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A friendly game of tag

CJs Aquatics

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What’s up fish friends, CJ here….

I love these forums, they are informative, fun, and have taught me a lot. I was reading forums and thought maybe it might be fun to play tag. Posted in general discussion because if your anything like me, there’s something fishy on your mind most of the time, let’s talk about it. Tag someone to here something cool that happened with there fish hobby recently, or they are planning or anything. If your tagged and don’t want to participate that’s perfectly ok, not everyone will want to play, or if you read this and weren’t tagged feel free to participate, love hearing what everyone has going on in there fish rooms 🙂 I will start:

Recently I acquired a bucket list fish for me (a dragon puffer). I’ve wanted one for years and it’s the first puffer I’ve ever kept. I named him Jabba bc I secretly love Star Wars but that’s another story. In preparation of him arriving, I set up a tank which became my favorite, and one I am most proud of, and has led me to want to redo many of my other tanks, a process which I have started. I’ve really enjoyed watching him he interacts with me almost like a pet dog or cat would. He’s made me want to be an even better fish keeper hence my plan to change almost every tank around (equipment as well). Basically has reinvigorated me in the hobby. With that being said I will tag @Cinnebuns , they have inspired me a lot lately with some of the content they have shared as well. 


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This is a cool idea I love it!

Well the big thing in my hobby I have been posting about a lot anyway and that is the cycle crash in my main tank. This has forced me to move all the animals to other tanks which ofc causes bioload issues in those tanks. But I'm taking it as an opportunity and learning aquascaping. I'm actually gonna make another post to ask about plant suggestions so check that out here:


In terms of something new, just yesterday I dove into the world of sand for the first time! I've been keeping a 10 gallon tank bare bottom that had blue velvet shrimp and panda cory eggs and fry up to 2 weeks old. Bare bottom worked well for the cories but made the shrimp turn clear. I realized sand was the only solution. So far my sand fears have not been shown but some may take time. I do slightly fear for clogging the ACO sponge filter still. Otherwise I'm impressed with the look and how easy it was to put in.  I didn't even take any animals or water out!  Just removed decor from one side and filled with a cup, then did the other side. It was simple!



Now this is a hard decision on who to tag because there are many people who have helped and inspired me in different ways!  Some are great with diagnosis and treatment of illness and some have similar interests to me and are fun to bounce off ideas with. I'll leave it to you to guess who I'm suggesting with those descriptions lol. The person I will choose is @nabokovfan87.  They have helped me most recently with figuring out some things with my cycle crash and aquascaping things. They are always active and wanting to help everyone they can!




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I will have to tag...... @Solstice_Lacerbbecause they have some awesome stuff and I wonder what is going on in the tanks!

In mine it hasn't been too chaotic, but of course there's always some stuff going on.  I literally didn't even feed the fish today! I had someone else do that, which is always fun. Repashy leftovers were in there and I spent some time watching the pandas chase around trying to figure out how to hide their eggs. The living room tank is actually nice. It looks good, it has sand, it is finally an anubias garden and I just need things to grow! 🙂

In the black corydoras tank it's been a minute since I have done an update. I did a test two weeks ago after removing a ton of algae and thanks to another user here experiencing the same thing I think that led to a pretty decent nitrite spike. That led to me doing a few water changes.  I floated a water bottle to try to keep temps down, and I was able.to drop it by about 6-7 degrees.  No spawn, but that's the norm for these ones. I have been working on fixing the CO2, PH stability and I have just been monitoring that day to day. The Seachem tidal filter stuff has me frustrated so I've literally just been letting it run and consider the options moving forward.

I cleaned a dresser for the hopeful future home of moss tank if I can find one that fits.  It's a solid wood dresser and I do need to verify everything, but hopefully it will be ok. Today, which usually means tonight, I'll move things in place and decide what will work. I cleaned out one of my fish bins and ended up clearing and entire bin of everything inside, found my spare pump, cleared a box of chemicals into their proper place, and I've been doing a lot of tidying up. The focus now for me is to watch the plants grow, the fish be happy, the algae go away, the filters actually work, and enjoy the tanks more than I have been. 🙂

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Well, after a minor re-scape of both tanks I have mostly been making small adjustments, moving a plant or rock here or there. I'm pretty happy with everything at the moment. Watching my crypts grow.

