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What's your dream aquarium product that doesn’t exist?


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An app running photorecognition software that tell you which fish or aquatic plants you see in a picture. 


Or an app where you can put in al the specs of your tank, filter and stocklist. Than the app will tell you how overstocked your tank is. 😅

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On 9/12/2021 at 8:33 PM, Del said:

 an app where you can put in al the specs of your tank, filter and stocklist. Than the app will tell you how overstocked your tank is. 

Maybe I'm missing a joke 😅 but have you heard about aqadvisor? It's a website not an app but otherwise is basically exactly what you described, like in every way

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On 9/12/2021 at 9:47 PM, KentFishFanUK said:

Maybe I'm missing a joke 😅 but have you heard about aqadvisor? It's a website not an app but otherwise is basically exactly what you described, like in every way

Omg, I didn’t know about this website. So that’s why I joined this forum! Thanks for reply and share! 

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On 9/12/2021 at 5:06 PM, Jeff said:

A filter as basic as a sponge filter, but doesn't have to be physically in your tank like a sponge filter.

A hob filter is much more advanced than a sponge. I want the simplicity of a sponge filter, but doesn't take up a ton of room in your tank like a sponge currently does.

So, I guess what I want is a hob sponge filter.....lol. 


Ask and you shall receive. I run mine this way most of the time.

Now if we could have one that ran on air and doesn't have impellers that are always full of junk we'd have it made. 

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On 9/13/2021 at 12:04 AM, Ken said:


Ask and you shall receive. I run mine this way most of the time.

Now if we could have one that ran on air and doesn't have impellers that are always full of junk we'd have it made. 

@Ken Yeah, I do this for my hob. But, there are more parts for a hob that you need to clean. That's what I meant by the simplicity of a sponge filter

I don't think my idea could possibly come to life, tbh. I want less parts to clean / maintain like a sponge filter - but hang on the back. 

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My dream product would be a hang-on-the-back filter that is similar to the AquaClear, but thinner and longer (to fit in tighter spaces), made of more durable plastic (like the Aquarium Co-Op Catch Cups), a black up-lift tube, with a motor that is contained within the housing rather than a twist-in fitting (that can sometime leak). Additionally, it would be super energy efficient with a long power cord, and it must be self-priming. It would also have a fail-safe to eliminate any spillage if the media gets clogged. This HOB must also be made to fit tanks with larger lips (like 40Bs and 75s). 

I would want this to be comparable to an AquaClear 70 in terms of price and flow rating.

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On 9/15/2021 at 9:40 PM, Zenzo said:

My dream product would be a hang-on-the-back filter that is similar to the AquaClear, but thinner and longer (to fit in tighter spaces), made of more durable plastic (like the Aquarium Co-Op Catch Cups), a black up-lift tube, with a motor that is contained within the housing rather than a twist-in fitting (that can sometime leak). Additionally, it would be super energy efficient with a long power cord, and it must be self-priming. It would also have a fail-safe to eliminate any spillage if the media gets clogged. This HOB must also be made to fit tanks with larger lips (like 40Bs and 75s). 

I would want this to be comparable to an AquaClear 70 in terms of price and flow rating.

Me too. Do you know something? 

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I’d love to use Ich-X without the staining. If there were a stain free ich-x, quarantine would be much easier. If it didn’t stain, then theoretically any aquarium could be a quarantine tank. Obviously I wouldn’t want to treat a 200 gallon aquarium, however in my 40 gallon, sometimes it isn’t worth the trouble to net out a few fish that appear sickly. Just thought of this and had to jot it down. 

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I would love the laser mess seeking laser filter in Finding Nemo.

On 7/22/2020 at 5:28 AM, pedrofisk said:

For fun, because I am genuinely curious and maybe to inspire @Cory, what's your dream aquarium product that doesn’t exist?

One that just occurred to me is a quick test strip for Ammonia.

The one thing I do worry most about is an Ammonia spike due to an irregularity (dead fish etc) that I might not notice right away. My issue is my aquariums have to be negligent resistant because I have three young kids and pre-virus traveled for work a lot. So regular water changes can be spotty. I've tried those in tank circle ones but they always expire before doing anything (which is good I guess) and I am never going back to test tube drop testing. I burnt out on that years ago.

Let's hear about your non-existent dream product!


(desktop aquarium added for post thumbnail)


I have actually seen a test strip that apparently tests for ammonia on ebay. I'll add a picture if I can find it again.


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On 9/17/2021 at 7:52 AM, Eyad Jamus said:

I would love the laser mess seeking laser filter in Finding Nemo.

I have actually seen a test strip that apparently tests for ammonia on ebay. I'll add a picture if I can find it again.


