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Jennifer V

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Everything posted by Jennifer V

  1. @ChefConfit I thought the same thing -- it looks like brown algae rather than black.
  2. @CharlieBrakes4Butterflies I don't have a solid plant knowledge base yet, but I can tell you I have a lot of brown algae and it doesn't seem to bother the plants as long as I clear it off of the heavily covered leaves. Do you have a photo? Are the anubias on the side where the tank light blew? I know they prefer moderate lighting so that might be the case.
  3. @Immasweetslover mine has the same. This is from coop: Why is the bulb getting moldy or covered in a fuzzy growth? When organic objects like driftwood or plant bulbs are placed underwater, they often grow a layer of biofilm made of harmless bacteria and other microorganisms. This can look like white mold, fluffy fungus, or short tufts of gray hair is covering the bulb. If you have algae eaters, shrimp, or snails in your aquarium, they will often consume this fuzzy layer for you. As long as the bulb is firm to the touch and eventually starts sprouting, the biofilm is not dangerous to the lily and doesn’t spread to other plants.
  4. @James Black what a fun question! There are so many aspects to this "hobby" -- and I say that in quotes because it's so much more than that. I think I've become so passionate so quickly because having aquariums gives you the ability to step outside yourself and your daily life in a way I haven't experienced with other activities. It is such a wonderful way to stop and be present in the moment, which I generally have a very hard time with. It's also a lifelong learning process so it presents continual pleasure and challenges. Every tank is different, with it's own signature footprint and the possibilities related to creating that are endless. At the end of the day, it's your creation and that in itself is a beautiful thing.
  5. @Jrp1917 I could need wrong, but I believe that specific snail is a bladder snail. I had one come in on a plant and did quite a bit of research. As @lefty omentioned, they can become pests because they are hermaphroditic, so one snail can become many fairly quickly. The way to keep them in check is by maintaining a clean tank. Lower food sources = less snails. If they get out of hand, there are other animals like assassin snails that will eat them. Bladder snails do eat decaying plants and algae, so they can be really good for your tank.
  6. Yes! And I'm obsessive so I'm prone to overdoing things, hence the post. So I guess I just start with the recommended amount of Easy Green and see how things go?
  7. I may have too. The moneywort doesn't look amazing right now, that's for sure. And I don't want to go through the complexity of injecting CO2. My brain will literally explode! So is liquid Carbon an OK alternative?
  8. @Gigrantor I'm new so I won't pipe in too much but to say algae is totally normal and it can actually be a great thing. Check out the Algae 101 thread to see more info. Is it brown algae you're worried about? Or what are you experiencing? The immaculate perception is a dangerous one that I too had. I just don't think it's a super realistic goal to have a pristine tank with no algae whatsoever. Would that even be healthy?
  9. From what I've gathered from you lovely beings is that A LOT of this is trial and error so I want to just test out a few different plants to see what works and what doesn't for my 10g. I have three different swords I got a month ago and they're doing really well. Got some crypts and moneywort the next go round and the melting is real but I'm hoping they'll come back fine. My tank is stable at ph 7.4, 0 Ammonia, 0 nitrite, ~5 nitrate -- which I'm going to work on increasing to ~20 ppm when my Easy Green gets here. I have Easy root tabs for the swords and crypts. My plan is to get a few java ferns and a few different kinds of anubias -- Nana "petite," barteri and coffeefolia -- to put in there to see what happens. Am I just throwing money away or being incredibly brave by experimenting? Will the Easy Green be sufficient for the java fern and anubias? Or do I need Carbon and Iron as well? I'm just planning on using super glue to attach them to hardscape.
  10. Oh I love the term! No one in my life understands the passion behind these endeavors, so it's so fun to just be like, "I'm a Nerm, and sorry you just don't get it." 😆
  11. I was thinking that would be my plan. I already have some Repashy in my cart and plenty of veggies in the frig. Do you recommend getting something to pin the veggies to the side of the tank or can I just drop them in?
  12. Funny enough, I tried to PM you this morning just to tell you I appreciate you for your continual guidance and the value you bring to this forum. I try to practice gratitude every day in one way or another. Have an amazing day!
  13. I've read that quite a few times too. Maybe they aren't the best beginner fish? I cried when my bladder snail died (or so I thought).
  14. @euscsey58 welcome! I feel you! I'm just starting with a 10g too and am way passed overwhelmed but this group is awesome and super supportive so they'll get you going in the right direction in no time.
  15. @Will Billy thank you for opening up the discussion. I live in fear that I'm going to get some kind of nasty algae I won't know how to deal with. I literally ran out of a LFS because I caught a glimpse of some bba! But you're right, as I look at my tank, I'm happy to see the brown algae I have and think about it as a food source for the critters I plan to add to my very first tank. I think I had this unrealistic expectation that I needed to have a pristine-looking tank, when the reality is, like you said, algae is a good thing.
  16. I need to learn to just relax and watch. I'm like a helicopter mom already and I don't even have anything in the tank besides plants and a new snail!
  17. Oh no! I may have gotten rid of a perfectly fine snail! I didn't know floating could be part of normal behavior. I should've asked here first. I feel terrible!
  18. Oh that's great advice! What kind of liquid carbon do you use?
  19. @Kirsten you make a great point that I may have lost sight of on the past couple days -- this is supposed to bring happiness. And it does! I'm just letting frustration creep in. I'm going to buy more plants, like you suggested, fill the tank with my vision and see how it goes. Thank you!
  20. Oh that's good to know! She was pretty young but just floating at the top of the tank one night. I suppose I'll see how the other one does so I know if it was just her or another issue.
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