My goby seems to be doing well. She has made a little sleeping burrow under the biggest rock in the tank, and if I watch at the right time I can see her go to bed in the evening. During the day she is pretty outgoing and entertaining to watch.

Really enjoying the enlarged school of white clouds. 8 standards and 7 gold. Hoping a baby or two emerges eventually. Sometimes I think I see one but it turns out to be a shrimp just hanging with the fish. The shrimp only tank churns along. I must admit I spend most of my time looking at the tank with fish.

Long term plans include a possible 55 gallon next year sometime. My house mate has been falling back in love with the hobby after being out of it for a while.

I've also been toying with the idea of changing my lights. My lights have two tubes, and I'm thinking about removing one and then increasing the time it stays on. (Currently on 8.5 hours). More time to enjoy the fish, but Idk how the plants would respond. I don't want to ruin everything.

I'll tag @Guppysnail who always seems to have something cool going on





Edited by Solstice_Lacer
Added some pictures
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My baby magenta mystery snails go to forever homes this week and next week. 4A672DAB-E4D3-4A03-AF56-791C891C5619.jpeg.9596b7cc50b1c45b7b5f673e1bf7171b.jpeg453C59C5-0DBB-4024-AC71-2F1AA49008EF.jpeg.5d60c08131dde74ff309979c9678ec47.jpeg

My new scarlet badis are doing wonderfulDFFED3F2-CB31-418A-9D8D-EA00A0C669A7.jpeg.bc71905e097652f41f22b325acaafd06.jpeg


Mom pleco laid eggs last night and Lefty is ready in the next day or so  




My new white wizard snails had a baby and the Viviparus Viviparus/?piano snails or another WW baby appeared  and my new assassin snails are fabulous…when I see them. My 40 nerites are keeping up I have not had to do windows since they moved in.  4A672DAB-E4D3-4A03-AF56-791C891C5619.jpeg.9596b7cc50b1c45b7b5f673e1bf7171b.jpeg309204E0-D706-4AE4-A094-56904D8F987B.jpeg.a089bb7d359f6bf38d45d6b419608bf3.jpegEB2727D5-C0E1-4CD1-919F-F503746E33F3.jpeg.10a67294f5ada8a2c78055ec162bb30b.jpeg897226D2-DC53-42EB-868F-C84E3B305ACA.jpeg.0c0d0d7940caed2872d58ca70b35a918.jpegD95187D6-1751-4052-8C3B-CC19F058E1F3.jpeg.1773e573c7efc54fea9fdcec90508698.jpegA0B79B7E-6789-4C0C-830A-6E8B1C2B22DA.jpeg.d72994c9d21e8b56eeb7245eb8c20866.jpeg
My least killifish are reproducing great  as well as tiny terrorists and everyone elseAC979E2F-9B04-4335-806A-124EAEB4B867.jpeg.c5a164b99411fa7c1800e994c0c90066.jpeg

My Pygmy and panda Cory also fabulous.

Two new to me and not rare but not common fish will be revealed end of the week.
Here is the tank I put together for them. I have more plants coming this week. And I’ll replace the peace lily with a pineapple as soon as it roots. 01293380-2C65-4AC3-869B-AE528514FA71.jpeg.c72396d57a05c151611d54e8a8e51ffb.jpeg 4E71283F-EBB7-44D5-AF0D-9DFFEE5473CD.jpeg.95fa9ef957ac914a6c12b1f62508df59.jpeg

My live foods are doing good  seed shrimp, detritus worms, grindal worms, microworms and white worms  I do believe the banana worms overheated getting to me  Their cultures look like that mystery container found in the back of the fridge when you move  Alexander Fleming would have been impressed 🤣  

I’ll tag @mountaintoppufferkeeper They always have awesome cool stuff brewing  


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@Guppysnail that's awesome stuff  I'll tag @Fish Folk because the legend always has something cool happening. 

Today was shrimp with vitachem and garlic guard feeding day


Tetraodon miurus launch into food....and each other occasionally. A fairly unique method across the puffer species up here. 


Of course my adult male palustris is crushing the food today. That normally means he will be guarding eggs within 4 days. 


