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Ben Ochart

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  1. I recently used time lapse to show how the fish were cleaning an "algae scrubber" (mechanical way of growing and harvesting algae to harness it's nitrate reducing and oxygen adding properties. The algae can then be eaten as a treat...whew!). It turned out okay. I've also used a lot of slo-mo, like during a feeding video.
  2. Daniel, Will you be getting any tank mates for those discus, like Rams? I had a similar experience with a twist. I went from Discus to African Cichlids. Wife loved the discus. She thinks the ACs are too ornery.
  3. Agree. I think we have several factors at work here. First, some want a "taste" before commiting to a big set up. I get it. Others might have the space / budget limitation (or just love the look of a small water world). In a recent live stream I got into this exact subject. Big systems are far more forgiving. Stick a hand that was recently treated with a powerful antibiotic soap into a 150 gallon and it barely registers. The PPMs dilute to nearly nothing. Do the same thing in that 5 gal nano and it's game over, and if it's the person's first tank, it might be the end of their fish keeping. Bigger is better.
  4. This forum is a great idea and I hope to make a lot of new fellow-fish-lover friends here. Some of you already know me from several social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and YT. Currently I'm addicted to African Cichlids. That might change after a relocation at the end of this year. I believe I share Cory's passion for creating a place where fish keepers at all levels can exchange ideas and learn from each other, without the anxiety of possibly being made to feel stupid. Having places like this will ensure that our beloved hobby continues to attract new people who then can learn and grow. Thanks for letting me in. Here are a few pictures. Take care and be well.
  5. Mudskipper King! Those ACs are getting massive and quite colorful!
  6. Great idea Cory and I fully agree on keeping it respectful and friendly. Nothing discourages new fish keepers (the future of the hobby) than someone calling them out about a common newbie mistake. Teach, don't preach 😀
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