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Your Favorite Aquarium Plant


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Choosing just ONE is so hard! I’m going to go with the all encompassing Bucephalandra, since I can’t choose a specific type. There hasn’t been one I’ve seen that I haven’t wanted. They are low light loving, low maintenance, and look unique and beautiful. I can’t ask for much more. If you ask again next week, you might get a different answer though. Lol.

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I am a fan of various Aponogeton species - these make great feature plants in the background.  I have a tall 60gal tank and the Aponogetons will produce leaves that reach to the top of the tank (~18 inches).  Ones I have currently: crispus, madagascariensis and boivinianus.



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I'm also a fan of hornwort. I like to weigh it down so it grows upwards in a big bush; it's so pretty and fluffy. I love how it can fill up big empty spaces, and the fish love hiding in it. Not to mention what a work horse it is in the terms of sucking up nitrates.

After that I'd say any sort of anubias. I love how they look. Coffeefolia might be my fav so far.

Edited by H.K.Luterman
2 E's in Coffeefolia!
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Crinum Calimistratum. Ever since I first found Cory in Dec 2019 and saw that massive Crinum in his 800g, I fell in love. I got one as soon as I could! I had all kinds of struggles with it.
I first put it in my 55g with pool filter sand, made sure it had plenty of root tabs. It started dying back!
I assumed the issue was not enough light since 55gs are quite tall and I read somewhere that Finnex Stingrays are considered "low-light" lights for tall tanks. I put it in a 10g with play sand and again, PLENTY of root tabs. It strangely started growing despite continuing to look terrible but it did develop a nasty case of staghorn algae
I fought that staghorn algae for months, trying all kinds of things. I'd manage to kill it only for it to come right back within a week. Finally, I took it out of the 10g and put it in my 20g with pea gravel. I didn't give it root tabs and honestly, I expected it to die. Well, my 4 swordtail females picked that entire plant CLEAN! and since then, it's been growing incredibly fast.
I now have it in a 55g with that same pea gravel and it continues to thrive. I haven't fed it a root tab in nearly 6 months now

What an weird, confusing journey with this plant but I think I did figure out my many mistakes.
1. Root feeders don't like sand
2. Too many root tabs contributed to algae
3. Trust in your Swordtails

Despite my troubles, I still absolutely adore this plant


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I’m in the same boat with a few of y’all as far as favorite plants go. I too became enamored with the Crinum thanks to Cory and the 800 gallon; so I have one myself now (second attempt, I moved the first one around too much) and it’s been going strong. Rn it’s covered in black short hair like algae (black beard? I’m unsure) so I’m working on that, but I’ve got it in one of the coop easy planters and couldn’t be more thrilled with how it looks in my scape.

now my second favorite would have to be bucephalandra because there’s endless varieties and it’s got cool colors and leaf shapes and care is similar to that of Anubias

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I actually have a top three for various reasons.  They are Anacharis, Anubia Nanna Petite, and Hornwort. That list will change depending on  how well the newer plants progress.

If I had to pick one, my choice would also be Hornwort.  The even light green color and fast growth helped to create a free cloud island that would tumble slowly in the output from the HOB.  The light diffusion makes for a more natural look in the rest of the tank

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