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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Do you think @SidneyE would benefit from soaking the eco complete in a bucket before adding to tank? Think that would prevent a spike in the tank itself?
  2. Yep, I just put the whole thing with the pot into the tank and make things pretty later
  3. The ammonia spike is caused by a lack of beneficial bacteria on the sponge filter. Changing filters has caused your tank to go through the nitrogen cycle. If there is a recommendation on the bacteria bottle for new tanks, I would recommend following that dosage. However, if ammonia spikes pretty high, you should do a big water change and redose as @nabokovfan87 suggested. What would also help us if you had some of the old, grimy filter media from your previous filter. That can still be used to help out the cycle as well.
  4. Is this a new tank or is it a well seasoned filter?
  5. Meds and fish stress will sometimes cause an ammonia spike. I handle it by adding Prime to the water. Prime has an ammo-lock feature which makes the ammonia harmless (you will still have the ammonia reading when you test the water though). It’s my understanding that Prime detoxifies ammonia for 48 hours. I would add bacteria too. That really helps.
  6. I did an afternoon water change of 40% That’s in addition to the 20% this morning. Fed the fishies some frozen brine shrimp (just a little) and they ate well. Kanaplex and Jungle Fungus will arrive tomorrow. I sure hope they smell better than the Maracyn. That stuff smelled very chemically. Kind of like that stinky soap in the hospital’s soap dispensers. 😝 In the meantime, I found something weird in the bottom of the tank. There is a sponge filter in there and a couple rocks, a cube decoration, and a silk plant. I don’t know what this is. Do you think it came from the fish? Sorry for shakiness. I had some blood drawn this afternoon (just routine checkup stuff) and I think that’s what is causing it. Anyway. All the stuff on the paper towel was found laying on the bottom of the quarantine tote.
  7. Color poppin’ on the ram today after I target fed her the crushed sinking pellets. She liked searching for them. When she spotted one her fin would stand up and she would do a little charge at it. The size was perfect for her to swallow, and some she chewed up. After she ate the gold on her belly became really vibrant. She ate some frozen brine shrimp too.
  8. Oh I didn’t know about the sharks! Cool! @xXInkedPhoenixX how’s Punk doing?
  9. I love the ones with the girl and the cat. ☺️ I feel like another nerite is in my future.
  10. Couldn’t have done it without your guidance! You remember the first thing I did was panic when I saw the eggs! 😂
  11. For NERM week I threw this directions post up about the breeder box - and my post was snail-specific, of course. It's basically a conglomeration of all the stuff I've posted in this journal. If anyone's interested in the read, it's over here: I don't think the food is really going out into the tank water much because within minutes snails are all over whatever food is there. They have great sniffers. But the waste production of the snails is my concern. Food always = waste always. I've been favoring repashy because Cory was saying it's very tank stable and it's fine to leave it for 24 hours. But they eat it in like an hour. And of course the beloved green beans. They are now being consumed in a day. I always have a chunk of cuttlebone in their dish, but sometimes I will add the calcium chip because they don't foul the water and the snails will get some of that calcium powder and spirulina when they cruise over them.
  12. I made a mystery snail care sheet, and it's located here. I didn't want to get too technical with it, as it's meant for newbies - just people around the neighborhood that may wish to adopt a snail. Also question for @Guppysnail - the little dudes are really hungry. Should I have food in there 24 hours or just leave it for, I don't know, half a day or what? I feed them before work, and when I get home I find they've eaten everything. I've been reloading them with food when the dish is empty, but maybe they are old enough that I don't need to continually feed? (Also asking this question for the sake of water quality. LOL) They are cheap eaters, though. They love the greenbeans and my DIY snello which costed almost nothing to make: powdered eggshell, veggie scraps, can of green beans, knox gelatin, various fish food. I also think it's time to increase water changes to 2x per day. Saw a rise in ammonia today. I water change once a day regardless, and it's with Prime so that detoxifies any ammonia. Plus the sponge filter has the ammonia pad. This tank is cycled, but the bioload is creeping up.
  13. Version 1.0.2


    This NONTECHNICAL care sheet is designed to be user-friendly and designed for beginner NERMs on how to care for a newly adopted mystery snail
  14. Thanks @Colu. I will go ahead and get these meds. How much water should I change first? Changed 20% so far. Also, what about the salt? There is 3 Tbsp in there now.
  15. Columnaris sounds evil. Should I skip the ick X this time since I don't see indication of fungus? Also, how is the kanaplex and jungle fizz different from maracyn? I need to buy more meds because the box of maracyn only had 8 packs. (Why wouldn't it have 10 if each treatment is 5 days? LOL.)
  16. These are photos I found online when searching for columnaris. These photos are consistent with what my fishy is showing. See how the betta has a square of paleness? That's what the neon has. Paleness squares. They do indeed look much better than last week. When he is recovered, will I still notice any trace of the columnaris? I'm assuming I need to go a second course of treatment at this stage. (I also looked at photos of fungus and they do NOT look like the symptoms my fishies have.) image from fishlab.com image from fabaquarium.com: @Colu
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