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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/13/2020 in all areas

  1. 4 points
  2. There is no better time to start planting than right now! Plants will boost your cycling speed (they come with benefical bacteria from their previous tank). Plus, plants love the kind of environment you have right now, with high levels of ammonia and nitrates, they will consume them and start to settle down in your new tank.
    4 points
  3. Small (about 2cm) green tiger barbs.
    4 points
  4. It is an interesting problem. Substrate doesn't seem matter as sometimes my green water tanks are bare bottomed. The two consistent factors are fertilization (which can be both fish poop or additives) and strong light. The 3 tanks above have the same pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate according to the API Master test kit, even though Nerm get more fertilizer in the way of Root Tabs. All 3 get Easy Green and Easy Iron. Lighting is about 11 hours a day but growing shorter with each day. The Nerm tank gets the most fertilizer of the three aquariums and the greenest water. The 1930s tank stayed clear when it didn't get much sunlight. But once it got full sun all day, it turned green. And 1930s aquarium has inert creek gravel and doesn't get fertilized. That is clear as mud, right? One tank in the dirted tank project is green because is gets more fertilizer. Except for the fertilizer, all the tanks are identical, setup at the same time with same plants and are treated the same. But, the 1930s aquarium has green water, gets no fertilizer and wasn't green until it started get a lot more sunlight. And finally this aquarium was clear until I put started (over)feeding constantly. Once I cut back on the food, it cleared up. The problem with green water is you can never grow it when you want it and it grows when you don't want it. One thing for sure that will clean up green water in a heartbeat is Daphnia. Daphnia will clear water overnight. Cutting back on light clears it up also.
    3 points
  5. Currently I have Discus that are about 6 months old and just beginning to lay eggs. My goal is to have multiple pairs herding babies around at the same time. Previously it was a breeding colony of Leopoldi angelfish, sometimes there were 3 pairs breeding simultaneously. Angelfish and dwarf cichlids and Corydoras 2010 until 2020 And before that it was Discus. It seems like it is always angelfish or Discus with me and because the tank has room I can always keep a school of discus or angelfish which is what they both prefer Discus from 2007 until 2010
    3 points
  6. I'd be more concerned about the soap residue than the rust. ”Back in the day” people used to bury nails in their tank gravel to supplement iron. Wipe the rust away with a new scrubbie reserved for your tank with some water and keep them dry between use to help keep the rust from coming back. Have fun with your tank!
    3 points
  7. When I lived I Portland I had a 29 platy tank that I made about 25-40 bucks off of every month. All these years later I got a few fish and a pretty planted tank. What do you al think? I sold 30-40 fish a month. I usually just took credit. I had two t10 bulbs above the tank and I know by today's standards that's so poor but it somehow workered. ...
    2 points
  8. Does Scarlet Temple prefer to feed from its roots, or gather nutrients from the water column? I have been making this long piece of cholla wood into a movable plant wall, and obviously the rhizome plants love it, but was wondering about scarlet temple. I want to add some more red tk the tank, but would hate to lose one of my stems of this pretty plant to a test if it’s a doomed endeavor. This is my 10 gallon betta and ramshorn snail tank.
    2 points
  9. We set this tank up about 4 months ago in a nearby school. Many fish were from our batches of fry. Others came from a breeder in our fish club. Just thought someone would enjoy seeing a tank full of hardy, semi-aggressive little American cichlids and tetras. It’s a potential “Thunder-dome” ... but so far, there’s balance.
    2 points
  10. My platy gave birth again, 1.5 month fry taking a look at 20 second old fry
    2 points
  11. I don’t have DI water but my well water has basically nothing in it. To mineralize it I use a combo of cichlid salt (probably something similar to what Daniel has pictured there) and baking soda. I add some calcium carbonate (powdered limestone) every once in a while as well.
    2 points
  12. Java fern & Chocolate Oranda
    2 points
  13. It's snowing! I really considered just enjoying it from the window, but I decided to get outdoors.
    2 points
  14. I needed some cherry shrimp and I was pretty sure some must have gone down the standpipe in the big tank out to the outdoor pool. It has been cold here recently so I had to bust through ice on the top to put a net in. Yep, cherry shrimp were outside, underneath ice and doing just fine.
    2 points
  15. @be28ans, that looks like a good start. Those color levels sound good, so I would suggest trying them in Automatic or Pro Mode, so you get the timer function. Save Manual mode for photos. Cheers
    2 points
  16. My Ikea 1 gallon jar and led light setup. Plants taken from my other tanks and livestock is pest snails. The dwarf hairgrass is growing surprisingly well.
    2 points
  17. You can make a template for your glass drill but using a wood hole saw and a thick piece of plywood. This is a good article if you haven't read it already. Glass Hole Cutting | Custom Aquariums WWW.CUSTOMAQUARIUMS.COM Any time you drill a hole in glass there is a risk of failure. We will give advice as to best practices for...
    2 points
  18. I had another thought. Have you considered yellow caradina shrimp?
    2 points
  19. Hi Everyone, I am new in the forum though a long time subscriber of coop, jimmy, etc. I have been a fish hobbyist for 20 years and currently far away from my aquariums due to the pandemic. My wifey has been taking care of them for 6 months now. Youtube video I uploaded 10 years ago: Happy Fish Keeping ! Stay Safe ..
    2 points
  20. Here is a wider angle: I really liked all the plants, but eventually even cool stuff gets boring. For the last few years I have gone with a hardscape only, which I did not think I would like. But, it turns out that is pretty cool also.