He also let me capture this courtship display to a female


One of the adult hairy puffers patrolling. They grow subwassertang way better than I can 


Small hairys


And the non puffer project 

Rhoadsia altipinna 

Adults Male red edge fins females smaller 


Foods in rotation 

Frozen shrimp with vitachem and garlic guard.

I chopped up the shell on deveined shrimp to pieces added vitachem and garlic guard and break off pieces to feed as needed. 


Grindal worm culture


white worm culture 





Repashy community plus with flaked oyster shell


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Ok! I’m ready. Here’s why I had to hold off just now…

Creek fishin’ is a guaranteed weekly hour of fun this time of the year. We net, examine, and release. Here’s what we just caught…

Rosysided dace (?)


Sculpin (sp. ? Mottled?)


Blacknose Dace


Another Sculpin…


An interesting sucker / chub (?)


Anyways, we catch and release. Just trying to “enjoy nature daily.”

Let’s see… what’s new in the fishroom…

Got a breeding group of 19x wild-caught Mountain Red-belly Dace…




They’re not colored up yet.

But over in another tank, my Southern Red-belly Dace showed off some “thank you” colors after a cold water change…



My one NANF tank was letting in sunlight today nicely…


The Banded Sunfish is very peaceful with those Rainbow Shiners.

Speaking of Rainbow Shiners, I’m growing out a small batch if fry outside…

I’m growing out a bunch of killis — Nothobranchius guentheri…


Someday, they’ll look like this…B1C42990-CE3D-4362-AC7B-F2DC07E76114.jpeg.ed41872aaa7d6d0c243b4782bd24edd6.jpeg 

My Discus aren’t breeding. Irritating, but pretty…


I’m obsessed with my little trio of Lucania goodei (Bluefin killis) and the fry hatching from eggs I’ve collected…


With African killis, I’m still collecting eggs from these gorgeous Nothobranchius rachovii…



There’s other things going on, but I’m going to tend just now to this human…


I’m going to tag… @Hobbit … kindest soul on the Forum. Sad we couldn’t make it out to PVAS yesterday to meet! 


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Aww thanks @Fish Folk! One of these days we will meet. 

Let’s see, something cool that happened recently. Of course, it was going to PVAS! I’d never been to a fish club meeting before, and it was full of nice, fishy people who were excited to talk fish, learn about Dean’s fry system, and buy fish at the auction. I can tell a ton of time and thought goes into those meetings. If I didn’t live 2 hours away I’d probably go every month!

Another cool thing is that I got an adult yoyo loach from @Streetwise. My sister (who is not a fish person but loves me very much) picked the loach up in Vermont and brought it with her on the train when she came to visit me. I only had two yoyos, and of course they’re happier in a larger group, but I knew it was going to be tough to find adult fish to add to their clan. So I’m super thrilled to have this happy little guy/gal in the community tank. “Loachy” as my sister named him/her, is an adorable goof who fit right in immediately.


As for if I’m planning anything… Well, I’m starting to think about rearranging my platy breeding groups! I thought I was giving up on the tuxedo variety because breeding them with non-tuxedos made the offspring prone to tumors. However, it turns out that in my last generation of tuxedo fry, I got two fry in the color I’d originally been going for: yellow sunburst tuxedo platys!


So now, assuming they don’t grow tumors, I’m thinking of trying to set up one side of my platy breeder for them. These are both males so I’ll need to find them some female companions.

I’ve also gotten some other really neat colors of fry from my current breeders, including a blue spotted micky mouse x sunburst to get this little rainbow dude:


And a blue wag + some orange gene to get this attitude-filled punk:


Right now, my breeding setup isn’t working super efficiently, which is okay, but I’d like it to work at least a little. 😄 The original breeding ladies seem to have slowed way down, and my fry slurpers aren’t catching as many fish as before. I’ve also got to bring another bunch of platys to my LFS so I can move out the juveniles currently living in the fry tank. Plenty to do, as always! It’s so easy to get behind!

I’m going to tag two people if that’s okay. It’s very hard to pick! @Streetwise and @Colu. What cool things have happened to you, and/or what are you currently working on? @Colu, I realize I don’t know anything about your fish! I’d love to hear what fish and tanks you have, or have had in the past.

