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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/2020 in all areas

  1. Hey Everyone, I wanted to share a quick tip that might make accessing this forum a little easier. Attached is a screenshot of my screen on my iPhone. As you can see, I created a shortcut icon on my home screen to make it easier to access the forum site. On an iPhone you can click on the little upload icon at the bottom of your page and select to save it to your home screen. I’m sure Android has a similar function.
    5 points
  2. Let's kick off my fish room journal with an entry/update on my Blue Gularis breeding project for the Coop. What I enjoy most about operating a fish room focused on breeding is that there will be people in the store that see my fish, get excited, and want to take them home. Call it silly, but it's just something that really drives me, knowing that someone is going to enjoy my fish and bring them happiness. So, that being said, I asked @Cory what fish I should work with to make available in our retail store. His response was the Blue Gularis. I have kept Gardneri in the past and had great success breeding them, but the Blue Gularis is known to be more difficult. Well, I am up for the challenge. I started off by sourcing 30 eggs from Aquabid for the Blue Gularis "Loe" variety. The eggs arrived with instructions to sit on them for 7-8 weeks from the date of collection, which was about 1 week prior if I recall collectly. True to my self, I let my impatience win out and tried to hatch 10 eggs about 3 weeks in. Let's just say you should follow the seller's advice. πŸ˜† From that botched attempt I wanted the remaining 4 weeks to hatch the rest. After putting the eggs in a shallow tupperware it took about 48 hours for the first fry to hatch. I think I got maybe 2 more natural hatches. I then used the vial pressurization method to force hatch the remaining eggs - picked this up from Gary Lange. The remaining eggs went in a vial with a little bit of water. Put the vial in the bottom of a 40 gallon breeder and loosened the lid to allow water pressure to enter the vial. From that, I had one more egg hatch. With several more eggs unhatched I decided to try the other method Gary talked about and that is to leave thee vial in your pocket and simply walk around. Sure enough this did the trick and all remaining eggs hatched. I raised the fry on BBS (via Ziss Brine Shrimp Hatcher) for the next several months. Currently the Blue Gularis are spread across several tanks in the fish room with only one tank having multiple occupants, 1 male and 3 females. I will probably spread these out too. The attached image is a shot from today (7/22/2020) of one of my males. Even if I don't have success breeding on my own I feel accomplished getting them to this point. Their looks certainly are worth it alone.
    3 points
  3. Do you have a sump? Considering getting one? DIY or manufactured? Questions about how they work? Looking for inspiration? I wanted to create this thread for people to share and learn about sump filtration. Ask questions, comments, concerns. If you have one, post some photos and what equipment you're running. If you've made your own sumps, share what worked and what didn't. Sumps are infinitely customizable for the ultimate hot rodded filter. You might never go back to canister filters after you have one.
    2 points
  4. Meet Dyson, Hoover, and Eureka! Also, I got some adorable Khuli loaches that I can't photograph to save my soul. I didn't think I wanted them, but I was overruled, and I adore them.
    2 points
  5. Honestly, I just enjoy seeing them behave as they would in the wild, no matter the behavior. Gives me a sense of well-being that I'm doing things right.
    2 points
  6. Smooth rocks for her to lay the eggs on and cover. I just had a pair spawn in a 45G community tank. They did so under the edge of some drift wood and a big sword plant. I would recommend Dean and Cory's video on the COOP youtube about breeding german blue rams and setting up a tank with hiding places and rocks for spawning. Good luck!
    2 points
  7. This forum is a great idea and I hope to make a lot of new fellow-fish-lover friends here. Some of you already know me from several social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and YT. Currently I'm addicted to African Cichlids. That might change after a relocation at the end of this year. I believe I share Cory's passion for creating a place where fish keepers at all levels can exchange ideas and learn from each other, without the anxiety of possibly being made to feel stupid. Having places like this will ensure that our beloved hobby continues to attract new people who then can learn and grow. Thanks for letting me in. Here are a few pictures. Take care and be well.
