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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. Yesterday I released some floaters into the Dragon House tank and the Medieval Tank. I got a mix of Dwarf Water Lettuce and Red Root Floaters. I decided not to mix them at least for now and thought about which tank should get what. I thought that since Invictus is already red, that the Water Lettuce would be best so as not to compete with his color. Then in the same vein of thought since White, released today and now known as Valere would have the Red Root Floaters so as not to fight with his coloring. Anyway, ever since I saw Water Lettuce I've loved the roots. They are so pretty and it seems fish really like them. I like Red Root Floaters. I tried them before but I suspect they didn't work out when I put them in the Parent tank because there was too much surface aggitation. These are much more mature than the ones I had before too so hoping they'll be better for the tank! I've ordered some more from the seller since I really like their specimens. It's fun trying new plants even when they fail. I've been trying very hard to keep this tiny piece of AR for a couple of years. It's in Dragon House too and seems to be perking up. I'm crossing my fingers! It's never going to be near as pretty as those tanks that have co2 but it's worth a try in my books.
  2. Wonderful Betta friends! We have come to an end for this thread. The very last of my beautiful rescues is now in his final tank home The Medieval Tank. I have several pictures and a few videos! Without further ado I'd like you to meet my final Betta, formerly known as White, and like his brother Red who received a Latin name (Red = Invictus which means Undefeated) - I felt the need to continue this with my boys. I'd like you to meet Valere which is latin for "Be strong/powerful/influential/healthy, also prevail and is the root word for Valiant. Here he is waiting his turn in the catch cup: https://photos.app.goo.gl/QfwKvBtz5tDSEbpU7 Here is the video of his release!: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Gcgtk8pbZHfU6WFe7 I have intentionally moved the light more to the left of this tank where most of the plants are, this also creates a visual separation between that and where the Archway is. The fish seem to like it over there and the Guppies like to use the Subwassertang shelf to rest (Valere has also already discovered it). Valere decided to check that out first: The Guppies are SUPER curious of Valere and of course like any Betta I was concerned for aggression. He definitely flares at them and gives chase but what I also knew is that Valere -because of his very long fins- is NOT the fastest swimmer and the Guppies are like little lightning bolts when they want to be so they easily get out of Valere's way. He ignores them 50% and chases them 50% so far. But it's been less than an hour as I type this - and I have to say 50% of the time the Guppies are curious and go up to him. Here they are assessing the situation: Honestly though from what I've seen so far I think this combination is going to work. I think he'll settle in and be less aggressive once he gets his bearings. Here he is exploring the lighter side of the tank: Finding bladders for the first time: Yesterday I put some Red Root Floaters (trying to cover the top so I have less hair algae, new tank not yet balanced!): He also introduced himself to one of the Nerites: He's also looking for places to stick himself: Yeah, in he goes: SO! We did it forum! All 4 sad little Bettas from the Colossal thread has made it to their forever homes! This thread now closes and continues elswhere. It was a long time coming wasn't it? At least it was a happy ending for all, thanks everyone again for your support and following along!
  3. Haha! Clearly you missed my post about making medicated food, I could have saved you soooo much time! -that's what I use to thaw bloodworms, mix meds in then refreeze. So it's good for that too.
  4. Oh and I'd like to add, if your friend buys the kit 20 (comes with hood and light) they can grow rhizones just fine, not the best lighting in the world (more advanced plants won't do well with them) -but when your friend wants better lighting later they can upgrade to a glass top and new light. Just add a timer and it's all set! And there's nothing wrong with mixing in some fake plants until the rest of them grow in. Adds more color. Just have your friend make sure there are no rough spots on them to hurt the fish.
  5. Plants. Hands down. They help your tank be maintenance free. Now, I'm a low tech person, no ferts. I have LED lights and for a 20 you can get some inexpensive ones that even have timers and neat tricks. I'd highly recommend easy plants. Rhizone plants are my favorites. The big box stores sell the ones in tubes and I encourage new people to get them because they come pest free and they won't have to worry about "bugs" or "snails" coming in the tank (though snails can be a good thing but for a beginner those things can quickly get out of control). Tube plants can be expensive but they are well worth the investment and they can be propogated. Get Anubias, Java Ferns (plenty of different types in both species) and then glue them to rocks. decor or use string and suction cups to anchor them along the glass. They are slow growers but don't need fancy light or high light.
