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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. Well, more what I meant. I'm glad he likes it. It's the lazy Bettas easy bubble nest, they don't have to swim just rest and blow bubbles.
  2. If you can isolate the fish, I have lots of Otos and they have done fine with salt where some sites are against it. I can't speak to your other fish because I've not kept them. As @Odd Duck said catch them gently as possible. I get that it will be hard (my Otos would be near impossible to get out of my 20g tall at this point). I've had success catching some by hand- if you have a shrimp net I would highly recommend using that because the messh is so tight they rarely get barbels/mouths caught and they tend to be more gentle- and in your case small so you can catch them in tighter spaces.
  3. Sounds painful but I can't really see what's going on with the little one by this picture. The best thing I've usually done for a single individual is to get them into isolation so I can monitor them more closely. Usually we have to look at what we've recently done with the tank, meds or another fish could play a factor as you mentioned. If it's an open wound my consern would be secondary infections- which is why I isolate. I can keep the water super clean and medicate the fish separately- with an open wound I'd use an anti-bacterial but anti-fungals also have to be considered if it goes that direction. If you could get better pictures that would be very helpful here, I know they're hard to get with Otos.
  4. Welcome to the forum! Loving the tanks! Can't help with the Oscar but I bet it's just going to take time before they get comfortable and color up right.
  5. @TheSwissAquarist, like anything I do when it comes to fish multiplying I have not done any of it on purpose. Yes, my Black Neons made about 6-8 surviving babies. Don't ask me how! Other than feeding the tank well, having an unheated tank and doing weekly water changes (maybe along with lots of places for eggs to be scattered safely from fish eating them (Subwassertang mostly) - I have no idea why/how they did it.
  6. Over the last week I noticed on my local fish/aquarium club swap forum a post for a 5 gallon tank with a bunch of accessories for a very reasonable price. I'd been keeping my subconcious mind on the lookout because my Mum had mentioned that Zaggi, formerly known as Purple the rescue Betta has been quite the bully since moving into her 5 gallon tank. This is unfortunate because I've had to take on Mum's Guppies since they were getting bullied and Zaggi is SUCH a food pig that she's a bit fatter than I'd like her to be. This also makes it very difficult for Mum to feed her ADF and she has expressed a desire to get another frog since one of her pair passed. I texted Mum a screenshot and asked her if she might be interested in the tank. She said yes. She's doing me a favor soon so I got the tank for her as a gift. I had the clean the tank up a bit when I got it but overall it was a good value. The tank came with a cute cube hide. I cut her several pieces of my Bacopa Caroliniana and retrieved some piece of Java, a spare Anubias and gave her a few Red Root Floaters. I also bought her 2 pieces of Lucky Bamboo. I also scooped out 20-30 of my MONSTER Bladder Snails from the Angry Man Tank. Sent her home with one of my spare sponge filters (came with air pump) and some substrate (though the tank had that too), vinyl to back the tank, rocks and some other things and last night she texted me a picture of her new tank. Who she plans to put in it I don't know, probably Zaggi. Otherwise her remaining 2 Neons and ADF will go in. I have a feeling it's the Betta's new home since she put the plastic Betta leaves in the tank. This is what she came up with:
  7. Checked on my inhabitants as I do every morning. This morning in the Accidental Tank, Nerites Sergeant and Little Red were again hanging out with each other. This time on the coconut house: As per usual Sergeant is getting a good snail waxing. Their roommate Serious Black is in the other divided portion of the Accidental Tank with the Guppies as it needed a good algae cleaning. I tried to commission Little Red for it but they weren't making a dent so Little Red was put back with Sergeant. No pic of Serious today though- they were unseen, probably napping somewhere in the tank. Meanwhile Punk is still ruling the Angry Man Tank: The floaters in the Dragon House with Invictus the rescue Betta are doing really well. Especially the Salvinia Minima that was already there prior to adding the Dwarf Water Lettuce- there was only a few of those that I had pulled from the CPD tank I decommissioned. I lowered the output on the airpump for the sponge filter so there is a lot less aggitation and I've been putting Easy Green in the Dragon House (and the Medieval Tank, though prior I've not been using ferts I figured why not try in a couple of tanks as I already had the Easy Green on hand). This made the Salvinia explode. The Dwarf Water Lettuce has seemed to have adjusted to my water since its shipment and the initial die-off has stopped. Hopefully I'll get more of those going. I just love the way their feathered roots grow:
  8. My Otocinclus far and away prefer Super Green over Soilent. They get both but the Super Green is eaten much faster than the other.