    2 points
  8. Great idea Cory and I fully agree on keeping it respectful and friendly. Nothing discourages new fish keepers (the future of the hobby) than someone calling them out about a common newbie mistake. Teach, don't preach πŸ˜€
    2 points
  9. After testing my aquariums for quite some time, I thought, β€œthere had to be an easier way” reading the liquid color test results. When using liquid test kits, the colors are sometimes a bit hard to discern. A lot of it is attributed to the ambient lighting in the room. Some homes, mine included, don't have β€œideal” lighting for reading these test tubes accurately. Was always dragging a lamp, flashlight or going to the nearest window to compare the color chart with my test. So, I specifically built this light producing fixture/enhancer for my aquarium testing. Wow, what a difference. The colors are now vivid, in person, and very easy to compare. The biggest benefit is that the light 'shines through' the tubes and really gives a true color representation. Also, for some of the 'timed' tests, I.E. Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, it's interesting to watch the colors change accordingly. Basically, the parts for the unit are simple & inexpensive. Three AA batteries & holder, LED's, resistors, switch, wires, enclosure, etc. If you are into electronics, like I am, most of these spare parts are probably nearby. Am sure there are many ways of constructing the same unit. Most importantly, when dealing with liquids, one should always use low voltage applications for safety. This was my first attempt in building this color enhancer, so maybe the next one might even be better. That's another wonderful part about fish-keeping; experimenting with your own designs. 🧐 LIQUID TEST COLOR ENHANCER UNIT ** DIY ** πŸ₯½ πŸ“Š πŸ“‰ πŸ“ˆ
    2 points
  10. I've been running this Custom Aquariums Seamless Sump for about 2 years on my 110 gallon tank and I love it. I also use their Stealthbox Overflow and Siphon Stopper Emitters. It was my first sump and there is definitely a learning curve. Including drilling the tank for bulkheads. Figuring out how to tune the main valve and getting it to run silent took a little time. Equipment wise, it starts with a large 4in. 200 micron filter sock. Water then flows next over a stack of 5 trays. The first tray has a few layers of Aquarium Co-op fine filter pad. The rest of the trays underneath have ceramic bio balls. Throughout the sump I have many slabs of Marinepure Bio block, wrapped in pantyhose because it gets really crumbly after a while. I use two Ecotech Vectra S1 pumps to return the water, one for each emitter. They are DC pumps so they are silent and controllable. I like running two pumps for redundancy, if one goes down I know the other is powerful enough to run the tank. I use two 300w titanium heaters controlled by a Reefkeeper Lite system. The third chamber is connected with 3/4 bulkhead, I wish I would have used a bigger one in hindsight. It's primarily used to hold more water to combat evaporation. I wanted to use the space so I made a box out of eggcrate. I lined it with 1/8in. clear plastic mesh and zip-tied it all together. Its filled with a few liters of Seachem Matrix bio-media. Because of the small 3/4 bulkhead I use two Mightyjet DC pumps to move water between it and the return chamber. I made a manifold out of schedule 80 pvc fittings and 1/2in. murlok connections. The manifold is driven by another Mightyjet DC pump and feeds three reactors mounted on the outside of the stand. Always running off the manifold is an Aquamedic 1000 CO2 reactor and carbon. I run carbon for water clarity and better light penetration because it is a 30in. deep tank. I experimented with running purigen in a reactor but it wasn't worth the hassle of recharging and maintaining. All the reactors feed back into the sump return chamber. I don't believe I get a LOT of CO2 off gassing. I think making the system run silently leads to less water splashing/turbulence keeping more CO2 in the water. I use a ph monitor to control the GLA regulator so I'm sure that helps conserve CO2, also a 20lb tank lasts a long time. I don't plan on ever deep cleaning the sump. I siphon out some detritus maybe twice a year. I change the sock and filter pads weekly. I'm pro-mulm I think makes for a healthier system long term. That's about everything, looking forward to seeing what setups other people have.