  6. Agreed. Actually I don't really need to pull any plants, The planted Amazons would stay were they are, just get new substrate put around them (if I go that direction). The rest of the plants can be moved around the tank without being removed. I might move the mobile plants to one side of the tank one day - let the dust settle in the tank- do a water change/vacuum- put the new stuff on the side without the plants, then move the plants to the other side - let the dust settle again - do a water change/vacuum and put the new stuff in. Place the plants and hopefully have a reset tank? That's kind of what I think will work best. Trust me, if I ever ship an Oto, you'd get them first.
  7. Me too though I don't think I have the environment for it. I think if you try it again, please post a thread! The Etsy seller I came across has buy 2 get one free (buy 4 get 2 more free, buy 6 get 3 free) and if you order by priority shipping if DOA they refund/replace. So there's probably sellers out there that can help with the DOA part.
  8. I asked the Etsy seller if they knew if people put these in aquariums, and they said "Oh yes a lot do"
  9. @FLFishChik I totally would if I had something bigger than a 20 gallon! Maybe someday when I get a HUGE upgrade. Maybe by then they'll come up with under gravel lighting so they won't block out the light!
  10. In my little world any plant whose main body is above the surface of the water is a floater- but yes probably good someone pointed this out (I did see how it rooted but never mentioned it here). It's partly why I ask if anyone here has done it- I'm wondering how much of a hinderance the roots could be in an aquarium. It might actually be too dense to be pretty/healthy - a pain to do maintenance with or - no good for an aquarium fish environment.... and maybe just best for a pond. Which in my eyes is kind of a shame!
  11. @Theplatymaster it came up on my Etsy feed. I was just trying to figure out if this plant can go in an aquarium. Figured I'd ask around here if anyone has tried. Some aquatic plants like this can be too invasive and hard to keep. I'm just picturing this floater on top of a 125 gallon with no lid and hanging roots.... Bucket list stuff.
  12. Well @Theplatymaster they did also call it Mosaic Plant but not sure if that's an official "laymen" name for it- if it's not, it should be.
  13. Just thought this was a super cool floater (sold more for ponds). It gets 6" according to the seller so not necessarily an aquarium plant but because my fellow hobbyists are intrepid people wondering if anyone ever tried? Say hello to Ludwigia Sedioides:
  14. Getting a fish (any fish) from a local source that has the same or similar water as you is ALWAYS the best bet.
  15. I believe it would, though I haven't tried it for BBA, others have like this post (apparently it will turn red): if you do it you should post your results on the thread, they are in the process of getting the experiment published! BBA is definitely more stubborn but not bullet proof! The process is very easy though- so totally worth it.
  16. I'd be less inclined to say this is injury since you had another one die. Did that one have the same white patches? Any chance they have severe ammonia burn? How did you get them from the LFS or shipped to you? IF it is injury (meaning happened right after you added them to the tank) I'd quickly find the potential culprit - My method is to make sure I have a finger's width of space all around my tank between decor/wood/filters or it's otherwise RIGHT UP against the glass so they cannot fit through.
  17. OTOCINCLUS VITTATUS: The Parent Tank Things seem to have stabilized in the Parent tank. I've discovered no new deaths since the last ones posted - babies are all fine too. I've even added a new Nerite. I have seen an increase in surface bubbles which I'm not sure of the source yet (yes, I know all the causes, ammonia is still 0 so it's not that). I'm wondering if it's excess of debris which this tank seems to have plenty of mulm despite my constantly cleaning it and removing most of the wood that was once in the tank. I'm going to be trimming up the plants quite bit and doing a large cleaning this week as I progress to a full reset on this tank. It's time for a re-do anyway. The tank looks nothing like what I started with and looks nothing like I would like it to- it's a hot mess visually- it's just evolved out of necessity. Since I've been busy staving off deaths and building the Medieval tank I've not had time to plan what this reset will look like but it will likely have to happen with the fish in the tank so it will take many days and possibly happening over weeks. I'll be giving thought to this in the coming days.
  18. Welcome to the forum @Sharon M! Will be neat to see what you come up with in your tanks!
  19. I don't see any reason why this wouldn't work too: Reverse Respiration Probably still have to clean the dead algae off but it would likely be a lot easier and would take longer for it to come back.
  20. Maybe then Discus are more my department. I only want fish I can look at but they spawn without my permission!
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