught snowboarding, traveled, and sailed.

Now I am relearning lots of things. Don't know if I will return to snowboarding or mountain biking. My balance is not what it once was.

Teaching kids about aquarium keeping, and tying it in to biology/ecology, plus taking care of the tanks I have, is pretty much what I have spoons for these days.


That might change in the future, but for now my health and my tanks are my focus. And the next generation. 

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On 8/9/2021 at 2:49 PM, Hobbit said:

@Daniel let us know how it goes!!!

Things seemed calmer this morning, so I released the queen. Everything looked okay for the short time I could see her before she disappeared between the frames. Heart is still in my throat 😶 until I get a final answer.

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On 8/11/2021 at 2:35 AM, Hobbit said:

When will you get the final answer??

We have the answer and it is a happy one. She is accepted and is currently roaming the hive and assassinating any rivals.


In the interim prior to her release the workers in the colony had started constructing 'queen cells' which are young larva in special cups that are fed 'royal jelly' in order to turn them from workers to queens. She has been tracking down each one of these and destroying them so as not to have any competition.

Notice how black she is. It is a characteristic of Caucasian honey bees.

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