    2 points
  21. Currently running 15 though I'm actually only set up for 11 but a friend had a fire at his house so I set up some extras on the floor to help watch his fish. 125, 80, 55, 55, 22, 22, 20, 20, 20, 20, 10, 10, 10, 5, 2.5
    2 points
  22. tiger endlers are stunning micro dudes! I got 4 and I can testify their color is as vibrant as this photo.
    2 points
  23. I am very excited for the next installment. :)
    2 points
  24. I found the article (www.theaquariumguide.com) "The Zekeri needs a lot of space and takes in most of the nutrients in the water, so you have to keep in mind not to plant it near sensitive plants, as the red tiger lotus produces a dangerous chemical that inhibits the growth of other plants." Perhaps that why my cryptos around it is smaller than the others.
    2 points
  25. @Jollypop4321 as said by others there are several reasons to fast fish. I try to fast the adults every Sunday, but sometimes I forget. I do it to encourage scavenging since I know I overfeed (I can't help it) and there is food in nooks and crannies that they'll ignore unless I skip a day of feeding. Fish can also get blockages from overfeeding so regular fasting helps prevent that. But mostly it encourages my fish to help keep their tank clean.
    2 points
  26. I think you'll find as many opinions on this as you will with people fasting! I don't fast my fish, but would not fret if they happened to miss a meal or two.
    2 points
  27. Have you tried aqua Bid? Most breeders there have buy it now. You can shop by category so you see now the fish you want to look for.
    1 point
  28. It's a biofilm. Some plecos, otos, snails, shrimp, etc., view it as food and will devour it. If you don't want any of those in your tank than chemical means are your only real option, but even then the film is likely to recur. Driftwood is an organic material and will breakdown in water and attract bacteria/fungi which will then create a fresh biofilm.
    1 point
  29. Strong lighting allows a fast shutter speed which cuts down on the blurring. Also moving the camera along with the direction the fish is swimming can help. But probably the number 1 thing is patience, just keep taking photos until you get one you like.
    1 point
  30. I had no trouble with Discus and heavy fertilization.
    1 point
  31. Currently I'm having 4 aquariums running and got like 8 for spare. Planning to build my own fishroom 😀
    1 point
  32. looks to be pooka approved
    1 point
  33. most fungal/ bacteril infectintions can be solved with aquarium salt. I would try that.
    1 point
  34. Similar to vals, my dwarf sag sat pretty dormant for months before it really took off. I have so much of it that the offshoots are literally on top of each other, super dense like a suburban lawn. I have never bothered to clip the runners from the dwarf sag.
    1 point
  35. I guess I'm the anamoly. One, and only one. No interest in having more. I don't understand how y'all have time for multiple tanks....one is enough work as it is...while still being able to sit down, watch it for a while and enjoy it. Don't get me wrong...I love watching videos of fish rooms. But, man....don't know how you do it.....lol. My fish room is my QT, and extra supplies.
    1 point
  36. Drilling glass isn't as scary as you think, or at least I thought it would be. Just go slow and barely put pressure on the drill. Making sure it's not tempered is important, if you look at the tank with polarized sunglasses and see straight lines, the glass is tempered. There are YouTube videos showing what you'd expect to see. A HOB overflow won't care if it's fresh or saltwater. I think those are sometimes discouraged because of the risk flooding if they lose siphon and overflow.
    1 point
  37. Everytime I get tank water in my mouth that day immediately becomes a cigar day. Figure the smoke will kill anything I pick up. Plus it's a good excuse for a stogie.
    1 point
  38. 3 Tanks 40gal Breeder slowly becoming a planted community tank. It takes forever when you add fish slowly and quarantine. 20gal Long Waiting on USPS from the COOP for the last couple things. Then hardscape and plants. 10 Quarantine tank, albeit with substrate, plants, and decorations. When I don't need a quarantine full time it will be a shrimp and snail home and I'll buy something else for quarantine and try to leave it plain...well that's the agreement...no I don't believe it either.
    1 point
  39. I have 8 set up now with a little 5 gallon on it's way right now. 1x55 2x45 1x29 2x20 1x10 2x5 * including the one on the way I had plans to get a couple more larger tanks, but my wife said to hold off because it was so close to Christmas. I have room for a 5 foot tank or a 5 foot stand with a couple of levels of 4 foot tanks, so if I don't get anything for Christmas, I'll be getting some new tanks after the first of the year.
    1 point
  40. I figure the tank water is no worse than my diet Mt dew addiction...I wish I was kidding.
    1 point
  41. @Lizzie Block had a good post earlier on this: Basically, you upload to Youtube and then link back to that video.
    1 point
  42. I’ve been gone for a month but I just had to share this picture I just snapped
    1 point
  43. Congo tetras, LED light and sunlight
    1 point
  44. I read back a bit and noticed the water parameter check automation. I am actually looking into this myself using raspberry pi application. My idea is a bit more... out of the box maybe. I am looking at using light reading technology. Where I pull in water sample. Use the test kit dropper solution. Then read the color and compare. Lastly create a report to send to your computer/phone. Lots to learn still. But it is something in progress. Hopefully I can prove this out and make a really simple DIY product for everyone to use.
    1 point
  45. Closeup of one of my albino corydoras, taken with a Samsung Galaxy S7 and a little clip-on macro lens.
    1 point
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