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Jennifer V

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Everything posted by Jennifer V

  1. @lefty o yay! I was hoping that would be the case! 🎉
  2. Oh! I forgot to mention that! It's a 10g tank and I want to get some pea puffers for it. My new plants should be here tomorrow. Should I wait a few weeks until they start growing?
  3. Hi All! I've had my tank setup for about four weeks. It has a few swords that are starting to grow and more plants are on the way. I feel like I'm almost ready for fish but I'm not sure. I test my tank levels every other day. For the last two weeks, my levels have been 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 5 ppm nitrate. Should the nitrates be higher? If so, how do I safely increase a tiny bit?
  4. @Maggie thank you so much for your detailed response! After all my research, my wife insists on getting pea puffers for our tank so onto more research about them!
  5. @Machete how do you feel about rasboras and danios for a 10g? Same as tetras?
  6. @Kirsten @Cory I'm planning on buying some pea puffers from Aquahuna -- yay! -- but they come in groupings of six juveniles. What do I do with the fish I can't keep. (I only have a 10g tank).
  7. @FishyThoughts oh I love the idea of the hillstreams! What do you feed them?
  8. @lefty o I've read that I can only have about 10 schooling fish max in my 10g. Can I extend that provided that I stay up on water testing and water changes?
  9. @Ben_RF I love the idea of adding a beta. Have you ever had any trouble with aggression or is it fine because the loaches stay to the bottom?
  10. @Fonske those are amazing suggestions! I've never heard of a Blue Ram but they look beautiful. Are they prone to any aggression?
  11. @lefty o how many tetras do you have and how many other fish, shrimp, etc. do you have in your tank?
  12. @Streetwise this might be a stupid question, but what are temp-based pairings? My tank is consistently at 74 degrees. Also, I'm super excited about adding shrimp but my first tank is newly cycled. Should I wait to add them?
  13. @JettsPapa I just love my surprise bladder snail. How do you keep your snail population under control? What kind of shrimp do you have?
  14. @Cory what a great resource! I love the care detail they list. If the ph in my tank is higher (7.6) but consistent, will it shock them to death? Also, I see they feed the puffers frozen bloodworms. Would the Hikari freeze dried also work?
  15. I just have a bladder snail that hitched a ride on one of my plants, but I'd love to add different kinds. I've read Nerite snails are a great choice because they're a nice cleanup crew, are beautiful and need saltwater to reproduce so they won't overrun your tank.
  16. @JettsPapa which fish need more open space to be happy? I have a feeling I'm headed for a heavily planted tank and want to make sure the fish I add are right for it.
  17. Yes! And my wife thinks I'm nuts! That's actually why I bought my latest round of plants. I had a nightmare my current plants were going to die because they were lonely. 😂
  18. Hi Everyone! I've read several articles about what to stock in a 10g tank -- including the ACO one. I'd just like to know what you've added to your little communities. Breed combinations, numbers of each ... Thank you!
  19. Thank you so much! I completely missed the Co-Op article about it too. 🤦‍♀️ I appreciate you!
  20. Hi Everyone! I'm super new to the hobby and although I research daily, I'm still clueless! I started my tank a couple months ago with Eco-Complete substrate topped with gravel. I just got a few swords -- thank you Co-Op for the beautiful plants! And have a few crypts, water sprite and moneywort on the way. How long will the Eco-Complete fertilize before I need to start using root tabs? Also, I bought Flourish but am thinking I might need to ditch that and get the Easy line instead because it seems more beginner friendly? What do you think? Here is my sweet little 10g tank with my baby swords. Faux plants are there until I can get the crypts and stem plants in.
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