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Jennifer V

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Everything posted by Jennifer V

  1. That's what I've heard, that less water changes are better for shrimp. The tank just has shrimp and a few bladder and ramshorn snails in it and since we only have a few shrimp right now, we only feed them every two or three days so I was assuming that we wouldn't need as many water changes in general anyway. But I'm like you, I religiously change the water in my puffer tank every week so it's hard to resist the urge to do a water change in the shrimp tank. Do you drip the new water into the shrimp tanks? Or just make sure it's at temp and add it like normal?
  2. I can totally relate to your black sand woes. I thought it would be "pretty" and hadn't learned enough about substrates yet. Never again.
  3. I have shrimplets! I noticed that the bright yellow berried female I have no longer looked berried, so I searched around and sure enough, there are babies in the tank. This is beyond thrilling! I managed to catch one on camera. It's been a few weeks since I got my bunch so I feel like it might be time for a water change. Maybe like 10 percent? I have treated water sitting in a bucket at temp, but I'm terrified to pull the trigger and actually do the WC. I don't want anything to hurt my colony, although I know not doing any changes would also eventually impact them, event though I check parameters every couple days and they are very stable. @Torrey I think I remember you saying that WCs are vital no matter what the parameters are doing or not doing? Thoughts?
  4. That bright yellow female is no longer berried ... I have shrimplets! I saw some swimming around today so I'll post again when they're older and I can see their coloring. Very exciting!!
  5. Another berried female. She's kind of brown with yellow stripes. I know I'm not the best photographer but still fun to show you my group.
  6. Caught another male on camera. He's the only bluish one of the bunch.
  7. Happy Saturday Nerms! After waiting a year to let my tank settle in, I finally have my first bunch of Neos and couldn't be more thrilled so I thought I'd share some photos of these weirdos. They are culls from a local seller -- I decided to start off with culls in case I did something wrong and they didn't make it. They are all oddly colored, but I adore them. Out of the eight, I have three berried females so I'm curious to see what colors come from them, if any. The originals were Orange Sakura, Cherry Red and Blue Dream. @Guppysnail I think I remember that you have had some interesting colors come from your skittle colony? Anyone have any experience and know if I'll get any highly colored babies in my future? Thank you to those of you who talked me off my ledge when I forgot to get a drip acclimation kit when I got them. You were very helpful and they seem you be doing well! 😊 @ange @CT_ @Odd Duck @JettsPapa @Gumbo99 @H.K.Luterman @Choogie @Patrick_G
  8. I've often thought about starting a journal with my next tank adventure. I feel like the best journals are a combination of the latest facts and finds related to the tank and a light-hearted tone, almost like you're telling a story to a friend. If it includes questions for other Nerms, even better! It's a great way to engage the community. And lots of photos. Check out @Guppysnail's journal. It's a perfect example of a really engaging story. Have fun with it!
  9. Yes! I know a lot of people suggest sand as really the only option for cories but I think I remember that Cory traveled to see them in their natural habitat and found that the substrate was surprisingly sharp. I vote for cories too!
  10. I've come to love hydra. They're such interesting creatures. I know having a lot of them feels creepy and overwhelming, but they tend to disappear when their food source goes down. Is it a newer tank? I had a large population in both of my tanks, but as the tanks matured, they disappeared. Do you have the option of adding fish that will eat them?
  11. Oh goodness! Ok now I'm totally freaked out about not having done any water changes yet. I'll make sure to start doing them and drip the new water in. Thank you so much for the advice! The last thing I want to do is accidentally crash this colony before it even gets started. I adore watching these little guys!