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On 9/5/2022 at 1:15 PM, Hobbit said:

Aww thanks @Fish Folk! One of these days we will meet. 

Let’s see, something cool that happened recently. Of course, it was going to PVAS! I’d never been to a fish club meeting before, and it was full of nice, fishy people who were excited to talk fish, learn about Dean’s fry system, and buy fish at the auction. I can tell a ton of time and thought goes into those meetings. If I didn’t live 2 hours away I’d probably go every month!

Another cool thing is that I got an adult yoyo loach from @Streetwise. My sister (who is not a fish person but loves me very much) picked the loach up in Vermont and brought it with her on the train when she came to visit me. I only had two yoyos, and of course they’re happier in a larger group, but I knew it was going to be tough to find adult fish to add to their clan. So I’m super thrilled to have this happy little guy/gal in the community tank. “Loachy” as my sister named him/her, is an adorable goof who fit right in immediately.


As for if I’m planning anything… Well, I’m starting to think about rearranging my platy breeding groups! I thought I was giving up on the tuxedo variety because breeding them with non-tuxedos made the offspring prone to tumors. However, it turns out that in my last generation of tuxedo fry, I got two fry in the color I’d originally been going for: yellow sunburst tuxedo platys!


So now, assuming they don’t grow tumors, I’m thinking of trying to set up one side of my platy breeder for them. These are both males so I’ll need to find them some female companions.

I’ve also gotten some other really neat colors of fry from my current breeders, including a blue spotted micky mouse x sunburst to get this little rainbow dude:


And a blue wag + some orange gene to get this attitude-filled punk:


Right now, my breeding setup isn’t working super efficiently, which is okay, but I’d like it to work at least a little. 😄 The original breeding ladies seem to have slowed way down, and my fry slurpers aren’t catching as many fish as before. I’ve also got to bring another bunch of platys to my LFS so I can move out the juveniles currently living in the fry tank. Plenty to do, as always! It’s so easy to get behind!

I’m going to tag two people if that’s okay. It’s very hard to pick! @Streetwise and @Colu. What cool things have happened to you, and/or what are you currently working on? @Colu, I realize I don’t know anything about your fish! I’d love to hear what fish and tanks you have, or have had in the past.

In the past I have kept Oscars  panda Cory's green phantom pleco sailfin pleco guppies platys Mollie's pearl gourami lots of species of tetras penguin black skirt x-ray Columbian blue tetras and  cherry barbs  false bumble bee catfish a few species of random pleco goldfish blue crayfish I think one of my favorites tetras are my Columbian blue tetras mostly I have spent nearly 20 years pumping out bristlenose pleco fry  in vast number   and I have a 12in comet goldfish I have had for nearly 13 years he's some  pictures of my Columbian blue tetras colours are amazing I have so many bucket list fish I have spent a long time looking into licorice gourami hopefully I will be getting some further down the road I would have added some pictures of my other fish having problems with my camera on my phone I going to tag @WhitecloudDynastythe amount of effort he puts into selectively breeding his white clouds and rainbow shiners I have found very interesting 




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Well, since you asked @CJs Aquatics....

Recently my 7 year old smart phone fell to its death (though it was already on its way out the door)- complete and utter death (would not even blink at me). This sadly made me realize the importance of switching techs before the other tech is depleted....why? Well in the category of fish keeping (as there are so many other categories to cover but we'll just focus on the subject at hand) my aquarium app that I've been diligently keeping for 2 years or so is now completly lost to the ether. So...what to do? I mean my tanks are at a point where -opposite of when I started keeping them- they even need weekly testing or water change notes. (For the most part I was just documenting feedings on a daily basis). Are they nice to have? Yes. Do I need them? Meh....I don't think so. Sad part is, I do have pictures that will help (at least those were saved!!)- but keeping track of how old everyone is, including the tanks themselves will be a lot harder than it was just me opening an app and looking. 

I know what some of you are going to say- didn't you back it up? Yes, I believe I did- but where it went is beyond me. This wasn't the only app I had issue with not having my original phone to swap information with- up to and including my google account in the play store didn't even have a list of apps I'd downloaded in the past despite having logged in to the account with no issue. 