  9. It allll depends on personality. I'd only recommend short finned Guppies so they're fast enough to get away. They do best
  10. Nice! Thanks for that tip. Honestly I think even in summer it's going to be ok BUT you never know this will be an easy way for me to check. This is what it looks like in afternoon and is pretty typical lighting for most of the day (it is 1pm): (When I returned the pot I of course ran into an Asparagus Fern I had to have- used to keep them years ago and always loved them, the light in here was good for the Ferns I've kept in the past, and they always seemed to like bathrooms) (pardon my drinking glass, trying to get an orange seed and some white grapefruit seeds to put out a root) At @Odd Duck's suggestion I've done this as of yesterday. I ended up returning the perforated pot and decided to see what I was into by taking the Orchid out of its orginal pot. I cut away all the dead roots, but it appeared to have many, many more, healthy green, fat roots. (I always forget to take pics) The Orchid was entirely planted in moss. I kept 3/4 of it, added some of the new Orchid potting mix (which really is mostly dirt) hoping that it will add some nutrients and lightly packed it back into the original plastic insert and into the original pot. I've already been watering it with fish tank water (most of my plants, in and out, get at least some fish water every week. What I currently have on hand is Miracle Gro, not sure if it fits the criteria for what you mention if anyone can say- but I can say I've had good results with it in most plants. I think I'll be going with this method of watering, though I have no bark. Would dry moss be as good an indicator I'm not sure, of course it's going to dry out faster. I might have to stick my finger down into the pot to check deeper I'd assume. Yeah. I have plain charcoal I cook with but I can't trust there isn't other chemicals that might hurt the plant so I've passed for now. DO journal this if you can.
  11. My Bolivian was pre-owned 😄 for 8 months prior to coming to me so I didn't have to medicate for anything but moping, and the only cure for that was taking him out of QT early.
  12. I have one with Guppies. So far I would not recommend any with long fancy tails- they are getting nipped and are slower because of them. I will be trying Ember Tetras. They will likely also be a good match. Betta have VERY individual personalities. It will all depend on that.
  13. Yes, I'm not a fan of those either. Plus I think the Betta appreciate the stability of the suction cup tunnels
  14. Ohhh yes, I totally agree with this. All of my Betta have suction cup caves I got them from Etsy (you can make your own). I think they benefit more from the type that can sit at the surface of the water because they are air breathers they don't have to leave the cave if you put it in a way they have an air pocket along the top. Mine ALL use them and seem to really like them. This gives them a great place to sleep, feel secure and hide from things that might be bothering them through the day.
  15. I have 1x Hillstream in my Flex9. Definitely a character- I friggin love them. Consider male Endlers. You can get different colored/patterned ones. I know as a kid I loved naming individual pets- groups that looked the same weren't quite as fun. They are active and not quite as troublesome as long tailed male guppies. I wouldn't do anything that spawns (i.e. male/fem guppies) that would get out of control too quickly and be more stressful for you (and the kids if things die off). You can get a small group of Ember Tetra to go with whatever you choose. They are so tiny and tolerant. A group of 6 wouldn't add much to the bioload. I keep all 3 of the above in my Flex9 and it's a great tank. I removed the male Guppies I had as they were run ragged by the endlers and frankly each other, losing their long tails. They are all in QT until they are better and they'll go in a different tank. Mystery Snails are high bioload, I might only put one in a 10g unless there were way less fish.
  16. That's exactly my frustration with them. You can do everything right and then, bam, something weird and unexpected out of the blue. Most of the other fish I keep, there's usually a reason you can find that causes their injury or illness. I still think most of it is genetics. Often times I think it stems from the super long fins that a lot of them have like in Gepetto's case (I worry for my two rescue males who have extra long fins- they will at some point be an issue I suspect).
  17. @Odd Duck no worries. I thought that might be an issue. I can just exchange stuff if I decide not to use the perforated pot- they had orchid bark but I don't remember seing any charcoal. Would plain bbq charcoal work or are there too many chemicals in that do you know?
  18. Yep. IMO they are not a beginner fish.
  19. @Odd Duck ok good. I got what the plant nursery had, not much of an option. It's EB Stone brand Orchid mix. Says it contains bark, lava rock, redwood compost and sand.
  20. @Odd Duck got some orchid soil and what I think might be a good pot for this orchid? What do you think? they had the more traditional style like what you posted but I think this one will be a little easier to contain the new soil.
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