@Eyad JamusAquarium Co-Op has Ammonia test strips available. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/aquarium-co-op-ammonia-test-strips?_pos=4&_psq=tes&_ss=e&_v=1.0


Screen Shot 2021-09-17 at 10.06.59 AM.png

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On 9/17/2021 at 1:15 PM, Guppysnail said:

GPS trackers for my nerite Nemo 😁 Half the time I fear alien abduction of him 🤣

I have at least one Nerite that goes on a walkabout for a week or more.  A tracker that could map out the snail's travels in 3 dimensions would be interesting. 

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On 9/12/2021 at 7:06 PM, Jeff said:

A filter as basic as a sponge filter, but doesn't have to be physically in your tank like a sponge filter.

A hob filter is much more advanced than a sponge. I want the simplicity of a sponge filter, but doesn't take up a ton of room in your tank like a sponge currently does.

So, I guess what I want is a hob sponge filter.....lol. 

Have you seen this air powered breeding basket from fluval? It is for fish breeding, but you can probably put a sponge and some media in it and it will serve the same purpose.

On 9/17/2021 at 10:17 AM, Manny said:

@Nooby Yes I am aware, but it does say dream aquarium product that doesn’t exist. Hopefully, eventually a substitute that is stain free but just as effective would be discovered. 

Have you seen the API pimafix and melifix? It will make your aquarium smell like tea tree oil, but it doesn’t stain and fixes minor cases of ick.

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On 9/15/2021 at 11:40 PM, Zenzo said:

My dream product would be a hang-on-the-back filter that is similar to the AquaClear, but thinner and longer (to fit in tighter spaces), made of more durable plastic (like the Aquarium Co-Op Catch Cups), a black up-lift tube, with a motor that is contained within the housing rather than a twist-in fitting (that can sometime leak). Additionally, it would be super energy efficient with a long power cord, and it must be self-priming. It would also have a fail-safe to eliminate any spillage if the media gets clogged. This HOB must also be made to fit tanks with larger lips (like 40Bs and 75s). 

I would want this to be comparable to an AquaClear 70 in terms of price and flow rating.

What is this catch cup you speak of and what is it for? 

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On 9/21/2021 at 12:15 PM, Gideyon said:

What is this catch cup you speak of and what is it for? 

These are the catch cups/specimen containers: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/aquarium-co-op-catch-cup?_pos=1&_psq=speci&_ss=e&_v=1.0

They are extremely durable. Next week you'll be able to see a YouTube Short on the Aquarium Co-Op channel where I throw and kick one across the room. It is still in perfect shape! 

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On 9/21/2021 at 3:20 PM, Zenzo said:

These are the catch cups/specimen containers: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/aquarium-co-op-catch-cup?_pos=1&_psq=speci&_ss=e&_v=1.0

They are extremely durable. Next week you'll be able to see a YouTube Short on the Aquarium Co-Op channel where I throw and kick one across the room. It is still in perfect shape! 

Fascinating. I somehow never seen this when I perused the shop.   This could be what I need for my own HOB I'd like to build one day.   More stuff to buy and save for later...... 

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Miracle super cure. My betta got some kind of infection or parasite that is causing popeye/dropsy and despite using the med trio 3-4 weeks ago, he started showing signs of bulging eyes last week on Tuesday. I changed his water again and used maracyn as Wednesday one eye was almost pushed out of his head and the other was bulging out. Added ich-x to the water too, and had to leave for two days for an out of state funeral. When I came back, he was clearly blind, and he hadn’t been eating. I know he had eaten Sunday, but not since. As of now, it has been 9 days without food, and 7 days afflicted. 3 water changes (90%) and maracyn as well as salt haven’t helped. I was hoping salt would help bring down the osmotic pressure and swelling, and it might have, but he is still blind. 
I love Gil, but I don’t think he will last much longer. If his site would come back and he could eat, he has a chance. He’s so thin right now and his poor fins are getting torn up from running into the side of the container. I know he’s scared and it breaks my heart😭


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On 7/21/2020 at 9:49 PM, DaveSamsell said:

How about an automatic, ultrasonic biofilm/algae scraper.  With fully adjustable parameters not to damage silicone seals, remove programmed levels of layers of build-up & an alert when completed.  Well, at least I can dream..  🤔😏

When I was in middle school I had  2 ideas. 1st idea was to make a Algae glass cleaner that worked just like a pool cleaner that went around and cleaned the glass. I also thought of adding a spinning brush like a vacuum has. The other was sort of the same but moved around just below the surface of your gravel. Roomba for your gravel per say. Both crazy off wall idea's. LOL!

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Simple wish here - I want a sponge filter with a tall base so I can affix it to the bottom of the tank. I don't tend to change placement of the sponge or substrate, so it would be great to affix it to the bottom of the tank for level and ease of maintenance. Just pull the sponge off the base, clean, and reinstall. No more fiddling to get the sponge level or disturbing the substrate when cleaning. 


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