    2 points
  11. Has anyone found the Merck Veterinary Manual online to be helpful? They have an array of information about fish health. Page on Fish Diseases https://www.merckvetmanual.com/all-other-pets/fish/disorders-and-diseases-of-fish?query=Fish Fish parasites https://www.merckvetmanual.com/exotic-and-laboratory-animals/aquarium-fishes/parasitic-diseases-of-fish?query=fish parasite Nutritional diseases https://www.merckvetmanual.com/exotic-and-laboratory-animals/aquarium-fishes/nutritional-diseases-of-fish?query=Fish Viral diseases https://www.merckvetmanual.com/exotic-and-laboratory-animals/aquarium-fishes/viral-diseases-of-fish?query=Fish Fungal diseases https://www.merckvetmanual.com/exotic-and-laboratory-animals/aquarium-fishes/viral-diseases-of-fish?query=Fish Bacterial diseases https://www.merckvetmanual.com/exotic-and-laboratory-animals/aquarium-fishes/bacterial-diseases-of-fish?query=Fish Also much more info on types of diseases typical for different families of fish, fish nutrition, fish anatomy, and fish health management, and the environmental factors that contribute to disease (e.g., tank parameters).
    2 points
  12. Hello everyone. I'm George from southern Indiana. I have been back into fish keeping for a little less than a year. Last August I found a 10 gallon tank at a flea market that had everything I needed besides water and fish. And I'm up to 4 tanks now.
    2 points
  13. Hi all: Thought I'd share yesterday afternoon's quick project. My Easy Green doser is based on a glass Starbucks coffee bottle, a USB nano pump, and a few parts I had lying around the house. Here's what's involved: 1. Starbucks bottle ($3): Glass is necessary for this kind of approach, because it doses the fertilizer based on air pressure. Plastic bottles flex too much! 2. Digital timer ($7): Needs only to be accurate within one minute. 3. Airline adapters ($0.25): for joining multiple lengths or air tubing. 4. Airline adjuster valve ($2): Higher quality is somewhat important here; I recommend the Ziss valve. 5. USB nano air pump ($9) 6. Airline tubing ($1): I used three lengths, about 5 feet total. Total Cost: About $22-$23 After cleaning the bottle and removing the labels, I drilled two 3/16" holes in the metal lid. I glued the two airline adapters into the lid from the bottom using 5-minute epoxy. (Silicone would have been better, but I'm impatient!) Then, I attached a short length of tubing on the inside of one of the adapters, and two longer pieces on the outside. That's pretty much all the DIY work that's involved! As air is pumped into the bottle, the build-up of air pressure forces the Easy Green out. I installed the Ziss valve on the output end of the fertilizer, and cranked it down to almost closed. I tested this with water first. πŸ˜‰ Knowing the following: - 20 drops = 1mL - The digital timer can only run in as little as 1-minute increments - It will continue to drip for a few seconds after the timer turns off ...I set my digital timer to one minute and plugged in the pump. I then turned the valve all the way down so that I was getting one drop about every two seconds. That works out to about 35-40 drops (about 2mL), which is a perfect one-time dose for my 20 gallons of water. Here's the whole rig ready to go: And here it is installed in my sump: There you go! It was less than $25 in parts, and less than an hour's worth of work. Thanks for reading! Bill
    1 point
  14. My betta, Hunter, is the most colorful and strangest betta I have had to date. He got the name Hunter because of the way he hunts the bottom of the tank looking for nibbles. ( danio eggs, baby shrimp I think). He is also a dare devil, he has explored every kook and cranny of the tank, even swam through some hollow cholla wood, ( i was watching him as he did this and was about to tear that wood apart to get him out when he finally swam out of it. An area i have not seen him swim through again.) He has given me 3 panic attacks so far, once with the cholla wood, the next when I found him trapped between the sponge filter and the tank wall (he was trying to swim up the side of it and I think he was stuck that way for 2 hours) and the 3rd was finding him in my passive diffusion co2 bottle. He had gotten himself trapped at the top with the float that use to see the level. No idea how long he had been that way, I was afraid I had lost him. But...he came through again...after about 10 mins, he recovered and was back to his curious self swimming all over the tank. When I have to do work in the tank he swims around my hand then watches what i do. He will eat his pellets from my fingers and follows my fingers over to his feeding spot. I love my neons, love the danios, the snails, the shrimp but my betta makes me smile every time I watch him.