So I've been contemplating how to move forward with it all- though I'm pretty sure I'm just going to skip the digital record keeping- maybe just get a paper journal- go back through pictures and do my best to get dates for when tanks started and maybe when fish were added and only in the future document water parameter tests when I do them. I'm open to suggestions from those who are at a level where I am (no need for testing- tanks are stable and healthy) as to what they do but I think I'm over the diligent note taking! 

I'll tag @PineSong !!

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Thanks for the tag @Guppysnail

Right now I have been busy getting ready to move (finally!) and doing research for some new additions to the fishroom!


First, the creek biotope is getting upgraded to a stream! The gobies, loaches, and WCMs will be moving to a 50 gallon low boy after I move. I have moved fish tanks before and a partial transfer seems much easier even though I’m only moving 1.5 hours south. I will be upgrading the canister to a sump and upgrading the light to a kessil. 

For the 12g bookshelf I might keep it and do a nano blackwater tank with some anchor cats, cories, and rarer tetra. But still undecided as my SO has been infected with the fish itch and wants a betta we are keen on the 8 gallon bowfront. 

Thats all the news I got going on enjoy some old photos of “a face only a mother could love” gobies. Also I will tag @dasaltemelosguy




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Well I after splitting up my guppies and then watching a babies show up like tribbles, I mostly just maintained the status quo throughout the summer. One thing that still blows my mind is this Christmas Moss. I thought it all died in a 10 gallon that I took down, but here it is. From spring when I put all the male culls in this tank to now it has escalated from "oh I didn't even know that was there" to "uh please don't swallow my tank." 

In that same tank I have a Java Fern that didn't benefit at all. It has been a stunted little thing for four years. This tank has more suitable conditions, but I couldn't even find it today. It'll pop up eventually when a guppy jars it loose from wherever it is currently lodged.






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On 9/6/2022 at 4:54 PM, BrettD said:

I will tag some people from my notifications who I don't think are in here yet. @Flumpweesel@JettsPapa@Patrick_G@dasaltemelosguy




Also @redfish

What’s going on? Are we tagging folks who’ve influenced our hobby? 
I’d have to say @Streetwise for sure. He encouraged me to do a filterless nano aquarium and now they’re one of my favorite parts of the hobby. He's not afraid to be a bit iconoclastic with all his organic soil tanks. 

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So after the big shop on Sunday, I'm now monitoring the mollys as they are in the tank with the murder krib so far so good but the krib is back in full colour and currently it's rage is focused on the big ramshorn.

After removing a big chunk of anubias from the shrimp tank (nicely cleaned by the inhabitants) it seems they may have finally bred as there are definitely some much smaller than the rest. Increased feeding just to be on the safe side .

The rest of my time is currently being spent pondering the following.

How many fish are in the community tank I think I've lost two corys but no bodies to found so they could just have some Houdini skills.

Do I need to buy some more corys? if yes do I get bronze to replace the missing/hiding ones or peppered to increase my little breeding family.

Can the Betta go back in the krib tank now the mollys and snail are there to divide the aggression. She isn't enjoying the big tank.

Do I want to breed the mollys can I cope if I do. I think I have LBAS (livebearer anxiety syndrome)

Not much happening that I haven't already talked about somewhere on here so I won't prattle on to much.


I'll tag @lefty o just to see what they have been up to.

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On 9/6/2022 at 6:43 PM, Patrick_G said:

What’s going on? Are we tagging folks who’ve influenced our hobby? 
I’d have to say @Streetwise for sure. He encouraged me to do a filterless nano aquarium and now they’re one of my favorite parts of the hobby. He's not afraid to be a bit iconoclastic will all his organic soil tanks. 

The tag was so you would tell us what you have going on right now. WE ARE NOSEY 😁😁😁🤗🤗🤗

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On 9/6/2022 at 5:43 PM, Patrick_G said:

What’s going on? Are we tagging folks who’ve influenced our hobby? 
I’d have to say @Streetwise for sure. He encouraged me to do a filterless nano aquarium and now they’re one of my favorite parts of the hobby. He's not afraid to be a bit iconoclastic will all his organic soil tanks. 

Yea I forgot to tag you in my other post, so I ended up luring you in without context.

I want to try the organic soil system this winter.

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