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Everything posted by Mmiller2001

  1. The lowest I would go is CO2Art and if you want to spend a bit more, grab a GLA regulator. The CO2art comes in a nice kit, 1 with inline diffuser or in tank diffuser. https://www.co2art.us/collections/complete-kits/products/pro-se-series-complete-aquarium-co2-system-with-in-tank-flux_-diffuser GLA is a small step up and now look to have complete kits. https://greenleafaquariums.com/products/gla-pro-ds-1-aquarium-co2-system-dual-stage-modular-1.html I have 2 CO2art's and they are fine and I'm 100% confident in them. My only complaint is that one of them adjusts a little too well and a millimeter movement makes a decent change. Once you set the fine adjustment valve, CO2 injection rate will remain the same until changed. I recommend this resource to answer all your questions. https://www.2hraquarist.com/
  2. I wouldn't worry about it. As long as it's dechlorinated and temps aren't ridiculous, you should be good.
  3. If you have at least 3 other healthy leaves, then remove it.
  4. That makes sense, I am estimated index dosing. I'm also pushing CO2 to the max. I've read they can be sensitive to CO2. If they look better in the QT tank, I'll just move into a low tech tank. Thank you.
  5. I will try that after I fast them. Thank you.
  6. I will try. Not much algae in the qt. I don't target feed them either.
  7. @Colu Full QT Trio plus GC/PC follow up 3 weeks later. 2 have been in the main tanks for several months. Just thought they were getting fat. But now I question what's happening. So this guy is back in QT and just dosed his 2nd dose of Levamisole. No change. What do you think? Disease, fat? That spot has me worried.
  8. Thank you! I'm always here if you have questions.
  9. 10ml Hydrogen Peroxide in 1 gallon of water for no longer than 10 minutes.
  10. No changes in the 40. Side note, the male Apisto is very aggressive towards the female. Hopefully they come back in stock so I can grab 2 more females. That should spread aggression?
  11. Water change day was yesterday. Big clean and cut. Moved some plants around and removed others to make room for what is coming in the mail soon. I also made an adjustment to the 75, I dropped NO3 dose to 22ppm per week, from 31ppm. Before After
  12. Root tabs are never needed. But they can be a nice fall back to those of us who are not as strict with nutrient dosing. If you forget to dose at times, I would use them. If you are dosing properly and never forget, I would not use them. If you do use them, use them sparingly.
  13. Thank you for the kind words! 2 years and counting cancer free!
  14. I dose 30ppm NO3 regardless of nitrate level. I am also now doing 60 to 70% water changes.
  15. Here you can see how one of my stunted plants responded to the K increase.
  16. It's amazing how quickly things change when you start to dial in. It's not quite there, but we are closer. Friday today
  17. I'm not familiar with that brand. Do you see Fe, B, Mn and such on the label?
  18. Yeah Flamingo would be nice! I would recommend Crypts, super easy and nice colors. Cryptocoryne Affinis Red stays very compact, around 3-4 inches max. Another alternative, although rare and hard to find would be Bacopa Salzmanni and Bacopa Salzmanni Purple. Again, hard to find and expensive, but very "easy" to grow. I just bought 3 stems of purple for 40 bucks. Let me know if you want links to them. Here's the purple, just stunning!
  19. Are you looking for short red color or just short plants in general?
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