    1 point
  15. I think for me there is currently an element of controlling something in an out of control world. So, I love the cute things they do, I like watching my new kuhli loaches squiggle around, I like watching my red Betta (named Satan) "hunting" his pellets, and begging the rest of the time like the pellet junkie he is. I like learning new things about water parameters and gear. But I really like putting together shapes and colors, in fish, hardscape, and plants, that make a balanced, soothing composition. I am creating a scene. The fact that there are a lot of technical things that also have to balance for the fish to be happy and the scene to work just keeps my overactive brain distracted from obsessing over things outside of my ability to influence. I did the same thing on my shelves and in my living room and kitchen. Once all the closets were tastefully organized, I got fish. Now it is chaos, and I have so many things to fix that I am happy again. I am miserable without a challenging but achievable goal. I don't want this to sound like I don't care about the lives in the tanks--they are pets and I name them, love them, worry if they are sick, and try to do right by them. But the reason for getting them is a little different than for other people, I think. I feel like this makes me both normal (pandemics are stressful) and something of a weirdo. Like who adds stress when there seems to be too much going on?
    1 point
  16. I generally find that running my hand around the filter to scare the shrimp off works. Then just use the fish bag method Cory talks about. Someone may have a better answer but that's what works for me. You could also dip the sponge in a container of tank water after removal if you are worried that shrimlets are still in there. Then proceed to your normal cleaning routine. I hope that helps.
    1 point
  17. Hello, everybody. I'm James, from Knoxville, Tennessee. I grew up in Jacksonville, Florida, and my mom and dad ran a shrimping company and a marine construction company. So, aquatic life has always been a big part of my life. I temporarily left the hobby for a few years, when I had children , but I got back into it about a year ago. It started with my piranha tank, as I've always been drawn to them, but then the bristlenose pleco caught my eye. One tank turned into two tanks, two into three, all the way up to 53 tanks, which is where I am at today. I now keep everything from the piranha and plecos, to guppies and tetras, to cichlids , and lots of fish in between. There is beauty in every fish if you take the time to learn about them. Studying aquatic wildlife and plant life is one of my favorite pastimes and truly brings me joy. I collect a variety of species not only to enjoy them, but to also help breed them. I especially love the more rare species for this reason. I like to try to do my part in ensuring the longevity of these amazing and endangered species, so that they may live on for many generations to come. There are so many beautiful, fascinating creatures that you can keep, there is something for everyone. I like to think I'm doing my part in protecting them and also displaying them for the world to see. When you have enough passion about something, you can make it enjoyable for anyone, and my fish are my passion. I like to joke that I never need to watch the TV. If I'm bored, all I have to do is look at a different tank. That is another reason I like having so many different species, because just seeing the similarities and differences in each one is fascinating to me, even just fish to fish in the same species. I love being able to tinker around with the tanks until I get everything just right for the inhabitants. I hope to pass on some of my knowledge to others as well, so that everyone can have the opportunity to thoroughly appreciate and enjoy the wonderful underwater world in the comfort of their own home. As I said earlier, I grew up with the ocean as an integral part of my life, and I only hope to spread that sense of wonder with the world to the best of my ability.
    1 point
  18. They are schooling with the rummy-noses on and off. They blend right in! πŸ™‚
    1 point
  19. It became apparent today that i needed some sort’ve drip irrigation in this heat. About an hour or two after soaking the planters they felt bone dry. So i rigged something off of the same water pump i had running using some air line tubing, And vacuum connectors. So far it seems to be working surprisingly well.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. Thanks for the info on Android πŸ‘
    1 point
  22. I agree with @StephenP2003, I love wild type behavior but especially parental behavior. It’s part of the reason I gravitate to cichlids.
    1 point
  23. The expanded clay media i ordered finally arrived so i was able to plant the peppers and lettuce. I may be adding a drip system to the planters, im gonna see how this works out first. Submerged i have jungle val, some Moneywort and a dwarf aquarium lily from aquarium coop. So far the jungle val is t doing too hot, im hoping it makes it.
