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Everything posted by laritheloud

  1. All is well! Tomorrow will be one week since last official fasting day, when she started her positive buoyancy. She hasn't shown symptoms since then. All my tanks will fast tomorrow, and I'll decide whether to move her back to the main tank tomorrow or wait until the next water change.
  2. I could never successfully get my water clear using Purigen, even with an insane amount of rinsing. I always ended up with white particles flooding into the water. I ended up giving up on Purigen. I hope you have more luck than me!
  3. I've used 5 or 6 almond leaves at the same time in my 29 gallon and it made no noticeable effect on my pH. Our kH is 10 to 12, gH the same.
  4. If you like the prospect of self-multiplying tetras, the Diamonds will do the trick. 🤣 Four tetra fry surviving to juvenile-hood/young adulthood in my community tank and counting...
  5. Bucktooth tetra? EDIT: obviously only for a species-only tank
  6. Beautiful and happy fish, so glad you were able to give them a wonderful home! (And as an aside, how do you like your gourami? That's a moonlight gourami, right? We are considering one for our 55 gallon)
  7. My LFS accepts fish. Don't know if they pay for them as I haven't brought any in yet. I likely will soon, though, because my Diamond Tetras keep "accidentally" producing surviving fry in the community tank!
  8. Probably a raccoon, but depending on the part of New Jersey we do have coyotes around...
  9. Greatest Surprise: Sunset Thicklipped Gourami. This fish turned me into a gourami lover, moreso than my honeys (who I also adore). Totally underrated. Maybe not the prettiest or flashiest fish in the tank, but I find mine to be far too adorable to care. Greatest Disappointment: Hmmmmm... Probably overloading my 29 gallon tank with plants. Don't get me wrong, I love planted aquariums, but as a novice, I have learned that I don't actually like tons and tons and tons of plants and would rather take a more moderate approach (and lots of patience to allow the plants to grow in) for my next tank. I'd say shrimp, too, but honestly I like my little Amano jerks now that they're out and about all the time. I have blue dream neocaridinas, too, and don't really concern myself much with treating them super delicately. I'd say my diamond tetras might be a disappointment, too, but I've come around to enjoying their antics, and they've calmed down considerably since I added gouramis to my tank.
  10. I don't have any advice here, as I'm not sure if it looks like a problem... but I wanted to say I love your thicklip gourami! Such an underrated, sweet fish. We have a female. 🙂
  11. Ah, here's your planned plants. I think Scarlet Temple will be a challenge, and I haven't tried monte carlo. My crypt tropica is not a fast grower but it looks BEAUTIFUL. You'll love it once it settles.
  12. My plants do great. Do some research for what would suit your water/temp/lighting plans. Java Fern started as a mess but is starting to look really good after 5 months. Anubias Coffeefolia and Anubias Nana Petite both look exceptional. Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus and Water Sprite both grow like weeds. I prefer Taiwan Moss to Java Moss... Dwarf Sag is carpeting nicely, and my bucephelandra green and wavy is actually growing quite a bit in my water. Water Lettuce (for a floater) is doing amazing, I have to scoop out fistfuls all the time. I'd just experiment and try out a bunch of plants and see what works for you.
  13. Ah, I missed this-- I'm so sorry you lost half of them. I hope the rest of the little fish make it!
  14. I wonder if we're thinking of the same LFS! I'm from South Jersey and know of a small shop with modest stock across the bridge, but most of his stock is locally bred. @Fish Folk this has been a really great read and documentation. I'm glad the hatch is exceeding expectations, and I'm excited to watch them grow with you. Good luck, hope they'll take powder!
  15. Mystery Snails (if you want a larger snail) only breed if you have a male and a female in one tank. I have two mystery snails in my 29 gallon and there's been 0 signs of mating or laying eggs, so I likely have two of the same sex. There's also nerite snails which cannot reproduce in fresh water, though they will lay eggs that will never grow into snails. If the look of the eggs on everything bothers you, then you can try other snails that won't lay eggs. I have a giant ramshorn snail, too, and they're like mysteries. They need a male and a female to breed. I only have one so I'm safe there!
  16. Your fish should do fine in that water. My tap is the exact same parameters as Jason from Prime Time (8 - 8.2ph, 10-12 gH and kH), and so far I've trusted his experiences fully. I keep gourami, diamond tetras, amano shrimp and neocaridina (blue dream) in my water with no problems. I'd recommend snails, too, if you like snails. They love harder water and do amazing in my tanks.
  17. Treat the tank, don't worry about the stains. I used it as a precaution in quarantine before and never noticed staining, but if you have an active ich infection, better to treat it and worry about stains later. Good luck!
  18. The bigger the better. 🤣 I have a 55, 29, and 10.... and actually I find the 10 to be really easy going and I fret the least about it. The 55 is just getting started but I have dreams and hopes.
  19. I'd just do a bath in a bucket. I did this last night with my gourami. Epsom salts will alter water chemistry and I don't think the shrimp will appreciate that when they're sensitive. It's likely a fine line between a tolerable dose and an overdose. Better to be safe. The short duration of the stronger bath should give your fish some pretty quick relief.
  20. Thank you so much! she's my little sweetheart, very friendly and personable. She's getting some nice R&R in the quarantine tank for the week, and i'll reassess my feeding routine for the main tank to keep her from overeating. Hopefully she'll continue to be okay and I can put her back with her gourami friends soon enough.
  21. Hi Sandra, my drug store was closed but I picked mine up at the pharmacy section of the grocery store. It's right by the first aid stuff. Get the kind that is *JUST* epsom salt, no added lavender or scents or anything else. I got a big bag for 5 bucks. My fish tolerated it really well and it helped her out!
  22. UPDATE: She is much improved this morning! The bloat (I guess it was bloat) has gone down and she can hold herself midwater no problem. I'm skipping feeding for the next two days then will introduce some repashy soilent green. I figure I'll keep her aside for about a week to observe and make sure she's okay. Thank you so much for the help!
  23. The only other two possibilities I can think of are this: My male honey gourami does chase the females (all of them, including the thicklipped) away from one corner of the tank where he's preparing a bubble nest. I have heard her in particular 'thunk' against the side of the tank when swimming away. Maybe she injured herself and caused this issue? The other thing (that i'm totally worried about) is that I dropped in some baby brine about a week ago and made a mistake dropping in some unhatched eggs. It was a really bad batch with a really bad hatch. I've since switched to co-op brine shrimp eggs and got a much much better hatch rate a few days ago. Maybe she gorged herself on unhatched eggs? Regardless, she is passing stool in the quarantine tank and swimming around, attempting to scavenge. She is interested in eating. She lets herself drift to the top when she wants air. I'm hoping she's not beyond helping.
  24. Thank you! I’ll let her rest without food for a few days and repeat salt treatment tomorrow
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