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Everything posted by laritheloud

  1. Thank you! I have a bit of art training in my background, and my family is full of artists and illustrators so I'm familiar with the rule of thirds. It's a different skill to translate that knowledge into a three-dimensional scape that will include plants, and growing aquatic plants is something i'm still quite new to! I do know of a few landscaping stone yards near me, so I'll explore there and see if they have any larger-scale river rocks I can use. My water is already pretty hard and I need inert rock that won't change the chemistry of my tank, so I'll be mindful about that, too.
  2. Do you typically buy your hardscape in person? If so, where, and what do you look for? I am slightly intimidated by complex scapes and set-ups and I'm not trying to be super ambitious, but I'd like to create something that looks cohesive and that I'm proud of, if you know what I mean. 🤣 I probably sound wishy-washy. I've been looking at inspiration and it can get overwhelming. For instance, I love the look of river rock scapes, but I'm not sure where to source larger smooth river rocks beyond the mexican beach pebble size.
  3. I'm thinking some floaters, too. Anubias and bolbitis are faves, Java Ferns take awhile to start looking nice in my tank but I'm willing to try them again with more knowledge. Swords grow really well for me, too, but I might try a simpler Jungle Val spray around the back and let it grow big and tall...
  4. I'm just getting started with the early planning stages of my 55 gallon tank! Where do you begin with scaping? How do you come up with a theme? I'm lost when it comes to getting started! My first tank, a 29 gallon, was for me to play around with and just get my feet wet with the hobby. Now I want something with a more cohesive look to it. Do you buy hardscape pieces first and build around that? Do you go seeking hardscape to fit your vision, then build a plant aesthetic from there? I'm a complete novice to scaping. I'm using a natural color off-white sand as my substrate (inert) and Il'l be keeping the tank low tech. I want something that is low maintenance and easy to clean, and I'll need a little driftwood because I'd like to try a bristlenose pleco for this one.
  5. I don't think it's feed, this fish looks ill. Her color is pale. I'm so sorry 😞 I don't know how to diagnose or what the course of action is beyond that. I hope Colu comes in to weigh in, his suggestions are always excellent.
  6. What are your tank parameters currently? How much ammonia are you seeing, and does the weekly water change stay on top of it?
  7. You have some nitrate which is an excellent sign! Ammonia is still present, so water changes and prime are the right combination. Please don't worry about Ph at all. You don't need to reach a certain 'target,' just work with the Ph that you have. For example, my water is naturally at a Ph of 8.0 to 8.2, and I've had zero issues keeping my chosen fish (including tetras) in my water. I purchased all of my wish from my LFS except for my shrimp, which I ordered online and drip acclimated slowly. The only thing you should be concerned about RE: PH is if it swings violently due to a low kH. But your water as-is is safe and fine with your ph.
  8. The snail is a ramshorn, I think! And I understand the reluctance to over-feed. My cycle in my tank is strong right now and my nitrates are pretty low, so I'm feeling comfortable trying some strategies to reduce squabbling in the group. Since you're still working on a cycle it probably doesn't make sense to increase feedings right now, but it's something you can try in the future.
  9. 2 of the 3 fully grown males in my tank have ripped fins from their scuffles. I've noticed they got a bit more intense after I cut back feeding them 2 light feedings per day to just one, so I'm trying to increase their feedings a bit more (just enough for them to devour in about 30 seconds each time). Maybe try feeding them two smaller meals per day and see if it helps?
  10. Yep, I, too, wish I chose rasboras. Live and learn! Now I know what I don't want in a fish!
  11. I truly think this behavior isn't unique to black neons. I think this is just tetra behavior, seen in varying degrees across all different varieties. I have diamond tetras in my 29 gallon, and they're beautiful, but they're absolute jerks -- only to each other and not to other fish, thank god. Usually the alpha male will get into an amorous breeding mood, and if another male *DARES* to get close to his breeding shrub, he will fight fight fight. It freaks me out, and I can't say I haven't considered rehoming the diamonds. Not a matter of not having enough in the school, they bred enough to fill out to 9 or 10. 😬 Absolutely beautiful and interesting fish, but I'm not sure I have the heart to try other tetras after these!
  12. It looks loose on the top but fits snug and doesn’t budge beneath the water line!
  13. When I noticed some creep in on my water lettuce, I went in and picked out every last leaf I could find floating on the surface by hand. I haven't seen any duckweed in 3 weeks since. Be patient and persistent, and clear out any speck you can see. It'll take awhile.
  14. Welcome! My dad is originally from the area -- he grew up in Palmer. 🙂 I have fond memories of visiting Western Mass as a kid!
  15. They're clearing quarantine either today or tomorrow, and I'm bizarrely nervous about it! I hope they settle into the display well.
  16. For the skimmer, I cut a small square of very fine metal mesh coffee filter (the reusable type of coffee filter) and slid it into the slots to hold it in place. Works like a charm to block the skimmer from taking in junk and fish/fry/shrimp.
  17. I'd also like to avoid tetras, if possible! Tetras are pretty and fun when they're not chasing each other around for breeding rights, but I'd love docile and friendly fish. Right now we're debating between committing to goldfish and hillstream loaches or going with the peaceful gourami/livebearer tank. 🙂 I absolutely love the look of cichlids, dwarf cichlids, and rams, but I'm not sure they'd be a good fit for me right now.
  18. I like it okay. The height is great for taller plants. But if I had to do it over again, I'd choose a 40 breeder as my beginner tank for the longer footprint. 😉 I have a 55 gallon tank waiting to get filled. I'm going to start building it once I get everything I need together, and this time around, I'll see if I can figure out some moderation and scape it a bit more thoughtfully instead of trying everything out! Thank you so much for your kind words!
  19. Disclaimer: I’m not a scaper and this is definitely a jungle 🤣🤣🤣
  20. Nope, not too high for plants. My water has a Ph of 8.2, also with eco-complete in my 29 gallon tank. I'm still working through nutrient/light balance, but none of my plants are struggling terribly after the initial settling in. I do dose with Easy Green, Easy Iron and I just started adding some extra potassium after noticing pinholes on an anubias leaf.
  21. https://www.aquariacentral.com/forums/threads/pristella-tetras-with-black-eyes.151411/ found this! Lots of guesses. Could be a cross, could be leucistic form. I find this interesting because they do look slightly different next to the regular pristella tetras.
  22. I'd add water sprite to the list. Both PSO and Water Sprite grow at astronomical rates in my tank. I don't have water wisteria, but I might get some for my 55 gallon. Also look for floating plants. Amazon Frogbit and Water Lettuce are amazing at clearing the water of nitrates. For the first time since starting my tank, I actually have 0 nitrates in my cycled aquarium because I added a water lettuce and PSO... time to increase fertilizers!
  23. Oh, a sponge or two are definitely going to live in the tank. I have a sponge filter in my 10 gallon quarantine and another sponge in my 29 gallon in addition to the HOB!
  24. This sounds like a dream! I'm prepared with plenty of antiparasitics (both general cure and levamisole) to deal with any livebearer worms, so I'm ready to try them out. They're so cute and pretty, and I'm really excited that they're so peaceful.
  25. I love the co-op's sponge filters, but I think I'll feel more secure with at least an HOB, if not a canister. Turtles are absolutely adorable but I have no idea where I could source them in this area! My sister-in-law is working on a turtle tank, though 🙂
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