    1 point
  24. Here is a user guide provided by Apple: https://support.apple.com/guide/shortcuts/welcome/ios I can try and do some more digging if you're looking for something else such as a video
    1 point
  25. There's a thread in the Photo & Journals section that might be helpful. It's regarding a Blue Gularis breeding project. Home > General > Photos, Videos & Journals > Randy's Fish Room
    1 point
  26. Oh I like this very much! Might be an awesome time to use some 3d printed holders for the tubes that wrap around the edge, instead of bottom, to keep the light going up.
    1 point
  27. I bought 4 more used tanks (2 10 gal, 2 20) for my wall of guppies. Almost got a coworker talked into taking the 20 gallon I don't want (Aqueon Ascent, doesn't fit the aesthetics of the other tanks) so that her kids could have some baby guppies πŸ˜‰ Spreading the addiction!
    1 point
  28. Here is the old aquarium: I think the slate on the bottom is almost an inch thick! Late this afternoon I delivered the tank to the Imagination Station Science Center in Wilson NC. They have a restoration person on staff that specialized in restoring old windows and glass.
    1 point
  29. I would like to see a test strip to accurately diagnose the top 5, most common, aquarium fish diseases.
    1 point
  30. Sorry about thinking ths in a negative way, but is this ethical? Would you do the same with any other aspect of life in 1930? Medicine? Health care? Child care? Am I correct in assuming that aquariums in 1930 were a worse place for fish/plants than they are today?
    1 point
  31. Rescaped the 6 gallon in my kitchen! Maybe it will look good with orange neo shrimp... I’ll let the plants grow in while I think about it πŸ™‚
    1 point
  32. Mine really started breeding when I put a bunch of flat and rounded river rocks in the tank with them.
    1 point
  33. Started our plant collection for our "Tropical" patio. Sun screens arrived yesterday and are going up this afternoon/evening.
    1 point
  34. My grandfather has a 30-gallon tank in his home office that's been set up for about 3 years. He has only ever kept neon tetras in it. Started with a dozen ot two, but within the last few months, all but one had died. On top of having just a single, solitary fish in a 30 gallon aquarium, there was also just 2 pieces of decoration, and AND, for the last eleven months, it has not even had a light!!! It had :: -2 decorarions -1neon tetra -a filter -heater And so just literally NOTHING going on. So on Tuesday when I was over, and sitting there lookin at this pitiful, but could-be-amazing tank..my mind just started SPINNING with ideas!!! And when he said he wouldn't be home the next day??? The idea gate swung wiiiide open!!! CUT TO NEXT DAY / "Day 1 of Revamping Gdads Tank" - First I tested his water - and it. Was. Almost. PERFECT! 😱 (8.2, 0, 0, 40) With all the ideas in my head, I had basically ended up bringing like everything you'd need to have for a tank...and then some! Haha I had a light bar I was no longer using (though it's a few inches longer than his tank, but IMO it's MUCH better than having no light at all!) So I brought that... Then, since at the beginning of the year I fully converted and planted my tank, I had like 4 big bins of "spare decore". So I picked my fave ones and packed them up to take. Took a few of my own live plants over with me too (just some small - medium sized water wisteria). Then, at the insistence of my all 3 of my kids, I also took and added 3 juvenile platys and an endler (more fishies to come/be added in the coming weeks). Here's the killer part that I discovered while decorating this tank. In the three years that he has had this tank up and running with fish, not once have you ever clean vacuumed the substrate! It was terrible! So that made my decision two yet again come back again the next day. On to the next day / "Day 2 of Ravamping G-Dads Tank" ... I - -gravel vac'd -took the filter and just swished it in some tank water ~ I will worry about CLEAN cleaning it later on -added a few more decorations -added a few more live plants -and added a second filter with cycled media from my own tank. SO HERE IT IS --- pics of the progression of the revamp! First pic - this is what I had started with - minus any light - started with a tank that originally had no light on it, only 2 decorations, and a single, solitary neon tetra (only one remaining out of original 2 or so dozen). So on day one - a light bar, a few pieces of decor, 2 or 3 small live plants, and 4 of my own fish. Second pic - after the first day of me foolin' with it Third pic - the second day and the end result! Fourth pic - the BEFORE before, and after / end result! I'm going to go back over on Monday, and am going to test the water. I think as long as it stays good when testing, which there's no reason it shouldn't I wouldn't think, then over the next 2 weeks, slowly start adding more neon tetras - so the lil lonesome fella that's in there has some buddies! What do ya think!?
