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  1. diving in to the world of Ricefish. Summer Tub Rocky Mountain style. ( indoor pond ) i’ve been keeping fish for a bout 15 months now - beginning with an impulse buy of some hornwort & 5 feeder goldfish. the hornwort continues to pay dividends & Arthur - the lone survivor is eating me out of house and home : learning more & more every day - i’ve come to the realization that what i wanted when i bought those 5 feeders was 7 Medaka. so they ship today from Dan’s & arrive tomorrow. i am in that liminal space where i am trying to get my head a round what i do not know… 10 Gallon Coleman cooler will be the landing pad for 7 Galaxy Medaka : Coleman has been cycling for a bout 9 months. acting as a catchall for snails and plants. i added a fair dozen wild type Neocaridina last week and all signs point to healthy water. so - what am i forgetting ??? Long Range plans include establishing a handful of 3 to 5 gallon ponds in these extra large terracotta bowls i’ve been making. ( i am a potter ). i’ve got a fair wack of south facing windows that grab that good, good Rocky Mountain Sunshine. Temps fluctuating between high 50’s to high 60’s these days - but will spike come summer - though house temps rarely rise into 80’s. stoked to bring these little treasures into my home. i’ll also be trying to establish a colony of red cherries in my 10 gallon betta - hoping i’ve successfully relocated the small group of Wild Types i added last month. 🤷🏽 the three Nerites will drop one each into heated tanks. at what point do you just start calling your living room the Fish Room ? 😓 wish me luck & feel free to fill in gaps or ask questions. thanks for being. CARE is the Jam!
  2. Hey all! Fairly new to the community. First post. Wanted to share my tank. I had asked a question about my two Oscars and how one is always so light. I've had them a few weeks now. I hope they both get comfortable soon:) Here is their current setup and their typical colouration. Obviously plants will be adjusted over time. Hoping the Lilys will root well and not be bothered when these guys are bigger. Sonder
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