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Jennifer V

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Everything posted by Jennifer V

  1. I know they like being in numbers so should I just rethink getting them?
  2. My little 10g is ready for some more life, but I'm down a research hole and need advice. I was originally planning for pea puffers, but I think I want just a colony of algae eaters for now, so I'm thinking cherry shrimp, Nerite snails and otos. My tank is currently in a major brown algae situation, so I'm thinking that will feed everyone for a bit, but what do I get to make them all happy long term? I have some banquet blocks coming tomorrow. I think my primary concern is the otos. Should I buy Repashy? What do you all think of it? It sounds kind of complex for this newbie. Maybe 6 otos? Or more because the bioload of the others is so minimal? And should I get Wonder Shell automatically? I know the banquet blocks have calcium in them. Should I wait until all the algae is gone? Will that be too late for the otos? I tend to over prepare for things so I'm spinning at the moment. My tank is heavily planted with more plants on the way.
  3. Just a little side note, I got one for co-op and it's even more beautiful and enjoyable in person. It was one of my first purchases and I love it.
  4. @Sapere_Ceta thank you! I'm extremely frustrated right now -- my plants all look like they're dying, my tank is covered in brown algae and I just accidentally killed the bladder snail I had, I'm assuming because of the plant fertilizer I was using (copper in it). I appreciate your words more than I can say!
  5. I've really been trying to sit and just enjoy what I have so far. It's just plants now, but they mean something to me so thank you for the reminder. And I'm always afraid to ask questions but I push through because even if I feel like they're dumb, you guys always help!
  6. Well that's proof that every tank is different! Did you get yours from ACO or another source?
  7. I have my eye on that exact plant. I've avoided anything I have to secure to hardscapes because I thought that might be a disaster for me but I think it's time to just try it out.
  8. I'm learning that! I guess right now I just have "newbie syndrome" because I do so much research and try so hard to make my little tank a nice home for all and I'm having issues with things I thought were going to be easy for me. I mean, how could I kill a bladder snail for goodness sake?! But here is where that patience thing comes in again. I'm just trying not to beat myself up about it all.
  9. @Andy's Fish Den ok great! I was thinking those might give me a confidence boost too! And maybe some java moss? Am I right in thinking the Easy Green will up my nitrates a bit? I know Co-Op recommends ~20 ppm for planted tanks.
  10. I just added some moneywort, water sprite and several crypts two weeks ago. I expected the crypts to melt but I didn't realize the moneywort would. Is that normal? The water sprite died, so that coupled with the other plants melting and a dwarf lily bulb that is a month in and refuses to sprout, my tank looks like a wasteland. I was dosing the tank with Flourish until I accidentally killed the bladder snail in the tank. I'm going to start with Easy Green as soon as it gets here. Is there anything that doesn't melt that I can add? Also, my nitrate level is hanging out at 5 ppm. I'm assuming the Easy Green will fix that?
  11. @Daniel oh I read that! I understand that it basically adds minerals to the tank but I was wondering if it's a necessity. Do I really only know that if I do more advanced testing -- gh/kh? Or if I see signs of deficiency? Or is it one of those things that I automatically need of I have things like snails and shrimp?
  12. What exactly is Wonder Shell and when/why do we need it?
  13. Planning on adding shrimp -- maybe cherry, probably amano. Are leaves a must-have or just good for extra fun?
  14. There's that dreaded "p" word again ... 😆 I'm probably the least patient person ever, so I appreciate you guys so much for the daily dose of "just chill out" that I truly need to be successful with my beloved tank and those to come.
  15. @Aubrey @Daniel what an amazing book and information! I'm so excited to read it! When I started this whole thing, I just thought it would be a fun way to get more life into my small apartment. I had no idea it would quickly become all I talk and think about it my free time. I never imagined I'd be downloading fish books! It's truly become so much joy.
  16. I always tell my employees, the best way to learn is by making mistakes, and I expect them so don't be too upset when you make them. Personally, I'm terrified of making mistakes with this "hobby" and causing anything in my tank to die but that's inevitable, right?
  17. I'm already planning my next one! Where do you get your tanks?
  18. I got my first tank in October but didn't get it going until December. Now I'm already figuring out space for a bigger one in my 500-square-foot apartment. Where is the best place to buy new tanks?
  19. Definitely! I think I spend every free minute I have researching everything I can find online.
  20. @Streetwise this is what my beginning tank looks like. I hope the water sprite, crypt tropica and the dwarf lily bulb to the right eventually do their thing. The moneywort already looks pretty good and the swords to the right are growing. What else do you think I should add?
  21. @H.K.Luterman so adding 10 shrimp and two snails to my new but very algae-ridden tank would be overkill?
  22. Amazing! On an obsessive note (see above 😆) I got a Tetra Whisper UL Air Pump for 10g tanks and a small sponge filter for my 10g tank -- I didn't know any better. Should I upgrade? I plan on having a heavily planted tank which I've already started with some swords, crypts, moneywort, water sprite and a dwarf lily bulb and plan on adding a couple pea puffers.
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