  12. Ha! They don't seem to have very discerning palates so that's good! Which repashy do you feed them?
  13. You bring up a good point -- water changes. I haven't changed the water yet and it's been a few weeks. I just monitor the parameters every couple days. I'm so afraid to water change and lose them! So I just use a turkey baster to collect mulm that builds up in the front, which isn't very much and top off the tank with fresh treated water. I feed them every couple days with dennerle shrimp king color, but I'm thinking I need something else because they're cull shrimp so they really don't have any color. I also have hikari algae wafers and vibra bites but I know those don't contain calcium. I have banquet blocks too but they don't seem to like them. What else should I buy? Ok good! That makes me feel better. They are cull shrimp so they don't really have any color and I'm not sure anyone would want them if I did get to a point where I needed to give some away, but maybe? Oh that's wonderful! I'm obsessed with testing the water because I love having them so much so it's good to know that as long as I keep up what I'm doing, they'll likely be fine. 😅
  14. I have crushed coral added to the tank because it was originally at 6.0 ph and 0 kh. I'm not exactly sure how much I have in there, maybe a cup in a mesh bag. I test the water every couple days so maybe sure it's stable, and it has been for quite awhile, but do you think I need more crushed coral, or just leave it be? That's what I'm afraid of -- that they'll all disappear -- which I feel like would break my heart. I've been waiting a year to get the tank just right for them so I'm beyond excited that they're doing seemingly well so far. Is it just something I need to become friends with, that they'll just regulate their own population and some will vanish?
  15. Happy Tuesday! I have a very heavily planted 5g and just got nine Neos a few weeks ago. I ended up with three berried females. 😳 How many shrimp can I safely have in the tank before it gets overloaded? Parameters: Ammonia & Nitrite: 0 Nitrates: 10 Ph: 7.6 Kh: 3 drops (I forget what the value is that correlates with this) Gh: 12 drops Thank you Nerms!
  16. Now that you say that, he said it was something like "super red." I looked it up. Is that the same thing? 🤪
  17. Does anyone know what this beautiful red plant is and how to care for it? It was given to me as a gift in this cute mason jar but the person didn't know what it was. Ha!
  18. Congrats! Beautiful peas and tank! I have four, three females and one male. The largest female is suddenly really large and bigger than the male, so I'm wondering if she's pregnant. I did see breeding behavior but I actually don't want little babies. Way above my pay grade as far as knowing how to care for them properly. I feel like I just got the adults figured out! And I get mighty attached pretty quickly so I couldn't stand any losses. But best of luck to you and don't forget to update us about everything that happens in that sweet little tank. 🐡
  19. Oh that's a bummer! Well your instincts were right, they're sadly not as healthy looking as they should be. Bloodworms are a great snack, but they aren't great as an only food source.
  20. I agree with @Odd Duck. They look mighty skinny. Peas are supposed to have nice plump bellies. Aqua Huna sells pea puffers that come in groups of six. I got mine from AH and they came in really great condition as juveniles. You're likely to get juvenile peas wherever you buy them, so you'll have to eventually re-home any that show aggression as they grow, but if they're going into a 20 gallon, six is a really great number to have. Just make sure you have tons of plants and decor to break up the territories and the right ratio of male to female.
  21. I agree with the others -- I would only add one nerite snail to the tank since the tank is so small and would add a few more plants. You can attach anubias or Java fern to your hardscape and floating plants are a great idea. I'm a huge fan of "pest snails" like bladder and ramshorn snails. They're perfect for a tank that size, you can probably get some for free, they survive in just about any water, they will keep the tank very clean and they are a great indicator of whether you're overfeeding or not.
  22. Where in Colorado do you live? I'm looking for a 20 gallon long!
  23. Oh I bet! I don't know much about Bettas but I think I remember that they like nitrates in between 10 and 20 but I personally don't think nitrates are much to worry about unless they get over 40 ppm. My pea puffer tank is always around 40 ppm or even a bit higher and the messy peas are absolutely fine.
  24. I would just keep checking the water and do water changes if you see the ammonia and/or nitrite come back and the nitrates climb. I believe the ideal nitrate ppm for plants is around 20 so you still have room as far as that goes. Seems like you have a light stock and lots of filtration so you may not need to do water changes as frequently.
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