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Everything posted by laritheloud

  1. Lol, my tetras lay eggs almost daily. And eat them as they come out. 😐 Yet... we still have babies happening. Siiiiiiigh. I don't really want to try again with tetras and will be going with rasboras next time.
  2. I'm not experiencing mysterious disappearances and murders, but I see so much violent sparring between two diamond tetra males in particular. Like, scales flying, fins ripping, etc. One (my third adult male) is clearly last-in-line and had a tip of his tail fin chewed, but otherwise he is fine. I'm pretty sure the size of the school isn't making a difference because the school is growing itself. This is competitive breeding behavior and I know it.
  3. As a kid, my parents let me keep African Dwarf Frogs in a 10 gallon. No heater, don't remember checking water parameters, water changed only once a month. Or... we thought they were African Dwarf Frogs.... It turned out the albino was actually an African Clawed Frog, grew to a monstrous size, and ended up eating the dwarf frog. 😬 This I all found out recently when I researched why our one frog got so huge. My parents ended up getting rid of it very, very dubiously. I'm glad I know better now that I'm starting over with my aquatic pet keeping as an adult.
  4. Do you have a liquid test kit to double-check parameters? That'll give you a bit more precision with your values.
  5. I agree, that looks like it's time to take a scrubber to the inside walls. It doesn't look like green water algae bloom to me.
  6. I keep them and I went out of my way to buy some ramshorn snails to add to the mix. I don't have Malaysian Trumpet Snails yet........ I can't decide if it's tempting or if I'm inviting the apocalypse.
  7. I just started supplementing with Seachem Potassium, and I'm seeing some great results in my plants. Everything's looking very lush! Highly recommend if you think you have a potassium issue.
  8. I have a Ludwigia repens, dwarf aquarium lily, and cryptocoryne tropica as my "red" or "non-green" plants and they are looking really great! I don't have any of the more challenging red plants, though.
  9. RIGHT? Here's what I have in my 29 gallon tank, for reference: 1 Sunset Thicklip Gourami 2 Honey Gourami 8 Diamond Tetras Plus another fry I found growing out (2 of the 8 were babies that grew to juveniles, they are now nearly the size of the females in the school) 6 corydora elegans 3 mystery snails 4 nerites (2 are babies) 6 amano shrimp Bladder snails for days I have one more (male) honey gourami in quarantine that will join his buddies in 3 weeks if all goes well, and other than that, that's my entire tank. No plans to add more fish after him. Still struggling with nitrates!
  10. It absolutely will drop to nothing soon enough @Tyler LaZerte. Less than a week after transferring Water Lettuce into my main tank, my nitrates dropped from 20 to zero in a few days. I have since then struggled with keeping nitrates high enough to be detectable on a test strip (reading between 0 and 5 ppm on the liquid test kit), and I have what I consider a fully-stocked tank! EDIT: I also fertilize 3 times a week now.
  11. I started out with a really enormous water lettuce that has since branched off to lots of small ones. So long as you see the roots growing you should be okay. I regularly pull off some leaves from my water lettuce every week but it bounces back quickly. Fingers crossed yours is the same!
  12. Some of the water lettuce yellowing and melting off is normal! Just remove yellowed leaves. You should be seeing the roots growing very, very quickly. They get long and green and extend into the water. The black/brown things look like poop.
  13. he's absolutely gorgeous! I'd love to try cichlids sometime, but I'm very keen on a super peaceful tank right now for my 55... Still, it sure is tempting to try one of the more 'mostly' peaceful cichlids.
  14. I would personally not do tetras because I'm not a fan of the kind I have right now. With honeys, Celestial Pearl Danios, Emerald Dwarf Rasboras, or any other peaceful schooling rasbora would look really pretty and not take away from the bright yellows and oranges of the honeys.
  15. I know algae isn't a mystery snail's primary diet and don't keep them to eat the algae, but I know they definitely do eat it. I'm kind of impressed with how much orange/red dead staghorn comes out of them, especially since I never expected them to eat that stuff.
  16. The snails eat constantly and look very healthy and active. I have nerites and mysteries, and all of them are growing along with my 6 amanos. I do feed with soilent green and it's a hit with fish AND inverts. I have shrimp pellets, snail stix, and I occasionally throw in fresh veggies but I don't keep them in the tank for more than a few hours.
  17. My tetras eat.... literally everything. 😬 And I have a gourami that loves to eat, too. The corydoras eat more slowly and let the snails get to it. I'll try veggies on a more regular basis and see if it helps.
  18. Honest question: What's a good strategy for feeding your snails without overfeeding your fish? I'm figuring out how to balance this out still. I want my snails to get some food but I'm having a hard time when the fish are so voracious! That said, all 3 of my mystery snails are a great size, still growing, and their shell growth looks beautiful.
  19. PraziPro is reasonable, safe, and easy to use. I personally wouldn't use the med trio on a 125, and I wouldn't put them back into quarantine when you just moved them out. Just my opinion... I'd try a few rounds of PraziPro like @Mmiller2001 suggests. Are they flashing all the time? I admit I am an anxious person and can stop and watch my tanks for too many hours of the day, scrutinizing their behaviors for anything out of the ordinary. Through my searching it *looks* like a couple of odd flashes with no increased symptoms could be a whole lot of nothing, but if an entire group of fish or your entire tank starts to flash constantly, it's troublesome. Regardless, I saw flashing in a few of my fish and chose to use PraziPro on my 29 gallon display with no ill effects. Fish and invertebrates are all fine.
  20. I’m totally biased but I find her absolutely adorable. She’s not shy and completely friendly to both the other gourami and to us! Best mistake ever. https://streamable.com/m4fb46
  21. She absolutely does. She was given to us as an LFS mistake, I asked for a honey gourami pair and got.......... a honey gourami and a thicklip, which, for some reason, they thought was a male honey but was actually a female thicklip. 🤣 She's absolutely best friends with my honeys, no problems whatsoever. They swim together and rest together at night.
  22. Good luck finding a plant that works for your little guy! I'd try the salvinia or the frogbit if you can't do water lettuce. I have water lettuce and water sprite and my beautiful golden male is in the quarantine tank right now. I can't wait to try this for my honeys. 🙂 They're currently my favorite fish, along with my sweetie-pie sunset thicklip gourami.
  23. This is a bulb I planted in April. Bulb is still there but the plant is enormous
  24. I went to Lowes today and my local store gave me ZERO luck. Didn't have any stones in the sizes I needed. It was a bust. 😞 The inspiration pages are beautiful and I adore MD Fish Tanks's style, but I find it intimidating! I'll see what I can accomplish when I get my hands on some materials.
  25. This is a really good (and really reassuring!) guideline. I worry that I have too many fish in my 29 gallon due to my tetras breeding unexpectedly, but my parameters are all great and I struggle to keep nitrates high enough for my plants. It's comforting to know that my tank is doing just fine by these metrics!
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