    1 point
  35. Its probably not water parameters, or something in your big tank nor likely a specific 'disease'. It's just the stress on the neons of being moved from the distributor to the wholesaler to the retailer to you. And it is the difference between the two retailers. The PetSmart neon's were likely moved through the supply chain rapidly and without a lot of TLC. The Aqua Huna neons were likely well acclimated and stabilized long before they were ever shipped to you. If there were loses in the process, Aqua Huna took those loses, and what you received are the rock solid survivor neons that will live for years. Isn't it ironic that fish you buy at your local fish store and that only experience a brief ride home can be so much more fragile than fish purchased online and shipped to you? I can't sing Aqua Huna's praises enough. Even though they are West Coast and I am East Coast, everything I have ever received from them has arrived in excellent health. Usually within minutes of being released from the shipping bag the fish are already eating and look bright and healthy. It's not you, it the difference in how the fish were handled before you got them.
    1 point
  36. I was finishing up my water changes, when my wife yelled 'Swarm!'. My favorite hobby is fish, but my profession is beekeeper and duty had just called. The bees were 35 ft up a beech tree and somewhat inaccessible. But with the help of a 25 ft ladder and empty 5 gal. fish bucket on a fiberglass pole, I was able to get the mass of the swarm, including the queen down to the ground. Once the queen walked in to the hive, the rest of the bees began to follow. And it is not even lunch yet!
    1 point
  37. If your Latin is better than your English, you might be a fish nerd.
    1 point
  38. I love to take photos of my fish, here are some of the best one's I've taken, I hope you like them! She was the queen of my tank, had a lot of personality! Guppy enjoying a sera snack About 2-3 month old old mystery snail A cory and a baby mystery snail Lovely glowlight tetra Angelfish deciding if duckweed is food or not lol A shy rasbora The absolute king of the fish room, he's growing fast!
    1 point
  39. Hi there: My tanks are scattered throughout my house and office, and I thought it would be fun to share them one at a time. Each has some sort of quirk that makes it special to me or my family. Hope you enjoy! Coming from the computer world, I have named each of my 12 tanks, to make it easier to refer to them in conversation. "Atlantis" is easier to say than "the-top-middle-20-Long-in-the-office-with the-multies" Welcome to PANDORA This tank is a 3-gallon Top Fin Bettaflo "Soothe" picked up from PetSmart. It belongs to my wife Teri, who wanted to take things in as weird a direction as possible. https://www.petsmart.com/fish/starter-kits/top-fin-bettafloandtrade-sootheandtrade-betta-aquarium---3.5-gallon-40722.html The Bettaflo Soothe has a large center column mounted to an undergravel filter plate. A small water pump at the bottom of the column pumps the water upward and over the rim of the column to waterfall into the tank. MODIFICATIONS We made the following modifications: 1. Painted the back half black: I masked off the back half of the glass with masking tape, and brush-painted it with black acrylic paint. 2. Painted the center column black: I took out the center column and spray painted it with Plasti-Dip. This gave it a nice, even, rubbery coating that is inert when cured. 3. Added a mini LED light: The light that comes with this tank is fairly weak, and even though Teri didn't want live plants, she wanted some more creativity with the light. For $12 we added this off-brand multicolor LED light that suction cupped nicely to the inside of the lid: 4. Added a heater: We dropped in a cheap 5w self-setting heater, also from Top Fin, I believe. It tucks nicely away in the center column. DECOR For decor, Teri did the following: 1. Mixed pink & blue gravel (yuck!) πŸ˜‰ 2. Added a silicone "alien flower" (which I sliced into two pieces with a bandsaw to spread it out) 3. Added some rocks for the back. STOCKING For stocking, Teri has the following: 1. The most gorgeous galaxy koi plakat betta I have ever seen. 2. A cobra endlers guppy 3. A blue swordtail endlers guppy RECENTLY Recently, Teri let me replace one of the fake flowers with an Anubias nanji from Aquarium Co-Op