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Jennifer V

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Everything posted by Jennifer V

  1. I had the same on my tank glass for a short while. It eventually went away on its own so I assumed it's just harmless biofilm.
  2. That was my thought too. @Chris2022 you can get a gh/kh kit online very easily so you can test your water. Have all of your parameters ready when you talk to your LFS so they can compare to what theirs are. Try not to get too discouraged or beat yourself up. You'll get this!
  3. It might not be anything you're doing wrong. From what I understand, otos are sensitive and a lot of times come into LFSs in rather bad shape. How did you acclimate the endlers? Did you buy them from a LFS? Maybe you can let the store know what happened and take a water sample to them to test to see what readings they get?
  4. Thank you so much everyone! I kind of panicked when I realized I hadn't equipped myself with anything to acclimate the little guys. Now I'm excited to go full steam ahead and welcome the shrimpies to their new home. Yay!!
  5. This thread is giving me life right now! After 18 years, I lost my cat Karma last week and was absolutely devastated. I needed these kitty stories to make me laugh! She was always an indoor cat, but the best bug hunter in the house.
  6. Hi Nerms! I've been patiently waiting an entire year to get some neos for my 5g. Ironically, I decided to pull the trigger and forgot to order a drip acclimation kit. 🤦 Any prayer that I can successfully acclimate them without one? My parameters: Ph: 7.6 Ammonia, Nitrite: 0 Nitrates: 5 Gh: 12 Kh: 4 Temp: 78 Tank parameters coming from: Ph: 7.4 Ammonia, Nitrite: 0 Nitrates: 20 Gh: 9 Kh: 5 Temp: 74
  7. Oh man! So much fun! You definitely have to have goldfish crackers. Is it really a party without them? You could get small plastic containers and fill them with crackers and gummy worms and give them away as party favors like tackle boxes. And maybe a pull apart cake that looks like a big fish but it's made of cupcakes. It would be super easy to paint white paper lanterns to look like bobbers and they're cheap online. Love all of @xXInkedPhoenixX ideas as well.Master party planner right there! You'll have to take pictures and post them. Happy Birthday!
  8. I think being patient is one of the hardest things about the "hobby" but it sounds like you have a great plan. Nerites are really cool!
  9. It looks like the beginnings of anubias rot to me. With the discoloration and if the rhizome is at all squishy and the leaves easily detach when pulled then that's what it is. There is no cure for it and it's uncertain what causes it so you didn't do anything wrong, but it will take out the plant. I think some people have luck just removing the affected bit but that hasn't been my experience. If it is anubias rot, I would contact the place where you bought it and let them know. They may either give you a refund or replace the plant for you. Just make sure you take photos before you get rid of the plant.
  10. I made the mistake of adding shrimp to a new tank -- 8 weeks old -- to clear up the algae and because I was so excited to have them. They died off one by one over the next couple weeks and it was heartbreaking. I've let my newest tank mature for a year and am now trying shrimp again. That's not to say you should wait that long or even close to that long but the more patient you are, the better the results will be. But I completely understand the excitement you have! Have you thought about adding snails to clear up the algae?
  11. The water cures the super glue and makes it safe for your aquarium so I don't think it suffocates the roots or affects the rhizome. Is the rhizome mushy at all or discolored? Are the leaves detaching at the base where they connect with the rhizome?
  12. I made the newbie mistake of getting pea puffers as my first fish. I let my wife pick the fish for the tank because I had dictated every decision up to that point. Neither of us knew exactly what we were getting into even though we had done quite a bit of research beforehand. I think we thought fish are fish. Same needs, same care requirements. Thankfully, nothing catastrophic happened and we've learned a ton in the last year. I would do quite a few things differently had I known better. But we continue to try to be the best fish moms we can and adjust accordingly as we continue to develop and grow along with the peas.
  13. I've heard MTS are great for aerating the substrate so I'm considering adding them to my 5g with sand substrate because of that. My only concern with them is that they reproduce rather rapidly but I'm assuming they are just like bladder and ramshorn snails in that the population can be kept in check.
  14. @Betsy TIL captive bred (CB) and wild caught (WC).
  15. Holy cow! That's a truly beautiful tank! It looks like something I'd find on Pinterest. Great work!
  16. I make my wife do it. She either uses tweezers or her fingers. Sadly, it's not the most amazing part of being a fish keeper and certainly not something I enjoy at all. I would cry if I had to do it myself. We started doing it upon getting the recommendation from other pea puffer keepers and it seems to be a better way for the little murder beans to get their food.
  17. In my experience, ramshorn snails are more sensitive to water conditions than bladder snails so that could explain the die off. The bladder snails will eat the remnants of the ramshorn snails but they won't eat the shells. I don't think peas have a preference as far as snails. Food is food! I personally like feeding mine crushed ramshorn snails because they are meatier but crushed bladder snails work just as well. You just need to add more of them because they are smaller. I limit the amount of snails my peas get. They will eat until they explode! On more than one occasion in the beginning, I had a couple of them eat so much they had to rest until they digested. I have four peas, and they get either roughly four crushed bladder snails or two ramshorn snails (depending on snail size) at a time, but my peas are older than yours will be so you might want to feed less to start. Just watch until they all have full bellies and remove the rest that's in the tank. The reason I crush the snails is it's easier for the peas to get to the meat. They'll only eat what they can reach. With the snail shells still in tact, there will be meat leftover in the shell the peas can't get to so the half eaten snail will sit in your tank.
  18. I would guess that if other snails would make a meal out of the biofilm then spixi snails would as well. You're right, the peas won't touch it. You'll have to remove the snails before you add your peas or the little beans will murder them.
  19. Looks like a ramshorn snail. Congrats! They are great little cleaners for the tank.
  20. Wow! What a great first parent you are! I have a special needs dog, which isn't quite the same, but my point is sometimes taking care of special needs beings is more rewarding than if they didn't have any challenges. Excited to see your journey with her!
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