to the tank, and aside from helping with water quality, it actually does look pretty nice in there! Also, the betta has started changing color: more black is starting to show. I read this is a sign of a happy fish! MAINTENANCE Maintenance involves a weekly 50% water change with a quick gravel vac. After the initial round of brown diatoms went away, we have had no algae trouble in the . Teri feeds a variety, consisting of betta pellets and freeze dried daphnia, and I drop in some frozen bloodworms and spirulina brine a couple times a week. So, while I personally wouldn't have jumped to make something this colorful and weird, it served to inspire me to think outside the box as much as possible when applying decor! Hope you enjoyed. More tanks coming soon! Thanks for reading, Bill
    1 point
  40. These scissors have been awesome for 3 three years. No rust or dulling of the blade. I like the long cutting blade because it speeds up the trimming and large bush of stems plants. Great for cutting carpeting plants evenly too. The full size scissor handle is much easier to use than the aqua scraping scissors with only two small finger holes. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002IJ56SW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_s.0eFbF9GAN07
    1 point
  41. Upliftingjoe here and greetings from California so glad that yall created a forum like this. Happy its here πŸ™‚ This is my breeder tank. All plants from aquarium co-op with Cory directly responsible for the plant choices lol.
    1 point
  42. Hello! I’m Ryo Watanabe from Japan. I’m really excited to be a part of this forum. Looking forward to learn and share more about this wonderful hobby here!
    1 point
  43. Good morning from Myrtle Beach! Hi everyone, I’m Jackie and I’m only about 3 years into the hobby. It started with a castoff 29gallon tank that my adult son brought over as he upgraded himself to a 55 gallon. I have in a short time developed multi tank syndrome and we now have 6 in the house. All freshwater, as I’m too afraid of venturing into saltwater yet. There is a 29 gallon planted community, 2 guppy tanks, a betta tank a Shrimp tank, and our newest the 75 g African cichlids. I look forward to visiting this forum and meeting others who share my passion as only someone who is immersed as well can understand my enjoyment. Thanks!
    1 point
  44. If you keep fish on the CARES species list, you can register them through the CARES website. You can add notes for how you breed and keep them to help other hobbyists along the way. Once you start breeding them, distribute them, so other people can keep and breed them. It's more or less a preservation through hobbyist program. You don't have to register them, but it helps. You can find an updated list of species on caresforfish.org
    1 point
  45. Hi everyone I’m Brandon from Sacramento CA here are just a few of my aquarium friends.
    1 point
  46. Greetings everyone! My names Will and I look forward to getting to know some of you. Also heres a new nano scape im working on! Don't worry I won't be putting fish in it just some rcs!
    1 point
  47. Hello everyone. Jon from Long Island New York here. I recently got back into the hobby after a 6 years away. I thank Cory and his you tube for that. I've been hooked on the coop's you tube for the past 4 months. Exited to be a part of this community. I'd also like to share that this morning my Gold ram babys are free swimming. πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
    1 point
  48. Super Great idea of this forum... Pamela Fredieu here under my "other" title... Stillaniris... Love Aquarium Co-op... if they get any quicker in delivery they will be doing the ordering for me... I still wear my Angel Fish t-shirt I won on our other chat... Newbie here with 6, soon to be 9 tanks... Have a couple varieties of Angels, guppies, Rhads and Rainbows... A member of the Sacramento Aquarius Society... Been following Aquarium Co-op since March 2020. I have met some wonderful people here... Love Candi Overhuls (you rock girl!!!) ***photo of my 60g at start up with a couple of marble angels... Finn and Topper...
    1 point
  49. Hello everyone! Greetings from Miami, FL! Looking forward to actively participating on this forum and learning as much as possible. Here are a few of my babies!
    1 point
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